Bladder Infections: Do Canxida Supplements Help?

Treatment for your bladder infection should be customized based on your age and gender. However, there are general recommendations that hold for anyone with urogenital infections.

1. Look at your diet: Are you consuming alcohol or bladder irritants such as coffee, citrus, or chocolate? Are you drinking enough water? You should be drinking at least six to eight glasses of water per day.

Are you dehydrated? Sweating a lot without enough replacement of the water loss can leave you dehydrated. If your urine smells strong, it may be because you are dehydrated.

Get your diet sorted out. If you have bladder problems, I suggest lean proteins, legumes, and maybe a few almonds per day.

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The low allergy phase of the Candida Crusher diet discussed in my book is the most appropriate for bladder infections. This diet means eating lean proteins such as fish and chicken, lots of green leafy vegetables, and plenty of water. Do not have any soda or citrus drinks. As you start feeling better, you can also add some good, sour, high-quality Greek Yogurt to your diet.

Don’t eat any junk food when you are trying to recover from a bladder infection.

2. Supplements and health foods: Cranberry juice works well for bladder infections. Look at the kidney and bladder herbal formulas available at your local health food store. These products go through your urinary tract and help stop infections. Talk to a knowledgeable staff member at the health food store about teas that can help with kidney and bladder function. I consider herbal teas to excellent additions to your daily routine. I suggest that you have two to three cups of tea per day.

Vitamin C is also helpful. Black currants are an excellent source of vitamin C, having more than five times the concentration of the vitamin than oranges.

D-mannose is a supplement that can be useful if the bacteria E. coli is causing your bladder infection. D-mannose is a type of sugar that can help pull E. coli out of the body.

3. Lifestyle: Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep to ensure your adrenal glands are working correctly. Without enough rest, you’re not going to recover.

4. CanXida products: If you have recurrent bladder infections, get a swab done to identify the microorganism causing the problem. If you discover that yeast is part of the problem, consider taking CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore. These products can help treat infections that occur throughout the body, not just in the gastrointestinal tract.
