Category Archives: Other Issues

Frequently Asked Questions #20

1. I have a low resting heartrate. Should I be alarmed?

For adults, a normal resting heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Heart rate can be influenced by age, how active one is, emotions at the moment, medications, room temperature, etc. If your heartrate is always too high or too low, that can pose a problem for you. Tachycardia is when your resting heart rate is always above 100 beats a minute compared to bradycardia which is when your heart rate is below 60 beats a minute. If you are an athlete or someone who is very active, you may find that your heart rate is always lower than 60 beats a minute. This is normal and not considered a health problem.

Damage to heart tissue, heart tissue infection, underactive thyroid gland, and inflammatory diseases can be some of the causes of bradycardia. Bradycardia can be a problem if your heart doesn’t pump enough oxygen for the body. When the body does not get enough oxygen, it can cause the following: fainting, fatigue, chest pains, tiredness, shortness of breath. If you are feeling any of the symptoms listed, consult your doctor. Bradycardia can be treated with a pace maker. If not treated appropriately, it can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, frequent fainting, heart failure.

You can prevent heart disease by following a healthy diet, exercising frequently, maintaining a healthy weight, drinking in moderation, staying away from cigarettes and drugs, managing stress. In very rare cases, bradycardia, when unexplained, can also be an early sign of systemic candidiasis. If it hadn’t occurred to you before, you may want to ask your doctor to do a stool test to confirm the presence of candida overgrowth in your body. A candida overgrowth can be successfully eliminated with a candida cleanse, supplements and healthy lifestyle.

2. I have bad and low semen quality. What could be causing it?

Low semen quality can be determined by the quantity of sperms in your semen, the mobility of your sperm, and the structure of the sperm (egg-shaped heads with long tails). Age, previous medical conditions or problems, environment, current health conditions, lifestyle can impact the quality of sperm. If you suspect having low quality semen, you can help restore its quality by exercising, managing your stress effectively, quitting cigarettes, eating well, etc. For those who are dealing with this, it can be quite frustrating as it can impede in a couple’s ability to conceive.

You can further investigate to see if you have a candida overgrowth which can also effect the quality of one’s semen. Semen candidiasis is a sexually transmitted fungal infection. Studies have shown that candida can affect male fertility, sperm function, and fertilizing ability. One study demonstrated that a sperm infected with a candida overgrowth did not result in the fertilization of that sperm. If you suspect that candida may be the cause of your semen’s poor quality, you can get tested to see if you have a candida overgrowth. A candida overgrowth occurs when the good gut bacteria has been reduced in great numbers. This happens after a round of antibiotics, stress, unhealthy lifestyle.

3. Why do I keep getting easily out of breath?

Many reasons can cause shortness of breathe. It could be pollen or allergen inhalation. It could be due to a cold or blood pressure issues. Pneumonia or COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder can also cause shortness of breath. You could also be dealing with asthma or anemia or pulmonary embolism. It can also be triggered due to age, smoking, if you are exposed to chemicals or fumes on a daily basis.

Stress and anxiety can cause people to feel out of breath. People dealing with adrenal fatigue can also be prone to having difficulties with breathing. Ask yourself as to how often do you have trouble with your breathing. Does it happen after a certain activity or event? Or do you have laboured breathing all the time? Pneumonia can also cause breathing problems especially because it is a fungal infection of the lungs and the throat.

If you seem concerned about the shortness of your breath, consult your doctor to rule out any dangerous medical conditions. In the meantime, you can try eating healthy foods, exercising often, managing your stress appropriately. Eric Bakker explains some of the reasons as to why one would be dealing with shortness of breath in this video.

4. My husband craves and eats foods with high sugar all the time. How can I help him?

If your husband eats sugar all the time and cannot help himself, he may be dealing with a candida overgrowth. For some people, symptoms are not visible, but systemic. A very big sign of a candida infection is the constant craving and eating of sugar. Candida lives off sugar in the body. Does he feel constantly tired, has a white coating on his tongue, feels itchy all over his body, has brain fog? These are some of the many signs of a candida overtake in the body. Candida uses the sugar to hold its occupancy in the body.

To properly assess if he is dealing with candida, your doctor may request for a stool test. In the mean time, you can ask him to take the following test to see if he does and at what levels. Once it has been determined and confirmed, your husband can begin his journey to cleansing his body off candida. A candida cleanse will help with cleaning the body from the infection. Probiotics will be his friend. They help establish good gut flora which in turn keeps a check on candida and prevents it from overgrowing. Also, remind him that its good in general to limit sugar intake for other various reason.


Frequently Asked Questions #19

1. I urinate very frequently. What could be the cause of it?

Frequent urination can be a sign of a bunch of things. Urinary tract infection, kidney infection, bladder infection are some of the causes of frequent urination. It could be also due to drinking too much fluid in a day. If you are urinating often, and have fever, with some pain in the abdomen, you are most likely dealing with a UTI. Diabetes can cause frequent urination too. Most women pee often during the first trimester of their pregnancy as the uterus gets bigger and starts putting more pressure on the bladder.

Another cause of your frequent need to use the washroom could be candiduria. It is a nosocomial infection of the urinary tract. Some of the risk factors include urinary indwelling catheters, antibiotics, old age, and diabetes mellitus. Because candiduria is asymptomatic, it may not be associated with candidemia. Asymptomatic candiduria is usually harmless. It does not require local or systemic antifungal treatment. Your doctor can diagnose it by doing a second sterile urine sample. It can cause mortality in those who are debilitated or have a weakened immune system.  No matter the cause of your frequent urination, it can be quite uncomfortable.

2. How do I know I have Raynaud’s and what can I do about it?

When you have Raynaud’s disease, parts of your body (such as fingers, toes, nipples) can feel numb and cold as a response to cold temperatures or stress. The arteries that are responsible for pumping blood to the skin get narrowed, therefore restricting blood circulation to the affected areas. Raynaud’s affects women in greater number than men. Breastfeeding mothers deal with it as well. It’s very common with people living in colder climates. Symptoms of Raynaud’s are feeling cold in the fingers, toes or nipples, changes in color of the skin when the person is cold or stressed. There is also a numb and prickly feeling as the affected areas starts warming up. The person will notice blanching of the areas, and after warming, the normal blood flow is back.

Many times, women who are breastfeeding and who are dealing with Raynaud’s are misdiagnosed with candidiasis (thrush of the nipple). They are asked to follow the treatment protocol for thrush and when that doesn’t work, doctors will look into other possibilities. Prevention of Raynaud’s can ensure easily avoidable situations for women who are breastfeeding. Avoiding stress, coffee, smoking, and alcohol can help in reducing the effects of Raynaud’s. Additionally, those suffering from Raynaud’s should dress warm and keep room temperature warm to avoid painful episodes. Because the symptoms of Raynaud’s can be mistaken for thrush, you have to ensure you rule thrush out as the cause of discomfort.

3. Why do I see blood in my stool?

At any stage of life, you may pass some blood in your stool. It could be either big or small in amounts. Most times, you may not even notice the blood in your stool if you are not used to inspecting your stool after a bowel movement. Some are a result of a hemorrhoid, some a result of intestinal parasite or infection. If it is happening from time to time, there is likely no reason to be worried. Some people also notice their stool with hints of red after they eat foods that are red (beets often do that!). However, if you’re noticing blood regularly, it definitely warrants further investigation by a doctor. They can get a blood test done to find out what the cause of regular blood presence in your stool is. If accompanied by fatigue, tiredness, poor immune function, rectal itching, brain fog, then you may be looking at a candida overgrowth.

While the most common cause can be hemorrhoid, you want to ensure it is not something more dangerous like a stricture or a problem with the colon or bowel cancer. Many people have bowel cancer where it’s never diagnosed. A good diet can help prevent diseases like bowel cancer.  Avoid heavy alcohol use and eating too much red meat. Bowel cancer can be caused by obesity or high stress. Getting a complete blood count down can also shed light on your iron counts and red blood cells. Low red blood cells can cause low ferritin, which is an iron storage protein. Low ferritin can cause bleeding. Eric Bakker talks in detail about this issue in this video.

4. My stool has a white and stringy material in it. What is it?

If you see a white and stringy material in your stool, it is most likely candida. The material will look like a string of cheese. It can also look frothy, resembling yeast in bread when it’s rising. Candida in stool shows up as a result of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, use of antibiotics, or dead if you are going through a candida treatment.

Many also notice their stool with such white stringy materials especially during a candida treatment. What to look for? Stringy threads that are whitish, yellowish or light brown in color. Sometimes, it may have the frothy look to it and sometimes it doesn’t. The treatment kills the overgrowth of candida which then is flushed out during normal bowel movements. Please note that candida may not look the same from one person’s stool to another. The foods you eat along with many other factors can make it look different.

Definitely see your doctor if you have candida in your stool for more than 2 weeks, if you have difficulty in going about your regular day activities, experience anxiety as a result. Sometimes candida is passed through the stool without any treatment being done by the person. This is your body’s way of ridding itself from candida overgrowth and detoxing. Treatment for candida overgrowth usually can be done through a candida diet, supplements to help keep candida checked and lifestyle changes.

5. Why is my urine always foamy, has an odour and is yellow?

Cloudy urine is not usually something bad. A urine culture can show you whether there is a bacterial or a fungal infection going on. Its common to have discolored or cloudy urine from time to time. In some cases, it can signify a urinary tract infection, especially in women. Some females get recurring UTIs, or bladder infections. Cloudy urine accompanied with pain is a sign that you should not ignore. Pain in the lower back can signify kidney pain. Additionally, if you see blood or pink urine, that can be cause for concern as well.

If you get a consistent pattern of cloudy urine with blood or pain, you need urgent attention. A urine culture can show sings of infection such as e-coli. Eric Bakker explains what cloudy urine signifies in detail in this video.

Normal urine is supposed to be clear. Sometimes, a cloudy urine can be attributed to mild hydration. This goes away after the afflicted person drinks enough liquids per day. Blood in urine can also contribute to it looking cloudy and foamy. Cloudy urine that is consistently happening for days can also indicate kidney stone problems. In some cases, STD or vaginitis can also cause urine to look cloudy. If you are drinking enough per day and have a good diet but still have urine that is cloudy and different in color for days, please see your doctor who can do a urine test to rule out any conditions or diseases.


Frequently Asked Questions #18

1. Why is my stool inconsistent in shape and color all the time?

Inconsistency in stool shows the health of the person’s digestive tract. A normal bowel motion is brown in color. If your stool is brown tan in color, about 12 to 18 inches in length, cigar shaped, low in odor, easy to pass, you have good bowel function. This is also a sign of good gut bacteria. People with good bowel movement have a diet high in fiber, a good autonomic nervous system, and are not too much under stress. A healthy person will ideally pass stool twice a day, once in the morning and in the afternoon. To have a good bowel function is a sign of healthy gut health.

Before you start freaking out about that green bowel movement you had earlier today, stop right there! Bowel motion and its color can definitely be affected by what you eat. For example, if you had something green earlier in the day (think spinach!), don’t be alarmed if your poo looks green. Green means leafy green, and it’s your body’s way of processing the food. Medication can also have an effect on what color your poop will look like.

However, if you have observed your stool to be different than tan brown every time for a number of days, no matter what you eat, please raise this issue with your doctor. You will have to do a stool test to determine what is causing the stool to look that way.

2. I am constantly suffering from aching muscles. What is the cause of it?

Systemic candida can cause muscle ache.  When thinking of a yeast infection, most people think about the skin or external body conditions that it causes (vaginal, skin rashes, itchy jock, etc). However, a systemic candida infection wreaks havoc in the inside, starting at the digestive tract. In worst case scenarios, a candida overgrowth can invade the bloodstream and make its way to other parts of the body. A systemic candida condition can cause pain in the form of muscle aches, joint pain, mental illnesses. Many experts don’t link a candida overgrowth with such conditions and may contribute it to other illnesses as a misdiagnosis.

Did you recently take a round of antibiotics? Do you consume a diet high in sugar, refined carbs? Do you also experience brain fogginess, anxiety and depression along with muscle ache? All this can direct us to candida. Muscle ache caused by candida occurs due to a heightened toxic state in the body. During a candida overgrowth, there is high levels of stress hormones and acetaldehyde, waste product of yeast, circulating in the body. The presence of high acetaldehyde can cause fatigue and muscle ache. Patients who go on a candida cleanse and who start taking supplements to help get rid of a candida overgrowth notice a great deal of improvement in muscle health.

3. I am constantly feeling anxious. What can I do to avoid taking medication?

Research is showing study after study the power of gut health and its effect on our bodies. Much recently, it was also discovered that gut health affects our brain’s health and can regulate our moods. Crazy? Here is how it works: on a regular day, candida’s presence ensures digestion and nutrient absorption. The good bacteria in the gut prevents candida from overgrowing. Most of our hormones are either partially or fully made in the gut.  With the disruption in the balance of good gut bacteria, candida overtakes and multiplies. As the yeast starts coating the lining of the intestinal tract, the gut’s ability to produce or secrete serotonin is also suppressed. And as we know, a serotonin deficiency causes mood imbalances.

Candida can break through the lining of the stomach into the bloodstream to travel across different parts of the body. The toxins it spills affects other organs in our body, including the brain. This is also known as the leaky gut syndrome. Those who suffer from LGS complain about mood imbalances, including anxiety. All this occurs due to the imbalance of yeast vs bacteria in our gut. If you want to avoid medications and suspect a candida overgrowth in your body, you can get a stool test done. A comprehensive stool test can shed light on your overall gut health. If candida is the problem, you can overcome it by following a strict diet, starting probiotics and avoiding stress as much as you can.

4. Help! I am a woman and I am shedding a lot of hair!

The three hormones that play an important role when it comes to the health and maintenance of hair are estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Any imbalance to one of these hormones can cause hair loss, especially in women. Another hormone that plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair is the thyroid. An overactive or underactive thyroid can cause a lot of hair loss.

Before you start attributing your hair loss to a myriad of external reasons, consider getting your hormone levels checked. You can try doing the DUTCH test, dried urine test comprehensive hormones. The DUTCH test is done on women who are on their period or women who are going through perimenopause or menopause or post menopause. Many times, an imbalance in any of these hormones may also cause anxiety, irritability, memory loss, aging, vaginal dryness, etc along with hair loss. Once the tests confirm an imbalance, you can begin appropriate treatment. To get your thyroid tested, you can check with your doctor to do a blood test. At home, you can check your body basal temperature. If you’re basal temperature is consistently below 36C for many days in a row away after your period, you may be dealing with hypothyroidism. To learn more, watch the following video in which Eric Bakker goes over this topic.

To help with hair loss while you seek the root of it, you can start with making lifestyle changes which include clean eating, exercising, stressing less. If there is an underlying medical condition behind your hair loss, you and your doctor can come up with a treatment plan to deal with the root cause which will then help with the hair loss. For hair loss related to fungal infection, you can read our response to a FAQ here. In this video, Eric goes over many other reasons for why you may be experiencing hair loss.


Frequently Asked Questions #17

1. I have lupus. What infections should I worry about?

Lupus can cause many infections (respiratory system, urinary tract, shingles, etc). It weakens the immune system so that the body is unable to fight any bacterial, fungal, parasite overtake. Furthermore, if you have lupus, you are most likely taking immunosuppressive medicines to control your overactive immune system. Because the use of these drugs also restricts the body’s response to fighting infections, it leaves the affected person in a vulnerable situation where infections can easily overtake or overgrow. One such infection that you would be vulnerable to getting would be a yeast infection.

Because the body is already in a weakened immune state due to lupus, fighting infections can become that much harder and may require the need of medication to treat them. If your doctor prescribes you antibiotics, you must be careful with its use as some antibiotics, such as Sulfa, may lower your blood cell counts and even give you skin rashes. However, before you self-diagnose yourself with an infection, ensure that you are not dealing with the symptoms of lupus itself. For example, flare ups and inflammation are both common in lupus and a yeast infection, so make sure that you get your doctor to check the condition before you treat it.

While invasive fungal infections in those with systemic lupus are not frequent, they can be quite dangerous if present. A study conducted in Morocco demonstrated that there was high morbidity related to infections in those suffering from lupus. It is important that infections are promptly diagnosed and treated appropriately to decrease the risks of mortality.

2. I am pregnant and very itchy around my breast and belly. Why is that?

Being pregnant definitely changes a lot for a woman. These changes come in hormonal ways affecting mood, body changes (mainly stretching of the skin), leg cramps, nausea, preeclampsia, etc. One change that some pregnant women may notice is itchiness, mainly in the breast and belly area. Mild itching is common as 20% of women get itchy during their pregnancy. Itchiness during pregnancy is mostly contributed to the stretching of the skin of the breast and the belly. The stretching helps to accommodate the increase in size of those two body parts.

If you have severe itchiness accompanied by redness or flakiness of the breast area, you may be dealing with a yeast infection, mainly the growth of candida. It is actually not that uncommon for women to contract a yeast infection during their pregnancy. If you suspect having a yeast infection during your pregnancy, please consult your doctor before attempting at any treatment (whether over the counter or at home remedies) as not to compromise the health of your pregnancy and increase the risks of other problems. This includes refraining from taking any anti-fungal medications or natural anti-fungals, especially in the first trimester.

Once your doctor confirms the presence of an overgrowth of yeast, the first thing you can do is to make some changes to your diet. Stay away from alcohol, sugary foods. Include lots of garlic and oregano in your meal, cook with coconut oil. If you have a vaginal yeast infection, you can do very gentle douches and washes. In this video, you can watch Eric Bakker explaining why a pregnant or even a breastfeeding woman should stay away from antifungals during their pregnancy or breastfeeding time.

3. I am pregnant and very itchy in and around my vagina. Please help!

Most often than not, women who are pregnant can contract a yeast infection, especially in their second trimester. Signs of a yeast infection during pregnancy is the same as in those who are not pregnant. This includes white discharge which looks like cottage cheese and smells somewhat odd. Other common symptoms are itchiness, redness, irritation of the vagina accompanied by a burning sensation during sex or urination. Having a yeast infection will not affect the pregnancy, but they are hard to control as most of the available treatment will be off limits to the pregnant woman. The affected woman may be in a lot of discomfort as a result.

A pregnant woman is more susceptible to yeast infections during her pregnancy due to hormonal changes and the body’s inability to keeping up with the chemical changes that are occurring in the vagina. During pregnancy, there is more sugar in vaginal secretion which feeds the present yeast leading to an imbalance and overgrowth of candida in the area.

Before self diagnosing yourself with vaginal yeast infection, it is imperative that you seek medical consultation to confirm your suspicion. Your doctor will determine the best course of action to treat the infection. They may prescribe only vaginal creams or suppositories. It is important that you treat the infection before the delivery of your baby as yeast can pass through to the baby during birth. In babies, yeast infection shows up as oral thrush and diaper rash and will need treatment. Untreated vaginal yeast infection may also contribute to baby’s low birth weight and prematurity after delivery.

4. How is my multiple sclerosis related to the health of my gut?

Research now shows a clear link between multiple sclerosis and candida. There are two independent studies – one was done in 2010 in Madrid and the other one was done in 2012 in Switzerland. The study in Switzerland found candida linked to the development or onset of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatism. We have now become aware that candida is linked with many different kinds of autoimmune diseases. Eric Bakker explains the link between the two in his video here.

The importance of a healthy gut flora is integral in keeping a strong immune system. When the bacterial flora of the gut is disturbed or imbalanced, candida takes the opportunity to overgrow. The overgrowth can predispose us to many illnesses, diseases, and conditions. In this study, Dr. Zielinski explains how in the absence of a healthy gut environment, development of chronic illness are increased and the key cells that cause these illnesses develop an anti-inflammatory twin. The link between MS and candida in the body depends on how the immune system responds to the candida overgrowth. As a result, it can cause inflammation and other imbalances within the tissues and cells. With the presence of candida driven inflammation, the body is left open to development of foreign diseases. This happens when the yeast takes over the gut, breaking down the stomach’s lining and spilling itself into the bloodstream. The toxins, once in the blood stream, can trigger an autoimmune response attacking both the good and the bad cells.

If you suspect having candida or are not sure, you can begin by taking the following test. You will also want to request your doctor to do a comprehensive stool test to determine the presence of candida. Treating candida and bringing back a balance between your good gut bacteria and candida can be a start to healing inflammation, which as a result can help with MS. You can go on a candida cleanse, and try supplements which help with eliminating the yeast overgrowth.


Frequently Asked Questions #16

1. Why do I have excessive phlegm?

It is normal for the body to produce phlegm. However, it becomes most visible or uncomfortable when one is sick. It is produced by the lungs and the respiratory system. People often use phlegm and mucus interchangeably. Before jumping into extreme conclusion, you will want to determine the cause of excessive phlegm. The regular amount is around 1 litre of mucus. This liquid is made by our body everyday. We need the mucus so it can line our tissues, protect and moisture it. However, when we have a cold, a sinus or allergies, the body goes on overdrive and creates more than the regular amount.

To help with this issue, you will want to drink a lot and keep hydrated. Keep a humidifier around so that your body moisturizes your throat and nose without having to produce extra mucus or phlegm. Using saline nasal spray will also ensure that your nose and throat airways are clear. Gargling with warm salt water can also help clear phlegm. If you are suscipious that the cause of excessive mucus is a candida overgrowth, you can discuss the symptoms with your doctor. They will look into your mouth and possible throat to see if there are any visible signs of oral thrush. If so, appropriate treatment will be suggested.

2. I constantly feel lazy to do anything. Do I have a disease?

With a compromised immune system, the body wears out fast because it’s fighting with bacteria, yeast overgrowth, parasites, etc. We now know how important it is to maintain a good gut-brain relationship in order to have quality sleep, be energized, have a strong immune system, and be in a good mood.

It is true that having a healthy lifestyle keeps a candida overgrowth at bay. Actually, a healthy life style is imperative in keeping any and all infections away. If you are constantly sleeping at different times, not getting enough rest, staying up later than usual, not taking rest, stressing too much, your body will tire itself out. As a result, you will be stuck in a vicious cycle of perpetually feeling tired. Adrenal fatigue can occur when the body doesn’t rest, and this can cause mood swings, constant fatigue, and a weakened immune system. Foremost, it can also cause laziness. When you are constantly feeling tired and weak, it’s inevitable to feel lazy and unmotivated.

Some of the symptoms of an overgrowth in candida is adrenal fatigue, laziness, tiredness. If you constantly feel too lazy or tired to do anything, add magnesium in your diet. Sometimes deficiency in magnesium can further lead to extreme fatigue and depression. Consider going on a candida cleanse to help establish the good gut health and fight the candida overgrowth. Probiotics also help in maintaining good gut flora and strengthen the immune system which then in turn helps you keep energized and in a good mood.

3. Why do I have such intense mood swings even though I am not depressed or have any psychological problems?

It can be quite frustrating to feel intense mood swings without understanding why they occur, especially if you have been cleared from having depression and other mental disorders. If you are unsure as to why you have mood imbalances, try linking it to your gut health. How is it? Do you feel that the health of your gut is good and balanced? Studies have now shown that mood imbalances can be caused by gut health issues. This is because, about 95% of serotonin, the hormone responsible for regulating mood, is produced in the gut!

A serotonin deficiency can lead to mood imbalances which include mood swings, anxiety and depression. An overgrowth in the yeast candida can supress the lining of the intestinal tract and supress the body’s (mainly the guts) ability to produce or secrete serotonin. High levels of candida can also make their way into the bloodstream, causing leaky gut, resulting in systemic wide infection in the body.

If unsure whether you have candida overgrowth or not, take the following test to find out. There are many ways that you can help get your mood back in balance. Create a healthy gut flora of your body and keep the ratio of good gut bacteria to yeast in balance. You can take supplements which help in keeping candida in check. You can take probiotics to increase the number of good bacteria in the gut.

4. What is the cause of my swollen lips?

Angular cheilitis is fungal infection of the lips, most commonly caused by the overgrowth of candida. If you have the following symptoms, you are probably dealing with this fungal infection: swollen lips, bleeding, sores on the lips, lips are red, itchy and cracked. Those who have had a fungal lip infection complain about feeling a burning sensation in the area. The irritation may even make it hard for some to eat. This happens when saliva is trapped in the corners of the mouth. Once it dries, it cracks resulting in constant moisturizing with the tongue. The moisture and the warmth is the perfect living conditions for the fungus to grow and therefore causing an infection.

You are at risk if you have the following: braces, dentures, smoke, suck your thumb, constantly lick your dry lips to moisture it. Conditions such as diabetes, anemia, HIV can also put you at risk of getting the infection. If you are unsure about having angular cheilitis, you can consult with your doctor. They will examine your mouth looking for redness, swelling, and blisters. Because symptoms resemble the ones with herpes, your doctor will want to swab the areas and get it tested to find out what the cause of the swollen lips are.

Like most other fungal infections, your doctor may prescribe antifungal creams such as nystatin or clotrimazole. At home remedies include putting coconut oil on the affected areas due to its antifungal properties. You can also put Vaseline on those areas to prevent the accumulation of moisture there.
