Does Dietary Fat Increase The Risk Of Candida?

Do dietary fat or being overweight increase the risk of Candida? Let’s examine this question in a little bit more detail.

The reason why people get fat in the first place is because of their lifestyle. Usually, they eat the wrong kind of food, they don’t exercise, and they’re highly stressed. Highly stressed people have increased cortisol levels. High cortisol levels reduce insulin sensitivity. Cortisol also suppresses immune function and increases the appetite for high calorie, fatty, sugary and salty foods. Essentially, cortisol pushed the body into survival mode. Fat is locked down on the body, so the body can burn off the fat as energy later.

People who have overweight are generally highly stressed people with crappy jobs, crappy relationships, crappy incomes, and crappy living. However, being overweight fat does not cause Candida. There are many large people who do not have a yeast infection.

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However, being overweight can absolutely causes problems with insulin and increase blood sugar. In some cases, people can end up with Type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Obesity can also contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome and liver dysfunction. Joint problems, muscle pain, and depressed are also increased in people who are obese. Once you are really large, it can be hard to get motivated to do something about it.

Remember that fat consumption isn’t the leading cause of obesity – it’s usually the processed carbohydrates that contribute the most significantly to weight problems. That’s my take on the issue of whether dietary fat or obesity contribute to Candida.

When it comes to getting healthy, I suggest to all my patients who are overweight that they address the stress in their life. I have found that makes a big difference.
