Are Metabolites Invading Your Body?

In a healthy and strong body, the respiratory or circulatory system can trap these microscopic spores and the immune system can then effectively deal with them, and likewise, a health and strong digestive system will be minimally affected by candida. Digestive acids and enzymes along with healthy levels of beneficial bacteria ensure that candida metabolites are effectively dealt with.

But in a weak and immune compromised body, the candida spores can invade your immune system situated in the lungs and small intestine, where the yeast can readily change to its mycelial form, the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike filaments, which literally burrows into the lung or intestinal lining where this infestation irritates and effects the lining so much so that it eventually loses its ability to act as an effective barrier, allowing the candida metabolites to pass directly into the bloodstream. Once inside, these toxic metabolites are ready to circulate and create havoc throughout both the body and brain wherever your blood travels.

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Now you can understand why a yeast infection can become a systemic problem and affect literally the entire person, from their emotional and psychological well-being creating a cotton wool feeling, feeling drunk or spaced-out, depression and anxiety, right down to their toenails, creating athlete’s foot.

Poor diets, especially those high in the simple carbohydrates and immune-challenging foods and poor environments, moldy environments, can compromise your immune system because they can significantly boost the production of these immune-challenging toxic candida metabolites. This kind of diet and lifestyle also provides inadequate supply of minerals and vitamins so desperately required by your body to maintain and repair, sustain and nourish the entire system, thereby encouraging flare-ups or multiplication of the candida related problems.

After learning about the immune system’s critical involvement, you should now be able to have a better understanding as to why it is critical for you to follow the Low-Allergy Diet stage as part of your yeast infection recovery, and to make not only digestive rejuvenation a focus of your program, but immune rejuvenation as well.

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