Some experts believe that there is a direct link between a yeast infection and a gluten allergy, and I believe there is after having noticed how many patients I’ve seen who were diagnosed as being gluten sensitive or celiac, who could once again eat wheat and gluten products without any aggravations after having followed the Candida Crusher Program.
There is a protein within the cell wall of candida albicans (Hwp-1, also known as Hyphal Wall Protein-1) that allows candida to attach itself to the cells of the intestine. The body’s immune system does not recognize Hwp-1 as being that much different from the intestinal cells, allowing candida to remain in our digestive system. The configurations of the amino acids that make up Hwp-1 protein are very similar to the proteins α-gliadin and γ-gliadin found in gluten (wheat, barley, rye) products. Over time, the yeast cells begin to change and are not as fixed as the gliadin proteins, they die, their colonies expand and they hyphenate, sending out spores.
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The immune system becomes challenged and mounts a response that not only includes an attack on the Hwp-1 protein, but also on the similar gliadin protein as well. Crossover allergic reactions begin to occur as the immune system becomes confused, and as the immune system becomes increasingly sensitized to the effects of gluten, leading to celiac disease being triggered in susceptible people.
Because the immune system is confused and cannot readily distinguish between the Hwp-1 proteins and specific gluten proteins, it can lead to a condition known as auto-immunity. And this is how celiac disease may even be caused for all we know. Have you never wondered why perfectly healthy people all of a sudden become “gluten intolerant”? There is always a cause, but it is generally never sought for, and this has lead to a whole new industry and mindset, the gluten free movement.
I have discovered in the past several years that when many people who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance finally beat their yeast infection, they can go back to enjoying their daily bread again.
In view of the Hwp-1 protein and candida connection and the development of gluten sensitivities, does this not make sense to you? Many people with gluten sensitivities have had a digestive problem that has not been thoroughly investigated, and the person certainly did not suspect a yeast infection. Did they ever have a comprehensive stool test performed to determine what bacteria; parasites or yeasts were involved before they decided to go gluten free? Did they ever try a strict no-sugar diet while treating their digestion for bugs? Probably not, they just took gluten out of their diet, end of story. But if they had tried to commit to a yeast eradication program they would probably find that they actually could go back to eating wheat products again without any aggravation.
Over the past several decades, there has been a sharp increase in people diagnosed with gluten sensitivities and celiac disease. Ulcerative colitis cases have sky rocketed, and Crohn’s disease is seven times more likely in those who are sensitive to gluten. It has been estimated that an incredible 1% of the population is celiac, with the majority not even knowing they have a problem with gluten. Some health experts believe that gluten sensitivities and celiac disease is totally understated, and in their efforts to understand why there could be such a rapid increase they have been looking for clues as to why there could be such a rapid increase. My guess is antibiotics, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, sugars and processed foods and the increasingly stressful lifestyles we all tend to lead. Those with gluten issues in my opinion should really try and stick with a yeast eradication program for 6 months before they give themselves a life sentence of gluten avoidance.
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My son is 3 years old he is a nonverbal autistic child for the past 2 1/2 years he has had a chronic yeast infection on his bottom, sometimes to the point of bleeding. My question is do you think it could be gluten foods he eats? He is a very picky eater but loves pasta.
Hi Karen, from my experience he could definitely benefit from probiotics, a candida diet or gluten/sugar and corn free. 2 of my kids get a bad rash from both gluten and corn and it gets so bad it bleeds as well. Also, I would highly recommend getting in touch with a naturopathic doctor in your area for more assistance. Give them as much info as possible and when symptoms of autism started. My daughter showed autistic symptoms after the MMR shot and became gluten intolerant. We have done 2 rounds of an MMR detox and she is back to being able to have gluten and sugar on special occasions. All the best!