How Do I Stay Motivated On The Candida Cleanse Diet

How do you stay motivated on the candida cleanse diet? How do you stop from falling off the rails? Are you bored on it? Are you sick of it? Are you sick of eating certain types of foods? Well, this is what I want you to think of when you’re on a cleanse. I want you to think of what kind of crappy life that you’ve had up to that point. Could have been for six months. Could have been for six years. I want you to think of the last time it was when you were truly well, when you felt really, really good. Okay. This is the important motivating factor or the PMF, the primary motivating factor, the PMF I call it is the wellbeing, sense of wellbeing, that you will get when you’ve gone through the cleanse and you’ve come out the other side.

So think about the quality of the life. Think about the things that you could be doing, the enjoyment you could be having with your partner or your friends, or think of all the remaining years you’ve got left to live symptom-free within gut that’s not really causing you a lot of problems. No constipation, no diarrhea, no headaches, no fatigue, no sleeping problems. All of those things are totally probable if you go through the cleanse properly, and you work with it and stay on track. So your PMF, your primary motivating factor, should be thinking, “What am I going to get ahead?”

Try and remember this term: delay gratification. Okay, so you’ve got this nice big, like a bottle of Coca-Cola in front of you and a big pizza, and maybe you’ve got three Dunkin’ donuts sitting there waiting to eat. But you think that’s the right kind of stuff to eat when you’re going through a cleanse because you’ve had enough? Not really, and you’re going to feel pretty peeved off that you jumped into those donuts. This is how you set yourself back. So delay gratification means you’ll delay these sort of things until well down the trek until your gut can handle these things.

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But I can tell you guys now, the longer you avoid eating crap, the less likely you are to buy back into crap when you get well. That’s my experience with lots of people. I can’t tell you how many thousands of people I work with that had shitty diets, crappy diets, poor diets, but then when they discovered the power of eating good food, the power of getting to bed on time, the power of switching off that stupid cell phone all the time, signaling notifications off, actually getting their own life back again. When they realize that and their health picked up, they never wanted to go back to how they were.

Okay, so think about last time you were truly well and think how crappy perhaps your life is now. You can always get back to that truly well state, and even if you can’t fully recover, you can always gain some health, depending on you, how much gain you want. But there’s always some room there for improvement, and life is fantastic when your health is in great shape. It really is. It makes a big difference.

So that’s what I really want to point out when I come across. You won’t have a better life than your health in top shape. I don’t care how much money you’ve got in your bank account, whether you’ve got 100 bucks or 50 million bucks. I’ve seen the poorest patients up to billionaire patient. Makes no difference. It’s all about health, okay? There are a lot of people out there with millions that would give anything they could to get their health back again. It’s too late for them, so don’t make it too late for yourself.