The keto diet is an excellent diet for people. It’s a bit like the MEVY diet – meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt.
The keto diet means eliminating sugar and the junk carbohydrates that many people eat like bread and crackers. The type of carbs that trigger a quick blood sugar spike is, in my opinion, a bad choice when it comes to Candida.
One of the reasons the keto diet is excellent is that it forces the body to use fat and ketones for energy rather than glucose or the carbohydrate pathway.
This can be a difficult transition to make, but it does seem to help with Candida problems. There are many dietary approaches when it comes to Candida, but the keto approach is particularly good.
I also like intermittent fasting because it trains people to eat differently. There is a lot of psychology involved in eating, and when you fast, you learn to push food away and not always ruminate about eating.
I’m not a fan of all-out fasting. I don’t see a role for fasting for most of my clients. However, skipping a meal or eating smaller portion sizes, in general, can be fine.
Mindful eating is also very important. Don’t less stress and boredom get in the way of making healthy diet choices. Especially stress and boredom come into it and tend to precipitate poor diet choices.
To my mind, heaving a healthy lifestyle is a necessary prerequisite to getting your gut health up to speed.
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I consider high meat consumption to be too hard on the gut and kidneys. Red meat, in particular, creates too much waste in the body. I support eating very good quality, ocean-caught fish and high-grade, free-range chicken. I think eating lots of lamb, pork, beef, and bison is over the top. It’s an overload for the body.
Lighter animal proteins and legumes such as nuts and seeds are great options. Even though I support the keto diet, I also not anti-grain. I don’t think people should avoid all grains in their diet. I recommend a balanced approach.
And, as good as keto is, it won’t entirely eliminate Candida. However, it will help clean up the gut, burn fat, improve cognition, and better your overall health.So, here’s what you do if you’re thinking about going on a keto diet.
Do a comprehensive, three sample stool test. After three months of the keto diet, do a single sample stool test. Compare the results of the before and after tests to get a good idea of where your gut health is headed.The signs and symptoms of how you feel will also give you a pretty good indication to what level the microbiology is changing in the gut.
So, I’m all for keto. Intermittent fasting is excellent for some people, but many people find it quite tricky. The bottom line is a yes for the keto diet and a question mark for intermittent fasting.