Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight

Apple cider vinegar. Is it any good? It’s really good. It’s fantastic. As you can see all my books on the back wall there, I’ve got several books speaking of the virtues of apple cider vinegar. Some of the books go back to the 1940s, some from the sixties. Very, very popular. I’m just trying to think of the guy’s name now. There’s a couple of health gurus in America who really brought apple cider vinegar up to the foreground. One of them was Donald Bragg. The incredible Donald Bragg. If you haven’t seen Bragg’s video on YouTube, I cannot recommend it highly enough. B-R-A-G-G. I’d love for you to watch Donald Bragg’s video. Bragg. Watch it. I love it. It must’ve been shot in the fifties or sixties, and how he talks about, “You’ve got the most amazing possession. You’ve got this incredible body.” You’ve just got to watch the video. I’m going to try and emulate that guy when they copy his video, and I’ll make a copy of it. Because I just find it incredible.

What I love about Bragg is his ability to really drive into people the reasoning why natural health is so good. I mean, this guy was basically a Bible thumper, but a natural health Bible thumper. We don’t get guys like that anymore. But he was fantastic. He did crazy things. Lived a long, long life, like a lot of gurus did. And of course lived in an age without computers, in a completely different era than we know of today. Bragg was a huge fan of apple cider vinegar and was one of the big promoters of it. I think Bragg opened up America’s first health food shop, I think, from memory, from what I read.

But yes, apple cider vinegar. So there are many cider vinegars you can get. Get the one with what they call the mother, okay, or the essential element in it. So it will have quite a strong culture already in there. You may even see a mushroom floating in some of these kind of things. So good quality organic ones. When I was at Erewhon, the health food shop in Los Angeles, a while ago, they got some really nice apple cider vinegars there. You can also get honeygar. So apple cider vinegar mixed with honey, which is my favorite. Because I can tell you guys out there, you ain’t going to be liking apple cider vinegar for too long. You won’t be drinking it every single day. Unless you’re like Bragg. I mean, that guy could drink horse’s urine every day. He wouldn’t care. As long as he got healthy, he would drink plutonium if it was healthy for him.

Some people, have you noticed, into good health, don’t care what things taste like. They would drink or eat anything as long as it was healthy. Well, I’m not one of those. It’s got to sort of taste okay. But the honeygar, it’s one dessert spoon per day, half a glass of water, before meals. Try that for about a fortnight. Once you’re done that for a few weeks, you can step it up to like a larger spoon and even three or four times per day.

Further readings:

You’ll find very interesting things happen when you take cider vinegar for a period of time of three to four months. It won’t do squat for you in a week. But when you’ve had that in your system for about 12 weeks, man, watch what happens to your gut. If you get a bit bloaty or gassy, it means you’re overstepping. Back off. So probably reduce it to a few teaspoons. Remember, everyone watching this video will have to step into ACV, apple cider vinegar, at a different dosage rate. Some people like me can generally start higher because of my diet anyway. I eat lots of sauerkraut, and yogurts, and fermented and cultured food. If you guys don’t do that, start slowly. This is a good introduction for you also into these kind of ferments.

So cider vinegar is a great starting point if you’re not used to sauerkraut, if you’re not used to kombucha, if you’re not used to kimchi, if you’re not used to these sort of foods. Start with a teaspoon a day, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly. Before you know it, you’ll be on a higher dosage per day. Your appetite will improve. The ability for you to burn fat will improve. It’s definitely got something there.

You can look at the research behind it, but I have seen the experiences I’ve gained in the clinic, and I’m talking to people about cider vinegar, and then getting their feedback. And I can tell you this with certainty, when you take it on board regularly, it has definitely excellent effects. Your energy will improve. Your sleep will improve. Your weight will improve.

But will you drop to a size 12 from a size 24 overnight? Not really. I did a video on lemon juice and weight loss, but this is a better beast. Because this is a ferment. This is different. This is going to have an effect on the gut, totally different from lemon juice or other things. But what I love about it is it cleanses the body. It’s got a cleansing action. So there’s a slow way to clean up the whole GI tract, including the liver, small bowel and large bowel, over a period of about 12 to 16 weeks.

But remember, get a good quality product. Once you start on this road, you’ll find you’ll make other changes to your health. And it’s the culmination of all those changes, with the ACV, that give you the weight loss you’re looking for. I guarantee it.