Cautiously Approaching Candida Diet Advice

One word of caution before you dig any further into this site or into my Candida Crusher book.

You will find some confusion in the sometimes wildly and differing opinions of those who advocate various yeast control diets. Some books and websites I have studied over the years are far to “easy” on the candida diet. One well-known book even recommends that all fruit is OK, whereas others are way too strict. One well-known American website claims that nuts should never consumed by those with a yeast infection, as they are among the foods on which candida thrives. This is a myth. I can understand that peanuts are taboo as they are potentially highly allergenic and are frequently moldy, but to take almonds, for example, out of the diet of a person with yeast infection is plain ridiculous.

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After having worked with patients with yeast infections for over two decades, I can state with absolute confidence that most all yeast infection sufferers can tolerate nuts, but common sense prevails naturally. It is not wise to allow a person to eat 200 to 300 grams of nuts every day.

There are other plans that advocate diet alone. There are some that advocate strong antifungals or probiotics alone, without the aid of diet. You’ll find you can’t really cure a true Candida yeast problem without combining proper diet and supplementation, and I caution you against anyone who claims to have a quick solution – especially in pill form.

You need to obviously exercise caution, and some readers of this book will be more sensitive than others to one or several of the foods I may recommend. Others with a yeast infection may even be OK with a limited range of fruits as they begin their treatment, you will find that throughout this book that I advocate trial and error.

One thing is for certain, one size does not fit all and you will need to tweak this program to suit your self. I’m going to show you how.

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