1. I have a low resting heartrate. Should I be alarmed?
For adults, a normal resting heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Heart rate can be influenced by age, how active one is, emotions at the moment, medications, room temperature, etc. If your heartrate is always too high or too low, that can pose a problem for you. Tachycardia is when your resting heart rate is always above 100 beats a minute compared to bradycardia which is when your heart rate is below 60 beats a minute. If you are an athlete or someone who is very active, you may find that your heart rate is always lower than 60 beats a minute. This is normal and not considered a health problem.
Damage to heart tissue, heart tissue infection, underactive thyroid gland, and inflammatory diseases can be some of the causes of bradycardia. Bradycardia can be a problem if your heart doesn’t pump enough oxygen for the body. When the body does not get enough oxygen, it can cause the following: fainting, fatigue, chest pains, tiredness, shortness of breath. If you are feeling any of the symptoms listed, consult your doctor. Bradycardia can be treated with a pace maker. If not treated appropriately, it can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, frequent fainting, heart failure.
You can prevent heart disease by following a healthy diet, exercising frequently, maintaining a healthy weight, drinking in moderation, staying away from cigarettes and drugs, managing stress. In very rare cases, bradycardia, when unexplained, can also be an early sign of systemic candidiasis. If it hadn’t occurred to you before, you may want to ask your doctor to do a stool test to confirm the presence of candida overgrowth in your body. A candida overgrowth can be successfully eliminated with a candida cleanse, supplements and healthy lifestyle.
2. I have bad and low semen quality. What could be causing it?
Low semen quality can be determined by the quantity of sperms in your semen, the mobility of your sperm, and the structure of the sperm (egg-shaped heads with long tails). Age, previous medical conditions or problems, environment, current health conditions, lifestyle can impact the quality of sperm. If you suspect having low quality semen, you can help restore its quality by exercising, managing your stress effectively, quitting cigarettes, eating well, etc. For those who are dealing with this, it can be quite frustrating as it can impede in a couple’s ability to conceive.
You can further investigate to see if you have a candida overgrowth which can also effect the quality of one’s semen. Semen candidiasis is a sexually transmitted fungal infection. Studies have shown that candida can affect male fertility, sperm function, and fertilizing ability. One study demonstrated that a sperm infected with a candida overgrowth did not result in the fertilization of that sperm. If you suspect that candida may be the cause of your semen’s poor quality, you can get tested to see if you have a candida overgrowth. A candida overgrowth occurs when the good gut bacteria has been reduced in great numbers. This happens after a round of antibiotics, stress, unhealthy lifestyle.
3. Why do I keep getting easily out of breath?
Many reasons can cause shortness of breathe. It could be pollen or allergen inhalation. It could be due to a cold or blood pressure issues. Pneumonia or COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder can also cause shortness of breath. You could also be dealing with asthma or anemia or pulmonary embolism. It can also be triggered due to age, smoking, if you are exposed to chemicals or fumes on a daily basis.
Stress and anxiety can cause people to feel out of breath. People dealing with adrenal fatigue can also be prone to having difficulties with breathing. Ask yourself as to how often do you have trouble with your breathing. Does it happen after a certain activity or event? Or do you have laboured breathing all the time? Pneumonia can also cause breathing problems especially because it is a fungal infection of the lungs and the throat.
If you seem concerned about the shortness of your breath, consult your doctor to rule out any dangerous medical conditions. In the meantime, you can try eating healthy foods, exercising often, managing your stress appropriately. Eric Bakker explains some of the reasons as to why one would be dealing with shortness of breath in this video.
4. My husband craves and eats foods with high sugar all the time. How can I help him?
If your husband eats sugar all the time and cannot help himself, he may be dealing with a candida overgrowth. For some people, symptoms are not visible, but systemic. A very big sign of a candida infection is the constant craving and eating of sugar. Candida lives off sugar in the body. Does he feel constantly tired, has a white coating on his tongue, feels itchy all over his body, has brain fog? These are some of the many signs of a candida overtake in the body. Candida uses the sugar to hold its occupancy in the body.
To properly assess if he is dealing with candida, your doctor may request for a stool test. In the mean time, you can ask him to take the following test to see if he does and at what levels. Once it has been determined and confirmed, your husband can begin his journey to cleansing his body off candida. A candida cleanse will help with cleaning the body from the infection. Probiotics will be his friend. They help establish good gut flora which in turn keeps a check on candida and prevents it from overgrowing. Also, remind him that its good in general to limit sugar intake for other various reason.