Pharmaceutical medications. Can they make you fat? Can they make you gain weight? This is a question I’ve been asked. Just check that microphone’s on, yep. Many times by people. Drugs are designed for one purpose and that’s basically to quell a symptom. Like I used to get a symptom and then reduce the severity or intensity to the symptom. That’s all they’re designed for. In fact, what they do, they do well. But the problem is it’s not just the side effects they create. It’s the toxicity. They toxify the body. And we’re told to stay on these drugs for weeks, months, sometimes years on end. So it’s slowly, slowly poisoning the body. And what we’re also doing is we’re sabotaging the systems inside the body, especially the liver and the kidneys. They get nailed with these pharmaceutical drugs.
These main organs that clean the bloodstream, that keep our systems functioning well, that supply all our cells their nutrition, take waste away, they get hammered by drugs. And of course that starts to affect the body in many different ways. Your metabolism starts changing. Many people gain weight on pharmaceutical medications. Many people experience fatigue. They experience insomnia. They’re experiencing multiple symptoms. So of course, they go back to the doctor and what do they get told? Oh, you need this drug and you need that drug. And you need this drug. After a while you’re on 10 drugs. So what do you do? Well, probably the baby boomers, my generation, are the last ones to really, I believe, fall for this pharmaceutical merry-go-round. Younger people now are starting to think a bit differently. Many people are questioning whether these medications are really necessary.
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Even a guy my age, a 60 year old guy my age, is generally on one or two drugs at this age already. And by the time he is 70 he’s on six to eight drugs. Is it any wonder that people get fat, they get sick, they get tired? The thing is not to start on these medications in the first place. And if you’re told you have to take this medication, get another opinion from some other doctor, go somewhere else. Start to think to yourself, what am I doing that’s contributing towards this health problem? Am I smoking? Am I eating crap food? Have I got crap relationships with people? What am I doing that’s making me the way I am, that requires these medications. Intelligent approach. Especially if you want to live to see your grandkids, it’s an intelligent approach. Especially if you want to live 70s and 80s and God willing in your 90s, in great health, seeing your family.
But you have to respect the laws of nature and medical science and nature don’t really seem to mix too well, do they? As I mentioned, when we’ve got a guy at the helm telling people he’s taken antibiotics in a viral pandemic, how many people are looking up to this person thinking that this is the right decision? It’s the wrong decision. We don’t need antibiotics. We don’t need hydroxychloroquine. We just need to keep our immune systems in great shape and eat good food and understand the power of nature. These bodies that we got are designed to live a long time. And if we care for them, they’ll live a long time. But when you start putting chemical concoctions in every day, several times, and you wonder why you’re gaining weight, don’t wonder. Wonder why you started on those medications in the first place.