Foods That Shouldn’t Be Part Of Your Candida Cleanse

Some foods can help your Candida cleanse, and some can hold you back from significant gut recovery. The following are some of the foods that you should avoid while doing your Candida cleanse.

1. Sugar

Most people know that sugar is the big demon when it comes to gut health. I find it stunning to see how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed in North America. Avoiding sugar is a given when it comes to healing your gut.

Fruits are fine for most people, but not those with active Candida or SIBO. People with those conditions need to avoid any fruit with high sugar content.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the biggest no-no’s when it comes to Candida cleansing. This is a beverage you will need to avoid for quite some time. You need to cut it entirely out of your diet for at least three to six months. Remember, this advice doesn’t apply to herbal medicines like Swedish bitters that contain small amounts of alcohol.

3. Grains

Grains are not the best for many people with a dodgy digestive tract, especially wheat, barley, and rye. I find oats to be acceptable for most people. The gluten content of oats is so minuscule, you’d have to have a severe case of celiac disease to react to the gluten in this grain

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4. Peanuts

I consider peanuts to be very unhealthy food. I suggest cutting them out of your diet entirely. Peanuts are often contaminated with the fungal toxin, aflatoxin, that can be devastating to your liver. In fact, more people die globally of liver toxicity from peanuts than they do from alcohol.

5. Avoid high-allergy foods

Dairy products made from cow’s milk (e.g., cheese, cream, ice cream) are one of the top high-allergy foods. Citrus, pineapples, and bananas have a high potential for causing allergic reactions. Bananas are a great food if you have a healthy gut, but they are terrible if your gut is in trouble. Chocolate is another food known to trigger allergies.

As you cut out the foods that aren’t good for a Candida cleanse, you’re shaping the way your stomach, pancreas, and small bowel function. You’re also going to be changing your digestive enzymes. That’s why I recommend that my clients take a high-quality supplement that contains digestive enzymes and probiotics. My product, CanXida Restore (the one with the green label), contains several enzymes to facilitate the break down of the healthy food you will be eating. When food is broken down properly, bloating and gas are reduced. The probiotics in CanXida Restore will help repopulate your intestine with beneficial bacteria.

Most of the Candida diet is common sense but be careful of those foods that seem to be an addiction. If it’s hard to say no to sugar or alcohol, you may need to make a clean break to give your gut time to heal.
