Chemicals And Your Immune System: A Dangerous Situation

I had a viewer ask me about the connection between Candida and breathing in chemicals. She worked in a hair salon and had developed vaginal thrush.

My answer to her was that inhaling chemicals in the salon doesn’t necessarily cause Candida infections, but it can cause a lot of other problems in the body. The chemicals can create a big weakness in the immune system. You need to be careful because if you’re reacting to chemicals now, it could slowly lead to multiple chemical sensitivity

I recommend taking a break from any salon that use a lot of toxic substances and go work somewhere else. Or do something different, so you don’t build up a powerful resistance to these chemicals. If you do get sick like that, your immune system will become increasingly weak, and then you’ll be much more vulnerable to not just Candida, but a whole raft of different problems

I’ve seen several hairdressers over the years with all kind of dermatitis on their skin, and neck problems, and back problems, all from standing for hours and poor postures. So be careful.

Further readings:

As for the viewer’s yeast infection, it can be fixed up. Look at some of my videos on women’s yeast infections, and you’ll get even more detailed instructions on how to use boric acid and other treatments.

I have done a video on the three types of cleansing phases for vaginal thrush. I suggest starting off with a little bit of Manuka honey. If that’s not available, try some colloidal silver or tea tree oil suppositories. Then I talk about apple cider vinegar for cleansing and rinsing, and then yogurt for the soothing and cooling application at the end.

Boric acid works exceptionally well for cleansing that whole vaginal area and for making sure there’s no bacteria or yeast in there. It just cleans it right up.
