Candida Yeast Infections are More Prevalent than Ever – Why?

This question is not that hard to answer. We have so many bacteria, microbes and fungi living in and on our body’s surface, it is all a matter of balance. From the day of your birth your body lives in a sea of bacteria. Infectious germs known as microbes swim throughout your body at all times. These microbes can live in your throat, mouth, nose, gums, gastrointestinal tract, blood, bladder, vagina, and numerous other body tissues.

These microorganisms that may be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, are as much a part of every human being as foods and chemicals. Figuratively speaking, they are constantly trying to ‘eat us alive’. In some people these bugs actually succeed and death follows. An example of this is deaths we have had in many other parts of the world due to the HN1 swine flu virus. The influenza virus is so small is impossible to see without amazingly powerful magnification, yet is capable of causing perfectly healthy people to die.

And, even if when we do die of natural causes the bugs eventually eat our physical remains. Only healthy cells and tissues within our living bodies can effectively defend us against infectious microbes.

Immunologists, gynecologists and other health-care professionals generally tend to see the candida syndrome as a fictional one, probably because the manifestations are seen too often, the need for treatment too frequent, and the conventional testing for its presence and effect too inadequate, and because almost everyone suddenly has become an expert in its presence or absence.

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Many naturopaths and natural health-care professionals see candida as a scourge, affecting patients so widespread that some like myself actually specialize in this condition. Some do a great job, but many do an average job because they only have their patient follow a “candida program,” which can last anywhere from one to six weeks, and that’s it. Many pay lip service to the importance of the correct diet and lifestyle ongoing, and whilst the patient may initially feel OK, the candida comes back with vengeance. The patient is disillusioned and begins, over the years, to hop from one practitioner to another.

In our business, we call this “doctor-hopping,” and such patients generally end up on my doorstep with bags or boxes of dietary supplements as well as medical prescriptions for all manner of creams, pills and lotions with the condition remaining unresolved.

Candida can be a real trap for most medical natural health care professionals. This is another prime reason why candida is just so prevalent today. Most shocking, since many medical doctors do not recognise systemic candida as a problem, they often misdiagnose the condition and mistreat accordingly. Those patients are the ones I find who suffer and suffer and continue to suffer for years. But don’t be alarmed. With an ounce of proper treatment and the correction of the underlying dietary and lifestyle patterns today, you can overcome candida and save yourself a ton of health misery down the track tomorrow. The connection between your digestive system and the rest of your health, in particular your mental and emotional health, is only just starting to become apparent to the many enlightened medical health professionals.

Let’s take a look at drug treatments today. We have such powerful drugs like the broad spectrum antibiotics which kill the friendly bugs in your digestive system, chemotherapy (immuno-suppressive) drugs, steroidal drugs like asthma puffers, hydrocortisone creams for all manner of skin afflictions, and prednisone whenever a patient has an incontrollable immune condition which again needs suppression. We will go more into these causes a little later. Pharmaceutical drugs such as these along with a diet laden with sugar, alcohol, breads, convenience foods, etc, are hugely responsible for the candida problem. Most all cancer patients have candidiasis. The candidiasis was not the cause of their cancer; rather it was part of the lowered resistance that had likely contributed to the cancer itself due to the chemotherapy treatment.

Many sick people, in my observation, have yeast overgrowth to some degree, but yeast overgrowth is not what makes so many people sick. It is ultimately their lowered resistance and their increasing susceptibility to other infections and conditions. So, as our population continues to develop more and more degenerative ailments, what do we do? We have to begin to eradicate the yeast overgrowth while changing our fundamental ways of life – by altering our lifestyles so that we are not creating an environment in which yeast can grow and thrive.

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