Case Study: Treating Blastocystis with CanXida

I find it helpful to share case studies that illustrate some of the most critical points about healing the gut.

In this case, my client was a 38-year-old British gentleman who worked as a CEO. This gentleman presented with reflux, heartburn, fatigue, sleeping issues, loose bowel motions, and toenail fungus. A stool test was done that showed a complete lack of beneficial bacteria and Candida, but the presence of the parasite Blastocystis.

The main concerns for this gentleman were the reflux and fatigue. From experience, I automatically assumed that this client had very low levels of stomach acid (hypochlorhydria). When I first saw this gentleman, I told him the first step was to do a stomach tolerance test using digestive enzymes. I put him on a powerful digestive enzyme and told him to increase the dose at each subsequent meal until he felt some discomfort. It took 16 capsules per meal before this client felt any warmth behind his sternum. He was using close to 50 capsules a day!

In situations like this, it’s a waste of time giving someone low dose digestive enzymes. One or two capsules a day isn’t going to cut it when someone has such profound hypochlorhydria. In this case, we kept the gentleman on 40+ digestive enzymes per day for several weeks. After several weeks, the reflux was gone. Even more amazing, the client’s energy was coming back.

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Around the same time, the client said to me, “The toenails are looking so much better.” We had given the stomach the ability to break protein down properly. When amino acids are released from the protein, they can be used to form proper connective tissue, which is the basis of healthy hair, nails, and skin. Better digestive also leads to more energy, better sleep, and improved libido.

Next, we had to tackle the Blastocystis. I took the client off the first digestive enzyme and had him take one CanXida Restore at each meal. I also had him take two tablets of CanXida Remove at every meal. We have kept this protocol in place for five weeks and are not just waiting for an updated stool test. I suspect the Blastocystis will be almost gone by now.

Once the stool test confirms improvement, the plan is to continue the CanXida protocol but at a lower dose. It will still be one CanXida Restore at each meal, but only one CanXida Remove per meal. After a couple of weeks, I’ll add two doses of CanXida Rebuild each day. This protocol will continue for another three to six months. We will repeat the stool test sometime mid-next year to make sure the Blastocystis is completely gone. This case shows how you can really get a sick person and turn them back into a vibrant, healthy person again with a simple protocol.
