Can Leaky Gut Cause Weight Gain?

Can leaky gut syndrome cause a person to gain weight? Absolutely. Leaky gut syndrome can cause people to lose weight or to gain weight, because what it does is it creates a metabolic dysfunction. So you get so many different parameters of your health which need to stay stable for your metabolism to work optimally. So many of these parameters are going to be messed up. Nutritional deficiencies, you’ve got the introduction of what we call lipopolysaccharides or fragments of bacteria into the gut, challenging the immune system. Often we get with leaky gut, we’re going to get some type of fatigue pattern that sits in with many people. Because often they lack sufficient nutrition and they’ve got an immune system that’s hyper challenged. So when inflammatory conditions set into the body, one of the big spinoffs, unfortunately, is fatigue. So a person gets tired. Tired people become fat people, become big people because they don’t want to do a lot. They want to eat more, they want to do less. So weight gain can definitely be associated with leaky gut syndrome.

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I’ve seen this on many cases, so it definitely pays to take something to clean that gut up, to get rid of the candida overgrowth, to get rid of those excess bacterial proteins by getting the gut in a clean and tidier shape. Diet, of course, is paramount. Eating the right kind of foods and then assessing the gut. Going to a doctor who can assess your gut for you and then put you on the corrective path so finally, you can get a microbiome that’s a lot tidier. That’s a lot more balanced. And with a gut that’s really balanced and working well, it will mean that the leaky gut will disappear. It will, basically, just turn into thin air.

This happens for many people who finally start to go on a corrective path, in terms of diet and lifestyle. And, of course, as that increases and the gut then becomes more normal, we don’t get the leakiness anymore. We start noticing our metabolism is going to work a lot better, meaning better sleep, better libido, better appetite regulation, better energy patterns, better blood sugar control. All these things will start working better and better for you, when the gut is repaired and in better shape. So to answer the question, can you get big? Yes, you can put on weight. You can put on a tremendous amount of weight with a leaky gut. I’ve seen this many times.