Candida Diet Questions
Does diet have anything to do with Yeast Infections?
Do I have to follow a specific Diet when doing your Program?
How long do I need to stay on the Candida Crusher Diet?
Should you avoid ALL Fruits?
When can I eat Bread again?
I hate the Candida Crusher diet and want something sweet, what can I eat for a treat?
I really crave bread (or wine, sugar, etc) what can I do to quell these cravings?
If a piece of cake accidentally slips and falls into my mouth, do I need to go right back to the beginning of your Program?
Are there any benefits of drinking Buttermilk with a Yeast Infection?
Can a poor diet cause Yeast Infection?
Does Carrot Juice help Yeast Infections?
Does Chlorophyll Cure Yeast Infections?
Can Yeast Infections Raise Fasting Food Sugar?
Does diet have anything to do with Yeast Infections?
Yes, diet plays a critical role in a yeast infection. The phrase “garbage in, garbage out” aptly describes the relationship between poor diet and a yeast infection. A nutritionally inadequate diet that is high in sugar, caffeine and junk food places daily stress on the body that the digestive system has to respond to and , at the same time, deprives the body of the nutrients it needs to adequately function. This alone can lead to a yeast infection or make the body more vulnerable to a yeast infection when any additional stress such as an antibiotic is added. Similarly, good nutrition helps protect and sustain the digestive system, helping to protect against the development of yeast infections. When a yeast infection is already present, a healthy diet that supports the digestive system (especially when eating fermented and cultured foods) combined with the yeast infection supplements recommended by Eric Bakker ND, author of Candida Crusher, can lead to recovery.
Do I have to follow a specific Diet when doing your Program?
Yes you do. While it is very true that the yeast found in foods is not the same as candida. In fact you don’t eat candida and what you avoid, while perhaps making you feel better, will not eliminate systemic candida. Many people contact our Center after having been on the so-called ‘yeast diets’ for years and every time they go off for even a weekend, their symptoms come back, often stronger than before. We suggest avoiding concentrated sugars and refined white flour carbohydrate foods, as this will make you feel better while going through our program.
How long do I need to stay on the Candida Crusher Diet?
A very common question many ask me “How long do I have to stay on this diet?” Chances are that you will be staying on this diet in some form or another until you feel 100%, and then some more. Dr. Willian Crook, author of “The Yeast Connection” used to say “You stay on the diet as long as it takes and then some.” You will probably avoid they key trigger foods which kept you in the candida yeast infection zone for several years, because after the yeast infection is gone you are going to feel so good you simply won’t want to go back to feeling how you did. Most candida sufferers have one or two key foods which they love to consume regularly which will keep the condition going, sometimes for a dozen years or more. They partially eliminate foods like sugars, alcohol, breads but consume that one key trigger food happening on a regular basis. Consequently, they partially recover only to slip back again and again. The sooner you identify YOUR key food/s and or beverage/s and eliminate them once and for all, the sooner you will be able to rid yourself of the beast called yeast. I always recommend that you keep a record of how foods make you feel, and only you can decide if it is worth keeping that food or drink going for some time.
This question of “How long on the diet?” is a bit similar to the “Will my candida come back?” question. You stay on the diet long enough to get well, and then stay well permanently. I have found some patients stay on the candida diet for three months, which is is probably the minimum time, some for six months and others for a year. I also know of several who just continue on with this diet approach indefinitely because they feel so good on it after experiencing a major reduction in weight, better sleep, more energy, improved moods and cognitive function.
Once a sense of balance comes back into your life, and by balance I mean dietary balance, lifestyle balance, etc; then you will find that your yeast infection won’t hang around because these infections thrive on an imbalance. It always pays to remain vigilant for at least one to one and a half years after your recovery. Be ready to slip back into the two-week induction phase of the candida diet anytime your feel those symptoms coming back. The more intuitive you become, the less the chances of any major aggravations or yeast related health hiccups in the future.
Many candida dietary experts go on to maintain that all fruits, except berries (blue berries are fine), lemons and limes, grapefruits, avocados and green apples (Granny Smith) are OK to consume. Some say that you should not eat any fruit until you have virtually eliminated all candida from your system. I would disagree here, as I have seen many patients who CAN eat fruits (within reason) quite OK whilst eliminating candida from their bodies. Whilst it is true that fruits in general are very high in sugar (fructose), it is a natural sugar that seems to be tolerated by many candida patients. I do believe however, that it makes sense to avoid all fruits (except the berries, lemons and limes, grapefruits, avocados and green apples )for at least the first two weeks.
I hear this question a lot! If you really want to know the answer to this question then you most probably haven’t overcome one of the big (and probable) reasons for developing your yeast overgrowth in the first place, a craving and possible addiction to breads and the more refined carbohydrate foods. I have always found that the stronger the desire to want to start eating or drinking a particular food or beverage after beginning the Candida Crusher Program, the more likely this was one of the big problems to begin with. Some of the biggest dietary addictions are to the sweeter foods like chocolate, candies, alcohol and breads, but they can be to one of many other foods including peanut butter, soft creamy cheeses, crackers, donuts and all manner of take-out foods like pizza, hot dogs, Pepsi or Coke. The more you want it – the more you need to put your foot down and say…NO! Focus on home cooked meals and get into the habit of eating meals based around meats and vegetables, just like your grandmother used to eat. Rely less on bread, because there is a habit to have a quick spread like honey of jam on bread and we want to keep away from sweet foods sufficiently long enough to restore the balance of the digestive system. You absolutely can’t do without bread? Then try some flat bread, bread made without yeasts or sugar. This is bread made with plain flour, salt and water.
I hate the Candida Crusher diet and want something sweet, what can I eat for a treat?
You need to understand that it may have been you cravings and strong desires for “something sweet” which got you partly into this mess in the first place! A good trick to break your sweet cravings is to take 500mcg of Chromium Picolinate twice daily with meals, this helps most people cope substantially with strong sugar cravings. As the candida population diminishes, so too will your cravings for sweet foods and drinks, because the bugs are no longer “calling your name” as I put it. Trust me, it gets easier and easier to say no to that coke, cheesecake or donut, you will get to the point where you can walk right past that triple chocolate cake and not even blink an eyelid, I have seen this happen with even the most hardened sugar addict many times over. Just hang in there; it gets a lot better after a few months. As you improve over several weeks, you can generally have fresh fruits again, but not to excess. Sweet fruits will often quell that strong craving for something sweet, but if you have a chronic case of yeast infection then please realise that the first several weeks you are best to avoid ALL sugars and yeasty foods as much as is possible. How bad do you want to beat this thing called yeast?
I really crave bread (or wine, sugar, etc) what can I do to quell these cravings?
If you follow the Candida Crusher Program carefully, these cravings will diminish within three weeks, I guarantee it. Just take chromium picolinate two to three times daily with meals (500mcg is a good dose) and be sure to eat plenty of protein. Have eggs with breakfast, fish like salmon or tuna or sardines for lunch (along with salads, vegetables, etc, and a good home cooked meal each evening. Snack on health foods as suggested in my program. Eating smaller snack like meals more frequently helps tremendously with sweet cravings, and what you will find in particular is that as your yeast infection levels reduce, your strong and even killer desire for sweets will diminish in almost direct proportion to how your digestive function improves. At least that’s what I have discovered in the clinic with countless women, and I’ve seen them all – the chocoholics, the biscuit (cookie) cravers, the donut lovers, the ice cream fanatics (some eat 2-3 litres every day), the Coca Cola drinkers (some drink up to 3 litres every day) and many more. Every person with an insatiable sweet craving will have his or her favourite food or drink or confectionary, what is yours? If you know exactly what it is then please become aware of your cravings for this food, and also become more aware when you buy it and if your levels of desire diminish over time. As your desire decreases for your “favourite”, notice how your symptoms improve!
If a piece of cake accidentally slips and falls into my mouth, do I need to go right back to the beginning of your Program?
This is a good question, while accidents happen, they shouldn’t happen to careful people! If you slip and fall, make the resolution to be stronger in the future. I explain this in detail in my book Candida Crusher. Everybody will fall sooner or later, and these “slips” happen at birthday parties, weddings, BBQs, eating out with friends or family or at social functions generally. As you improve and the yeast bugs no longer “call your name” (your cravings will improve over time) you will find it easier to avoid such accidents. And going back to the beginning? No, you don’t, but be careful because if you are very accident prone you may well have to start right from the beginning again.
Are there any benefits of drinking Buttermilk with a Yeast Infection?
Yes there are. Buttermilk is produced by adding lactic acid bacteria to milk and it is the good bacteria in the buttermilk which helps the body maintain a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria, thereby preventing yeast infections. The body reacts to the good bacteria and produces toxins that destroy bad bacteria and yeast cells.
Can a poor diet cause Yeast Infection?
Absolutely, a poor diet is one of the main causative factors. Diets high in sugar containing foods, refined foods, take-out foods and convenience foods in general is a recipe for developing a yeast infection. Be sure to read the Candida Crusher Program to learn the best foods to eat to avoid the possibility of developing a yeast infection.
Does Carrot Juice help Yeast Infections?
Carrot juice can tend to be very high in sugars, it is surprisingly sweet! I do not recommend such juices for several months after beginning any kill or inhibition programs. You can have fresh carrot Juice after several months being in a spotless diet. Be careful!
Does Chlorophyll Cure Yeast Infections?
No, I do not recommend such drinks as “cures” for yeast infections. Chlorophyll drinks are certainly beneficial in that they help to balance the body’s pH levels, but they do not cure a yeast infection as such.
Can Yeast Infections Raise Fasting Food Sugar?
Yeast infections do not raise fasting sugar levels, but they can be prone to lowering it. Sugar is the favourite food of yeast, and if a person has an invasive form of a yeast infection in the bloodstream, candida will feed on any sugar it can find including glucose or sugars in the bloodstream. Those with poorly controlled diabetes get frequent yeast infections because of sugar in the urine.
Can you have gluten free bread, and Almond cheese on the candida program?
Hi Allison, yes – you can have gluten free bread and almond cheese. Certainly not “everybody” has a gluten allergy or sensitivity, and I get get sick of people saying that “everybody should avoid gluten, it is a poison to the body”. Nonsense, I have seen countless people with Candida fully recover – and they stayed with eating gluten bread! Avoiding gluten is up to you, a bit like avoiding dairy or meat and preferring vegetarian options. Almond cheese should be fine as well.
Hi Eric!
My son(18 years old) cope with candida. He is on strong diet; 2 egs, garlic, coconat bread(sometimes), onion, 6-8 liters(yes, litters) of butter milk, small peace of chicken meet. He is not eating any vegies(sometimes avocado and tomato), any fruits, any juice, any tea. I am so afraid of his strong diet because it is lasting about 1 years. That butter milk is cold from the fridge and too much.Living without vitamins(especialy vitamin b complex, zink, mg,ets), minerals…I do not know how to explain to him that is starving.What is your advice regarding diet?
Hi Zora,
He will probably change in time, his diet is not the best, too much butter milk is NOT good! Tell him it will be causing immune problems at this level, and that vegetables are necessary for good health. He needs the fiber. I can understand where the stomach pains come from, his diet needs changing, let him read my book, it should help him understand the importance of a balanced diet. All the best.
Hi Eric!
I have been reading about candida for about a month and have slowly introduced pro-biotics such as yogurt, kefir and buttermilk and also eating organic, extra virgin coconut oil. I have also altered my diet avoiding sugar and adding fiber (salads). The bloating is getting better and I can feel the difference already.
I have always had a sweet tooth and was a soda addict for years.
I wanted to get your opinion on a little sweet treat recipe I came up with early into my candida diet change.
I melted a small tub of the 75 degree coconut oil in the microwave. I then added 100% pure cocoa powder and stevia to taste. It solidifies and makes something like chocolate, (but not as good) but it satisfied my cravings while I knew it was mostly coconut oil.
I also made a batch with cinnamon instead of the cocoa.
I am sure that my taste is changing as I have lost the sweet cravings. The interesting thing is that I didn’t think they were very sweet at first. But by the time I finished the first tub, (about a week) It was way too sweet for my taste! It was like eating sugar icing. Needless to say, I didn’t need to make more batches but it helped me through the worst cravings in the beginning.
It sounds good to me, as your sugar cravings are diminishing and the bloating is improving. I would just continue on what you are doing. One big thing I’ve learned working with many thousands of candida patients is that one size certainly does not fit all. Stick with it!
Hi Eric,
I started the candida diet before Christmas 2013 because of chronic vaginal yeast infections for the past 3 years. After 6 weeks of no improvement and constant pain and itching, I became very frustrated with trying to beat this naturally and began taking nilstat while still following the strict diet. Five days later a miracle! All of my symptoms stopped. That is, until I had to have surgery one month later. I was given antibiotics intravenously and sure enough my yeast infection was back. I am now back on the diet for 6 weeks now. Took nilstat again. This time it didn’t work. Now taking oil of oregano/coconut oil and wondering how long it will take for my symptoms to at least abate a little. I won’t let my husband near me. Have other health issues – breast cancer 4 yrs ago. I feel depressed and scared that I’m getting nowhere with this. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you
Ho Colora,
Make some time to catch up with me on Skype for a consultation. That way we will be able to see what is going on. All the best.
Are there any sweeteners that are ok on the candida diet? I have read that Splenda does not feed the Candida; is that true?
Hi Ryan, Splenda is bad news and best avoided. Sweeteners? They are best avoided i=on my diet program, some take Stevia, others take Xylitol. Best to avoid ALL sugars initially, you will soon discover that you won’t want them in no time. And guess what? You’ve saved yourself a LOT of problems down the track if you do. Cancer is linked strongly with sugar, Dr. Google can show you a lot of research into this area. ALL cancer patients have a yeast infection, interesting but true.
every yeast infection??
Hi! I just bought your book and would like to start with the Bowel Purge but I don’t really see anywhere in the book any guidelines for how to do it. I saw a more detailed recipe for the detoxification program but not for the diet. Could you please let me know how long it should last and how to do it using the Vitamin C powder? It’s not specified for how many days or how much of Vitamin C to take, how many glasses of it per day with which dose, etc. I’d appreciate your help. Thank you!
Greetings KInga. The bowel purge lasts several days, 5 days is good. The Vitamin C you take is until you reach bowel tolerance, and it should state that in the Candida Crusher book, how to do the Vitamin C bowel tolerance. Just do a word search in the Candida Crusher PDF document, you will find it there. All the best
I would like to know if cutting the carbs the body is gonna have energy enough.
Thank you
Hi Patricia, you will have plenty of energy if you follow my dietary advice. You are NOT cutting carbs from your diet (except for junk, donuts, commercial breads, ice cream, sugar, etc.) You CAN have bread, albeit sourdough bread, as I’m not a fan of a “100% gluten-free” approach to a healthy diet. Besides, you can have quinoa, millet, amaranth, brown rice, etc – plenty of carb choices there, besides vegetables.
Yes, but you are not ‘cutting carbs’, you are avoiding commercial breads (containing yeast and sugars added), bananas, dried fruits, candy, ice cream, etc. You Can eat plenty of carbs, including breads!! I’m NO fan of cutting ALL carbs from a person’s diet, try ‘flat’ breads – just plain wholemeal flour, salt and water. Read my articles on what you can and can’t eat, plenty of info on this site.
Are you able to advise about what oats are ok to use, for a porridge or home made muslie
Hey Dr Baker,
It would seem that there are ten people in my family/extended family who have a serious candida infection (although they do not know they have a candida infection). My relatives are either alcoholics or on antidepressants for depression but all of them exhibit severe candida infection symptoms. Is there a genetic connection to candidiasis? I have a theory that many of my family members suffer from hyperinsulinemia and because of this underlying condition everyone suffers from candida infections. Can this be corrected?
I just started the diet for horrible eczema. My questions is that with the foods I am allowed how in the world do I stop from losing a ton of weight? Are there foods that are high in calories that are allowed? I don’t want to lose more weight and am becoming discouraged. Any ideas would be great!
Can I eat Certified Organic dehydrated strawberries, like the ones that are sold by just tomatoes?
I too have developed eczema for which no treatments have worked.
I have undergone allergy testing, a number of sensitivities showed up I had no idea I even had problems with. Removing the foods have done nothing for my eczema or my health and I feel so sick, I suspect candida?
My diet question is this Candida Crusher diet used in collaboration with allergy testing results? For example, if you diet says these foods are Candida safe to eat to starve the Candida, but a number of the foods show up on my food intolerance list……I’m really in a bind about what I can even eat.
I am just barely maintaining normal bmi and have been underweight most of my life with Ina il ith to gain a pound and very easy to lose one. I am really scared if I go on your diet plus eliminate safe foods due to allergy testing results that I am going to lose a dangerous amount of weight (for example, eggs are apparently a high sensitivity on my list…not sure how bc I never felt awful eating them)
I know you said remove foods you are sensitive to as one of the first phases, but overlaying that with the Candida crusher diet equals I can eat nothing.
What’s the story about Oats? Can I eat them cooked with Vaalia Natural Yoghurt?
I got oral thrush the second time in 2 years, due to antibiotics and eating sugar again after 18 months off it and breads, cakes etc. my own fault. But wonder are oats acceptable, THANK YOU
I accidentally ate gluten filled peanut sauce thinking it was gluten free… I’m on the candida diet day 4. Do I have to completely restart my days over again? I only had a table spoon of it today and yesterday. I’m aggravated cause I asked if it was gluten free and one lady said yes but the second day she informed me she was wrong 🙁
No. You do not have to start over your diet.
And I saw the link to the canxida remove pills. Are those 100% safe for me to order and take? Wanted to make sure it wasn’t a fake advertisement
Safe. It was formulated by Eric Bakker.
can I make flat bread with organic whole wheat flour non gmo with water and salt?
I’m back on the candida diet since after a year of awful eating habits I began with the migraines, itchy-crawling skin/scalp , eczema and digestive issues. I’ve already been diagnosed with a bakers and brewers yeast allergy as well as a gluten and dairy intolerances so those foods have been out of my system for 7 years. But a steady diet of white sugar and potatoes sent my body into overdrive. I cannot do probiotics because I break out in huge welts. I also cannot do fermented foods because they trigger itchiness. How else can I get beneficial bacteria back in my gut?
How long / often should I use Colozone for during the Big Clean-Up of the Candida Crusher Diet?
Have just been diagnosed with candida overgrowth and been on a careful diet for the last 2 weeks. Not feeling great and totally nauseous. Would fasting for a few days drinking only lemon water starve the candida any faster? Thnx
Check our video on candida diet plan at our youtube channel we have covered everything!
I had 2 tumors, breast and uterus cancer. I am going often to the doctor for check ups.
I would like to ask you if I can take chromium picolinate? for sugar cravings.
Thank you very much
I’m confused about fermented foods on the candida diet. There’s the milk kefir, and then there’s the fermented vegetables.
I\m understanding to avoid the fermented vegetables while on the candida diet but kefir is ok to drink. Is that correct?
Are yeast extracts such as Marmite or Vegemite OK to eat with a yeast infection or should they be avoided at all costs? I have found a nice yeast free bread and am looking for spreads to have on it that will not make things worse. So far it’s mainly been avocado and I have avoided Marmite but am not sure whether I need to?
What should I look for and avoid when buying yogurt to eat while on the mevy diet?
Dear Eric,
For the avoidance of doubt, can i eat buckwheat, brown rice, and millet during the two week MEVY diet (stage one)?
Will be grateful for your feedback.
Thank you.
Depending on stage we have done numerous videos on this topic. Check this page
Hi there,
I checked out the videos suggested; none of them explicitly answered the question.
I am aware that buckwheat, millet, brown rice are okay on the candida diet during stage 2 and stage 3. However, what i don’t know for sure is if they are allowed or prohibited during the stage 1 MEVY diet.
However, after watching many of Eric’s videos i stumbled upon one by chance where i was able to find his reply to someone in the comments section who asked the same question, and he replied it was okay to eat them.
Re: The Big Clean Up, what is the correct procedure?
Do I do a seven day bowel cleanse (phase 1) and then do the seven day cleansing diet (phase 2); a total of 14 days.
Or, do i do the bowel cleanse (phase 1) in parallel with the seven day cleansing diet (phase 2); a total of 7 days.
Reason for my confusion is this: in the Candida Crusher book, Eric states a couple of times that the Big Clean Up is a 7 day process (which made me think phase 1 and 2 are done at the same time), but in other sections he states start with the bowel purge (phase 1) and then do the seven day diet cleanse (phase 2), hence a two week process.
I appreciate this may seem a silly question to you, but am doing my best to figure this out to get the best results before I begin the process, and would be grateful for your feedback. I have watched the relevant videos by Eric on the bowel cleanse but can not find an exact answer to this question.
Look forward to your reply. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Eric has done numerous videos on this topic on this page
If you still don’t find answer to your question please ask it in one of the relevant videos and Eric will answer it.
Re: Bowel flush and Colozone (magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide).
I’m based in the UK, and looking to purchase Colozone as recommeded in the Candida Crusher book. It appears to be a rare item, not available in the UK, and there are only two potential suppliers I found; one in the U.S and one in Malaysia.
Can you recommend a reliable supplier where I can purchase this item?
Will be grateful for your help on this, and thank you for your prior replies.
Hello Nathan,
We are working on a new product.
I don’t drink alcohol due to immediately feeling quite unwell with just one sip. I also avoid sugar unless ‘partying’ because it effects me like alcohol effects other people. Could this be due to Candida?
Yes it could be.
Is rice okay while on a candida diet?
I’ve read contradicting web pages. Some say is if you have to brown or wild rice, others say it may be consumed once in a while or in small quantities? Would putting a small amount of brown or wild rice in tomato soup be okay?
I’ve made tomato and white jasmine rice soup before and had no ‘complications’, while on a candida diet. But brown rice seams to make me use the washroom a lot. I’m guessing because of the fiber and magnesium in it. I’m okay with wild rice if it’s gluten free.
Hello Lindsey, we have done numerous videos on the topic that you can watch here
These will answer all your questions regarding rice and candida diet.
I have been suffering from brain fog, memory and concentration issues, digestive issues, food sensitivities and strong sugar/refined carb cravings. My stool test result has come back showing an overgrowth of Geotrichum yeast – can I follow the Candida Crusher diet to help fix my yeast infection?
Sure you can!
Hi I just wanted to ask if eating oats is OK whilst doing the Candida diet, including rolled oats, oatmeal and oatcakes. I have seen a few questions posted here but no answers and I haven’t come across it on the videos. There isn’t a clear answer online either, lots of contradiction there too. If you could please shed some light on this it will be much appreciated. Thanks
Eric has done numerous videos on the topic. Please check the following link note that the link does not work on mobile device because YouTube app doesn’t allow search links so please check the link on your desktop or laptop.
Is red wine vinegar okay to eat during the first 2 or 3 weeks of the MEVY stage? How about during the rest of the MEVY stage?
A lot of dairy free, no added sweetener, no canola oil, SALAD DRESSINGS contain red wine vinegar. This is why I ask.
Hello Madalyn,
Check this page