Comparing the Keto and Candida Crusher diets

Which one is better, the ketogenic or the Candida Crusher diet?

Well, in my mind, one isn’t better than the other – they’re just different. It’s up to you to decide which one is right for you. Keto diets have one aim in mind, and that’s to lose weight. Years ago, ketogenic diets were used for medical reasons such as to help manage epilepsy.

The Candida Crusher diet that I created was designed to clean the diet up, particularly the MEVY (meats, egg, vegetables, yogurt) aspect. I like the comment by Dr. Eric Berg, who said healthy people lose weight, losing weight doesn’t make people healthy. I agree because when you have a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, you’re not going to gain weight.

What I think the ketogenic diet lacks is that it doesn’t address stress or lifestyle. It also remains to be seen what the long-term effects are of sticking to a keto eating plan. I also don’t like people thinking that they need to eat a certain way to lose or manage their weight. I prefer that people eat the foods they enjoy within reason.

Further readings:

I always had my clients look at how their gut what impacted by their diet. I also emphasized the importance of lifestyle to gut health. I’ve known many people who eat keto that still don’t lose weight or gain all the weight back again because of the stress in their life.

The Candida Crusher diet cleans up the gut. The first two weeks is about going “warm turkey.” The focus is on eliminating things from the diet that are barriers to gut health. I also encourage people to eat cultured and fermented foods and anti-microbial foods that can help reduce Candida. Eating things that help bust up the biofilms of dysbiotic flora is encouraged, as is the fiber which increases the production of beneficial lactobacillus.

The Candida Crusher diet also differs from the ketogenic one because it removes any potential allergens from the meal plan. This step allows the person to heal from leaky gut a lot faster. The focus of the Candida diet is not weight loss. It’s about beneficial microbes, improving levels of digestive enzymes, and improving digestion, absorption, and excretion of food.

The Candida Crusher diet doesn’t just result in weight loss. It brings back balance to the gut resulting in lower levels of anxiety, a decrease in brain fog, and increased overall well-being. People on the ketogenic diet avoid corn, wheat, rice, tubers, and cereals. They’re also advised to avoid all sugar and to have only blueberries and raspberries as fruit.

I agree with the ketogenic diets’ advice to avoid artificial sweeteners. And reducing sugar intake overall is reasonable. But I don’t agree with limiting tubers, fruit, and grains.Fruit can contribute to dietary control and contains ample fiber that can increase beneficial bacteria counts.

On the Candida diet, I recommend avoiding grapes, watermelons, other melons, and citrus fruits except for lemons and limes. I think that most people can tolerate oats and rice. There are several good types of rice to eat that provide fiber and help control the appetite.

By and large, the ketogenic diet is reasonable as a short-term plan, but I think it should be customized to your health goals and your gut. Having a diverse diet that includes grains, fruit, and vegetables contributes to a more resilient and balanced gut flora.
