Category Archives: Other Issues

Pros & Cons of Postbiotics

You may be familiar with the terms probiotics and prebiotics, and now there’s a third to be added to the pantheon of gut bacteria deities. The term “biotic” is derived from the Greek word biōtikós, which translates to ‘pertaining to life, and speaks to a biological ecosystem of organisms along with their physical environment.

Your gut, for example, because that’s part of what we’re here to talk about for the moment.

The stomach is a house filled to the brim with millions of bacteria, termed the microbiome, and every human has a unique microbiome based on their lifestyle and diet which can reveal reams of information about their health.

Prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics are all part of the gut-ecosystem which help keep beneficial bacteria healthy, thriving, and in balance which in turn has the effect of boosting your immune system, cognitive functioning, better well-being and maintaining top digestive health.

What Are Postbiotics And Where Are They Found?

They’re essentially the byproducts, or “waste” of the fermentation process produced by the living probiotics in the intestine. Prebiotics are substances (dietary fibers you get from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) that feed propbiotics (living microorganism) which then in turn produce postbiotics- organic fatty acids, enzymes and certain proteins called bacteriocins, to name a few.

Because they’re a bi-product of probiotic fermentation, some of the best food sources to promote their existence in your stomach’s microbiome are directly probiotic related. Foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, miso soup, soft cheeses, kefir, sourdough bread, buttermilk, tempeh, kombucha, kimchi, pickles and kefir. The wider variety of these types of food you consume, the more diverse and abundant microbiome you’ll have contributing to a greater level of overall, whole bodied health.

If you’re already a fairly healthy person with a diverse diet of fruits, vegetables, and plant based foods you probably already have a well-functioning microbiome.

Importance of Keeping A Healthy Microbiome

Since 2016, there has been a field of studies carried out in the nutrition and health fields solely focused on the importance of a healthy gut. Imbalanced levels of healthy bacteria in your gut have been linked to the following the diseases:

  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Allergies, Asthma, other sensitivities
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Cognitive decline and brain disorders (Alzheimer’s, dementia)
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Mood disorders, (like depression)

Not only is it ‘safe’ to have postbiotics in the body, it’s a necessity. However, it’s also important to note that the composition of each individual’s microbiome will vary, as it will vary between populations based on the bulk of their diet, which means that biotics may be metabolized differently and require various amounts from person to person, with varying effects.

One of the ways to test your microbiome directly is to send a fecal sample, but some of the more obvious signs you may have an imbalanced microbiome are pretty easy to tell for yourself. I.e. if you have an upset stomach often, a high sugar and high processed food diet, experience unintentional weight changes often, skin irritations like eczema, or some severe food intolerances.

Health Benefits and Pros/Cons

A few of the direct health benefits of postbiotics have been linked to treating diarrhea. It’s been known for a while that probiotic foods help relieve this, but closer studies have shown that it is not due to the interaction between the beneficial living microbes and the intestinal lining, but rather to the metabolic ‘waste’ of postbiotics.

Others include lowering blood sugar and helping prevent Type II Diabetes, as it’s been shown that a having a well-balanced microbiome with plenty of postbiotics helps ward off obesity. Diets which include high quantity of high processed foods and sugar have been shown to feed unhealthy gut bacteria, which in turn contribute to imbalanced level of pre, pro, and postbiotics and can lower insulin resistance.

Along with this, because one of the roles of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics is to populate a gut with a healthy bacterial ecosystem that promotes the growth of good gut bacteria, they carry anti-microbial properties. Candida for instance, an infectious, mushroom like bacteria which can take over the gut microbiome and cause unpleasant tertiary effects, may be warded off in advance or aided by the beneficial maintenance and bacteria fighting properties of healthy postbiotic levels.

Having a balanced level of postbiotics in your system can directly promote better cardiovascular health, a better overall functioning immune system, and a better functioning system in general leading to higher levels of energy.

Are They Children Friendly?

And are probiotics and postbiotics safe to use for infants and children? Some of the preliminary research suggests that, yes, they’re safe and can help in the reinforcement of immune system development and healthy gut barrier integrity. In children’s nutrition they have shown promising results for the management and treatment of allergies, gut and respiratory infections, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and infant colic. However, it seems much of the studying and testing is still going on and so they should be used with caution in the cases of severely ill children with compromised immune systems.

When and how to take postbiotics and the best products with them

If you are seeking to enhance or repair your gut health, because probiotics are a diverse culture of living microorganisms some of which may thrive if taken before or after a meal, it’s difficult to regulate this and more important to keep a consistent regime and take them at the same time each day.

Although there are beginning to be postbbiotic supplements appearing on the market (most seem to be in skin creams), postbiotics are the natural bi-product of a cycle of interactions happening between micro-organisms in your stomach. Take care of the pre and probiotics, and the post produces itself. If, however, in the case of people with inflammatory bowel disease, probiotics may not be a benefit and may actually be detrimental to inflammation, whereas taking a direct dose and supplement of postbiotics can aid and protect against the inflammation caused by some infectious diseases.

What is The Research Saying About Postbiotics?

It’s a new subject being researched, but preliminary clinical investigations have been saying that, “The advantages of postbiotics in terms of safety, biological and pharmaceutical properties in comparison with live probiotics, includes no risk of translocation from gut lumen to blood, suitable absorption, metabolism, distribution, and excretion potencies, signaling to various organs and tissues in the host and making several biological responses, higher stability and easier to standardize and carrying. On the other hand, postbiotics used in a delivery system reinforce the endogenous probiotics of each host instead of adding unfamiliar probiotic strains to the gut microbial ecosystem that can be considered as a safe alternative for live probiotic microbes and applied in functional foods and pharmaceutical industry for creating and developing health benefits, preventing of diseases and therapeutic aims. Additional metabolomics studies are required for the description of novel postbiotic components and survey their safety and constancy during the production processes, marketplace, and host’s digestive system conditions.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How is postbiotics different from probiotics and prebiotics?

They’re the waste products of probiotics, which feed on prebiotics.

Can I take the three together at the same time?


Is there one that is better than the other?

No, they all work together.

How has postbiotics been around?

It’s a fairly new term picked up in the last forty years, but much longer.

Is it well tolerated by the body?

Yes. Depending on your individual microbiome.

What is the importance of good gut bacteria for our digestive system?

It helps regulate many overall health factors, and ward off disease.

How does diet and nutrition work together when taking postbiotics?

Taking postbiotics is about curating your stomach to create a healthy microbiome,
diet and nutrition does the same thing.

Does postbiotics cause waste in the body?


Can taking postbiotics help with leaky gut syndrome?


What is the relationship between fermentation and PB?

Postbiotics are the product of fermentation, and of probiotics.

Can taking PB cause a sensitive gut?


Can a infant or child take PB?


Why do people have diarrhea when taking PB? How long does that last?

Each microbiome is unique to the individual, so some may experience different effects on one individual’s stomach than another.

I have a bad inflammatory condition. Will taking PB help?


IF so, how consistent do I need to be with my approach of consuming PB?

Very consistent. Every day.

Would PB also help with oxidative stress?

Potentially, yes.

Are PB live organisms like prebiotics?


How does PB help in boosting the immune system?

They help regulate a healthy gut microbiome which in turn keeps the immune system functioning well.

Do I need a medical prescription in order to buy PB supplements?

Not currently.

How do I know if my body has a good level of PB?

You can send in a stool sample to have it tested. If you’re overall a healthy person and eat a diverse diet of plant foods, then you likely have a good level of PB.

Frequently Asked Questions #24

  1. It takes forever for my bruises or cuts to heal. Why is that?

If you are one of those people whose bruises or cuts take forever to heal, you are not alone. Some wounds tend to take longer to heal. This can be due to poor nutrition, compromised immune system, a bacterial infection. If your body is not being properly nourished and you are deficient in proteins, vitamins and minerals, it will take your body longer to heal due to the body’s inability to heal. An elderly or a baby whose immune system is either compromised or weak are also at a high risk of longer healing. This is because their body doesn’t have the strength and the immunity to heal, exposing the wound to potential bacterial overgrowth and dangerous infection.

There are some medical conditions that can also contribute to slow healing. Diabetes is one of them. Due to the impaired and uncontrolled blood circulation, diminishing the transport of oxygen and nutrients to your cells which slows down the healing process. If you are unsure about having diabetes, you can check to see if you can get tested. Keeping diabetes under control can contribute to a better and longer lifestyle. Another reason can also be the presence of a heavy candida growth in the body. Several studies have been conducted to demonstrate that if there is a candida overgrowth in the body, chances are the wound heals very slowly or can get infected. If unsure about having candida, you can speak with your primary caretaker to get tested for candida. Going through a candida cleanse can help with helping your body heal faster.

  1. The skin on my feet is peeling and it has been really itchy. What could be the reason?

Also known as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), the condition is a sign of a possible fungal infection of the skin. Starting at the toe (usually between toes), it often spreads to other parts of the foot. It looks like a scaly rash which most often itches, stings or burns. If your feet get sweaty often when wearing tight shoes, you can get athlete’s foot. It is contagious so be careful to not contaminate towels, floors, clothing or any other shareable times.

This specific skin condition can be treated by using over the counter cream. However, if the cream seems to be ineffective, you may want to see your doctor who can prescribe something strong to help treat it. To prevent yourself from getting athlete’s foot, don’t stay too long in damp socks or shoes. This fungus thrives in warm, moist and dark conditions. Make sure you don’t wear tightfitting socks or shoes as it can cause sweating. Do not walk barefoot in the public areas. Always keep toes and feet dry.

One other risk factor of athlete’s foot can be diabetes. To rule out diabetes as the cause, speak to your doctor to get your blood sugars tested. Diabetes related symptoms can also include ulcers and damage. Therefore, it’s important that you get your blood sugars under control if that is the case. The good news is that having athlete’s foot does not mean you will get jock itch, which is a different kind of candidiasis. Watch Erik Bakker go over this topic in this video.

  1. Why do I have the need to pee all the time?

The need to pee frequently can be as simple as because you drink a lot of water or liquids throughout the day. On the flip side, it could be due to a medical condition:  polyuria. Polyuria is when one urinates more than 3 litres a day or more than 6 to 7 times over a 24 hour period than what is considered as normal. If you are certain that your need to pee frequently is medical, you should speak to your doctor to find the root cause. Early treatment and prevention can help with efficient management. Peeing frequently can affect the person’s quality of life rendering them anxious about having to pee no matter where they are.

Diabetes can also be a cause of frequent urination. Pregnancy also causes the need to pee often. A urinary tract infection can be another culprit of the urination problem. To find out what the cause of your issue is, your doctor may ask you an array of questions to properly diagnose. Based on the diagnosis, treatments can be tailored to your needs.

If you have diabetes, you will be asked to control your sugar levels. For a bacterial kidney infection, you will be put on an antibiotic treatment. Due to an overactive bladder, an anticholinergic may be prescribed. If you do end up using antibiotics, ensure you are taking good quality probiotics to help keep your gut flora balanced.

  1. Why is my big toenail turning white?

Toenail turning white is due to a nail fungus called onychomycosis. When a typical fungal infection develops, the toenail turns yellow or brown. It looks thick and overgrown. As the infection grows, the nail weakens and eventually falls out. But with superficial onychomycosis, the toenail turns white and feels soft, dry. This usually occurs if the person plays a lot of sport, wears tight fitted shoes, has bad food hygiene. Usually, toenail fungus can heal on its own. However, it is a long lasting condition which requires persistent treatment.

To prevent your toes from getting fungal infection, always keep the area dry. Wear shoes that are well fitted. Always keep foot covered in public areas. Keep your toenails trimmed. To treat the toenail, your doctor may have to trim the nail as much as possible. A topical fungal cream can help with the infection. If the infection is severe, your doctor may prescribe an oral medication. If the nail is resistant to treatment, it may be removed surgically.

Erik Bakker speaks on the issue of toenail fungus and its link to candida in these two videos: and



Frequently Asked Questions #23

  1. The skin under my breast is red and extremely itchy. What is it and what can I do for it?

The following can cause rash between breasts or under the breast: sweating, allergies, breastfeeding, excess fat, etc. If the skin under your breast(s) is red and itchy, you may also be dealing with a yeast infection. Yeast thrives in warm and moist conditions – therefore, the perfect environment under the breast. This is especially true for ladies with bigger breasts where the skin of the breast is touching their rib area at all times.

To help prevent that from happening, always ensure that the area is dry. Since sweating will leave the area moist, it will be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacterial or fungal growth and infections. Air out the area if possible. Yeast infection under the breast may look like a rash accompanied by blisters or cracks in some cases. The rash can be very itchy.

You may use anti-fungal cream to help treat the candidiasis. If the over the counter anti-fungal creams don’t work due to the stubborn nature of the rash, you may seek medical treatment via your doctor. At home treatment can include rubbing coconut oil on the area. Grapefruit seed extract diluted with water has also shown to help get rid of fungal infections. In this video, Eric Bakker talks natural ways of getting rid of the breast rash.

  1. Can smoking feed candida and bad bacteria?

Though there is no direct link that smoking can cause candida, it can most definitely feed into increasing candida and bad bacteria in the gut. Nicotine affects the body by constricting blood vessels which can stimulate a stress in the body. Additionally, it can also generate the release of glycogen, which forces the pancreas to release insulin and move sugar into a cell. Nicotine affects the adrenal gland also. Because it stimulates the production of adrenaline, which also stimulates the release of glycogen. It is a vicious cycle. Smoking initiates stress, which can cause for the blood sugar to go out of balance.

Smoking has a trickling effect on our bodies. It affects behavior, which can affect appetite. It changes ones relationship with food, which can cause or feed existing candida. It also has a very powerful effect on the parasympathetic receptor cells of the body, which essentially has a calming affect on smokers. When smokers have a cigarette when they feel stressed or nervous or anxious, it makes them feel calmer and better. It has been known to either increase or decrease appetite. One might eat too much or not a lot, and they might end up eating too much of one food – for example, eating too much sugar or too much spices. This is because smokers generally don’t have a great sense of taste. If they modify the food with extra sugar or spice, it could cause candida by destroying natural gut flora. For more, watch this video by Eric Bakker where he talks about nicotine and candida.

  1. Why do I have bad anal itching?

You may have a pre-existing digestive problem that was there before the anal itching and which exuberated it. Think about your medical history: have you dealt with hemorrhoids? Or anal fissures, and tears? Do you have a history of diabetes or thyroid disease? People who suffer from candida can have consistent and persistent itching in the anal area. Anal itching can be contributed due diarrhea as well. Lots of diarrhea coming out the area can cause a rash and itchiness. It could also be a parasite or a bacterial problem.

To find out if you are dealing with candida, you can do a stool test. If there is candida present, a rectal cream is not enough in treating it. You can also get the area thoroughly checked out by a gastroenterologists. A specialist’s report coupled with a comprehensive stool analysis can demonstrate the full picture of anal itching. If the reports confirm a candida presence, you will want to do a candida cleanse. Chances the cleanse will also help treat an array of other issues you hadn’t linked to candida prior to this.

Eric Bakker has a very information video on anal itching. You can watch it here. To go on a candida cleanse, you can watch the following video to learn more.

  1. What are the benefits of probiotics for my gut flora?

If you have been on antibiotic, chances are your gut flora has been destroyed. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria, leaving space for candida to multiply and create an imbalanced gut flora. Besides antibiotics, many other things can contribute to the destruction of gut flora: having an unhealthy diet, lack of prebiotics, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc.

A good probiotic which has the right formulations for Candida also contain enzymes. The enzymes makes all the difference. A probiotic along with a good and healthy diet can make a world’s difference for the gut flora. Probiotics for candida with enzymes in them allow the good foods one is eating to break down more effectively. This allows for the bacteria in the gut to thrive on that broken down food. Probiotics also help with weight loss, digestion and better immune function. They contain live bacteria which are considered as good bacteria. When there is an imbalance of bad bacteria vs good, candida can overgrow causing all sorts of problems.

If you are looking for an awesome probiotic product, check out Eric Bakker’s CanXida line. CanXida Restore is one of the products of the line. It contains enzymes and it contains beneficial bacteria.

  1. What benefits are there to restoring my digestive health which is in bad shape?

Restoring your digestive health is beneficial in so many ways. We don’t realize how much the health of our digestive system can have an affect on us both mentally and physically. When our digestive health is in chaos, we feel a number of unwanted symptoms: brain fog, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, anxiety, depression, etc. A healthy digestive system will also help in decreasing inflammation, improve brain function and mood. Furthermore, a digestive system where there is a candida overgrowth is not a healthy picture. It means that your body is being fed foods that are helping the candida thrive.

To start your journey in restoring your digestive health, start by cutting foods that feed candida. You can find a list of the foods here. Start on taking probiotics everyday. An awesome product created by Eric Bakker with hundreds of testimonials is the CanXida line of products. You can check it out here. Having a healthy lifestyle will also help with restoring the digestive system. This means stopping to smoke if you are smoker, cut out on alcohol, being more active, avoiding sugar.



Frequently Asked Questions #22

1. My baby has red patches on his neck. What can help with it?

Neck rashes are common in babies, especially in babies who have neck folds. A rash on the neck looks red, is flat or raised. Because the skin folds rub against each other, it causes skin irritation. The rashes start disappearing and decreasing once babies learn to move their head without any support. A skin rash that looks raised in nature could be yeast infection. This happens due to excess moisture and perspiration in the area. This gives candida the best environment to grow.

Babies with a neck rash will experience pain and itching of the affected area. These symptoms can lead babies to nurse less frequently as they are usually used to. You can help baby by dressing them up in light and breathable clothing. Wash your baby’s clothes baby friendly detergent as the usual detergent can be too harsh on baby’s skin. Coconut oil on the affected area can help with the infection as well due to its anti-fungal properties. Make sure baby’s neck area is always dry.

If baby’s rash is accompanied with fever, you may contact his pediatrician to consult further on the nature of the rash. The rash usually disappears on its own after a few days. However, if it doesn’t, once again, consult with baby’s pediatrician to see what other treatments are available. In the meantime, keep baby’s neck area clean and dry to prevent the rash from getting worst, which can cause baby discomfort.

2. I have recurring sinus infection despite leading an active lifestyle. Please help!

Chronic sinus infections can be quite alarming. They occur quite often and when they do occur, they last for weeks. With a sinus infection, your face will be in pain, there will nasal discharge and heavy congestion. A fungal sinus infection caused by a candida overgrowth in the body display similar symptoms as a bacterial sinus infection. Sufferers experience fever, coughing, nasal discharge, loss of smell etc. However, what differentiates the two is the length of how long you’ve had the infection for. A chronic fungal sinus infection is long term and more severe.

A fungal infection can start off as a bacterial sinus infection. If you treated the bacterial infection with antibiotics, it helped treat your sinus infection. However, it will flare up the underlying yeast infection you may have. The antibiotic just killed most of the bacteria present in your gut and gave candida the opportunity to overgrow in numbers. This can cause further sinus infection with blockage and inflammation and fungal growth in the sinuses.

Treating a fungal sinus infection with antibiotics, just as you do with a bacterial infection, is not recommended. Since it’s fungal, candida may be the cause. A sinus caused by a fungal infection may occur if fungal organisms are inhaled. These organisms make home in the nasal passageways causing inflammation. In most cases, surgery is required to get rid of the fungal infection. In some cases, chronic sinus infection can also be treated with antifungals and nose sprays.  If you are further interested in this topic, this study published in pubmed goes into details on this very subject.

3. I never had seasonal allergies until recently. Can that happen later in life?

If you have never had seasonal allergies before but suddenly started getting them in recent years, they could be due to your gut health, inflammation and stress levels. Research and studies are showing more and more how important gut health is and how important the role of digestion is in keeping things in balance. Seasonal allergies show up as runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, and lots of sneezing. It can last for a month or more.

Candida overgrowth can implicate a weakened and compromised gut health and a probable leaky gut. A compromised gut can lead to sensitive immune system. When the immune system is weak, our bodies can develop seasonal allergies and allergic reactions. When there is chronic inflammation, your immune system becomes overactive and hypersensitive to allergens. This is huge because between 70% to 80% of our immune system is in the gut.

To help get rid of candida and restore gut health, include probiotics and fermented food into your diet. Eat a candida friendly diet. Gluten, carb and sugar can compromise the gut health by helping the growth of candida. Get enough rest and sleep, manage your stress effectively and exercise often. Avoid antibiotics if you can. Antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria in our bodies.

4. Why do I keep getting asthma attacks when I feel anxious?

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of lungs. The airways become narrow and swell producing extra mucus. Symptoms of asthma include chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, etc. While some have mild cases of asthma, others may have serious cases leading to life threatening attacks. It is commonly triggered by cold, air pollutants and irritants, stress, extraneous physical activities, pollen, dust, etc. You are at risk if you are overweight, a smoker, have other inflammatory disease, exposed to fumes or other pollutants.

There is now strong evidence that fungal sensitization is related to patients with asthma. This can be diagnosed by doing skin testing with antigens derived from the fungi. There is also a link between fungal sensitization and the severity of asthma. In one study conducted in Germany, researchers found a link between asthmatic patients and fungus. Mild asthma can be controlled with the use of anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator therapy.

Following a healthy diet, doing exercises that are tailored to your needs and living a stress free life can help with the prevention of asthma attacks. However, you can further protect yourself from getting an asthma attack by staying away from smoking and those who smoke, follow your doctor’s advice regarding exercising with asthma and avoiding other triggers. Taking care of your body will also ensure that you do not catch colds easily as colds are one of the ways that can worsen your asthma.


Frequently Asked Questions #21

1. I have constant sore throat even though there are no signs of a cold. What else could it be?

If you don’t have a cold or have no other symptoms of a cold besides a sore throat, you could be dealing with a throat infection called Streptococcus pyogenes, also commonly known as strep throat. One of the main and most common symptoms of strep throat is a sore throat. Other symptoms could include difficulties swallowing, headache, fever. When diagnosing, your doctor will examine your throat to see if it is red, or if the tonsils are enlarged. The other thing that they look for which gives away if it’s a strep throat or not is the presence of pus.

Having strep throat does not always mean having a candida overgrowth or thrush. Thrush of the throat can also cause a sore throat. Thrush of the throat can happen to any one of us, regardless of age or sex. If you have recently been on antibiotics or have a weakened immune system, you could be at risk. When you have sore throat as a result of yeast infection, you may not think of yeast as the culprit from the get go. In such events, you will be look for a white coating on your tongue. The coating looks like raised cheese and upon scraping of the area, it can lead to bleeding. There would also be loss of taste.

If you are concerned that your sore throat is a result of yeast infection and not a bacterial infection, consult with your doctor so they can diagnose it medically. The sore throat caused by a yeast infection usually goes away once the candida overgrowth is managed.

2. Why am I having a hard and painful time swallowing my food or water?

If you do not have signs of a cold or any other conditions that can make swallowing hard, you may have oesophagitis candida. Oesophagitis candida is fungal in nature and caused by the same candida family that causes other thrushes (yeast infection, oral thrush), candida albican. As with other types of thrush, oesophagitis is caused in those with a suppressed immune system, who have taken antibiotics in the past. Symptoms include painful swallowing.

Patients with oesophageal candidiasis have the infection in their throat starting from the passage of the mouth leading down to the stomach. It can also cause oral thrush (or perhaps you got the throat yeast infection as a result of the oral thrush), vaginal thrush, diaper rash in babies. We all have a safe amount of candida in our body. When it overgrows in numbers is when it can cause infections in different parts of the body. Watch this video by Eric Bakker to learn more about candida and throat infections.

Painful swallowing is commonly seen in those suffering from this fungal infection. Other symptoms include weight loss, nausea, oral thrush, etc. It can be easily diagnosed and confirmed by doing an endoscopy, a throat swab or a barium swallow. It can be treated by anti-fungal medications, changes in diet, and supplements. It is important that you are on top of this infection as it can cause holes in the oesophagus or spread itself to other parts of the body. If you have a recurrent fungal infection, you may want to discuss with your doctor about getting a stool test. A stool test can show whether there is a candida overgrowth in the gut which may be causing the recurring throat infection.

3. I keep getting recurrent urinary tract infection and I am tired of taking antibiotics each time. How can I prevent them?

Recurrent urinary tract infection can be super annoying and uncomfortable. It is most common in women. Usually, a UTI is the infection of the bladder, the urinary system and urethra. If left untreated, a UTI can spread and cause a kidney infection. Bacteria that normally live on the vagina or genital areas, if enter the urethra and travel to the bladder can cause the infection. It can happen during a sexual activity. UTIs can also be caused if you have chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc. The following risk factors are most likely to cause UTIs: if you have had one before, if you are obese, if you have diabetes, or kidney stones.

You know when you have a UTI! The symptoms are hard to miss. There is burning when you pee. The pee smells bad and has a cloudy look to it. People also complain about the pressure or cramps felt in the lower belly. If along with these symptoms, you also feel chills, nausea, vomiting, you may be dealing with a kidney infection. In that case, please seek out medical treatment. Recurrent UTIs are when the person has them more than once a year. If such is the case, an urologist can do a urine culture test to dig deeper. Based on the cause, appropriate treatment plan can be created.

Note that in most cases, a UTI is often treated with a round of antibiotics. Use of antibiotics can lead to an overgrowth of candida in the body, which can cause more harm than not. If you must take the antibiotics, ensure to replenish the body with good gut bacteria in order to avoid the overgrowth. To prevent the recurring UTI, drink lots of water to flush out the bacteria. Urinate as often as you can, especially if the urge is there. Wipe from front to back and not back to front to avoid bacteria from bowel movements touching the vagina.

4. My son is battling with severe depression and his medications don’t seem to work. What else can we try to help him with?

Although not life-threatening, not treating a candida overgrowth can lead to depression. It has been shown that candida can cause depression in people with a weakened immune system and gut health. Candida can produce up to 180 toxins which it can leak to the bloodstream. These toxins travel up to the brain causing all sorts of emotional distress in the host.

Serotonin, responsible for regulating mood in our brains, is primarily produced in our gut. A healthy gut which is suppressed can halt production of the neurotransmitter which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mood irritabilities. If your son has ever been exposed to the use of antibiotics, has a diet high in sugar and carbs, then he may be dealing with this unfortunate takeover without realizing it.

Gut health and flora can be improved by following a candida cleanse, reduction of sugar and carb in diet, supplements and probiotics. Long time sufferers of candida who also have complained about depression have seen mood changes once they took control of their bodies by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. To find out if your son is dealing with a yeast infection, you can ask him to begin taking the following test. In addition, ask his doctor to do a stool test to determine and confirm the diagnosis. Once it has been confirmed, a candida overgrowth can be eliminated by following the steps listed above.
