Candida Cleansing: How It Affects Your Weight

Going on a Candida cleanse doesn’t cause weight loss so much as it helps get you back to your healthy set point.

People often talk about weight loss. I talk about normal body size, which isn’t the same as how fat or how skinny you are. Normal body size is when you are functioning optimally, and you’re comfortable with your size emotionally.

I have some patients who are 200 pounds and feel good about themselves. I see other clients who are in perfect shape and feel fat and ugly.

The way a Candida cleanse works is that it helps optimize your metabolic rate, which in turn governs your body size.

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I’m not a fan of the term “losing weight. I much prefer talking about “managing weight.” It seems if you talk about losing weight, it becomes easy to talk about “finding” the lost weight. In my experience, people who focus on weight loss often gain it all back. People who focus on weight maintenance, maintain their new, optimal weight.

Try not to focus on weight loss. Don’t go on a cleanse or a diet focused on weight loss. Focus on your health. When you have excellent health, not only will your weight be normal, but it will stay that way.

I found that when people are at their optimal weight, there are in a better space mentally. You will want to maintain the healthy lifestyle and food plan that got you to a better place physically and emotionally.

It’s not a good idea to gain a lot of weight and then use a crash diet to lose it all again. It’s bad for your health, and it’s bad for your self-esteem.

Don’t do a Candida cleanse to lose weight. Do a Candida cleanse to recover your health. Your weight will be part of what gets better with a Candida cleanse.

Remember that old habits tend to creep back over time. That means that your weight might start to increase if you don’t continue to follow the diet and lifestyle that helped you recover your health. If you maintain the good habits that helped eradicate your Candida problem, you’ll be much better off.
