Frequently Asked Questions #4

1. Why do I have bad breath even though I have good oral hygiene?

Sugar is a problem. If you are consuming sugar, it can be the cause behind your bad breath. Mouth washes and brushing your teeth often is just a band aid for a problem that needs work from within. In this video, Eric Bakker explains the link between sugar cravings, the snacking, and the bad breath.

First, he advises the person in question to buy three or four toothbrushes. Use tea tree oil toothpaste to brush your teeth twice a day, even three times a day. Brush your gums and tongue gently along with your teeth. Throw the toothbrush after 4 to 6 weeks of use. Some people use the same toothbrush for months or even years.

Oral hygiene does not just stop at brushing your teeth, but also taking care of your gums and your tongue. He explains how our teeth is like a tree. The white part you see is the trunk of the tree coming out of the ground. The gum is really the soil where the tree is going into and the roots. Because the roots of the tree trunk grow in. Taking care of a tree does not stop at the watering part. It takes more to keep a tree healthy, help it to grow strong and last years.

The same idea applies when it comes to taking care of your teeth. If you look after your overall mouth hygiene, you will keep the oral cavity away. By keeping the cavity away, you will help your digestion. Eric Bakker elaborates that good teeth mean good chewing capability, breaking food down to proper small material size. Small size food will aid the stomach in breaking food down. This means that you’re going to get good digestion, absorption, and excretion of the food wastes. But it also means you’re going to break the food down properly to give the small intestine and the large intestine the right particle size to build beneficial bacteria up. This is something people don’t really think of. Poor oral health leads to poor digestive health. Poor oral health also leads to bad bacterial health upstream and downstream.

Follow the oral cleansing regime he outlines at the end of his video and you will notice changes to your breathe in a few weeks to a month.

2. I am a student and I find it extremely hard to keep my concentration. I have tested negative for ADD/ADHD. What else could it be?

When our body’s immune system is weakened, harmful particles such as bacteria, yeast, can overgrow causing problems for the body. One such situation is when the good bacteria is killed in larger numbers for whatever reason, candida will take the opportunity to take over and spread across the body.

We know now that our gut health affects our brain’s health. Most of the hormones are either partially or fully made in the gut. If there is a candida, or yeast overgrowth, a person can feel one or many of the following symptoms: hard to concentrate, brain fog, headaches, depression, anxiety, irritability, etc. In such cases, candida travels through the body by leaking into the bloodstream, affecting most human organs, including the brain. Candida overgrowth causes a state of drunkenness in those who experience it. People complain that they are unable to do anything and they feel a lot of mental ordeals that cannot be explained otherwise. All this occurs due to the imbalance of yeast vs bacteria in our gut.

To help increase your concentration, try taking coconut oil daily as it is an excellent supplement. You can take 1 tbsp, but can increase it to 4 tbsps per day. It has been shown that coconut oil fights against candida overgrowth and other infections, as well as promotes memory strength. You can also take vitamin B-12, magnesium, and amino acids as nutritional deficiencies in any of these may affect energy and mental focus. For further reading, refer to Eric Bakker’s piece on this topic here:

3. Why do I have loss of memory? I don’t have any family history of amnesia or schizophrenia.

In a recent study conducted in John Hopkins, researchers found that men with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder had a history of candida yeast infection compared to group of men who did not have any of these disorders. Additionally, their research also demonstrated that women with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder who had candida performed relatively lower on a standard memory test than a group of women with schizophrenia or bipolar disease without the presence of candida in their history. This is very telling as it sets a connection between having candida and some sort of loss of memory in that person and further supports the fact that lifestyle and gut health can play a huge role in having some sort of psychiatric disorders and memory impairment in a person.

For people who have gone through all sorts of medical testing to see why they are having loss of memory, it could be frustrating to feel the way they do. If they have never heard of candida, it could be hard to fathom that their loss of memory is somehow connected with the health of their gut. If you are unsure whether you have candida, you can find out by taking the following comprehensive test tailored by Eric Bakker, expert in the field:

You can also read the following research paper:

4. Why do I have constant severe headaches? I also get bad backaches.

Is there a connection between headaches and candida? A severe headache, also known as a migraine, can be quite debilitating. It causes physical and emotional pain accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, dizziness, lack of balance, and often chills. Some even compare migraines to a really bad case of being hangover.

Candida can cause severe headache, along with similar feeling of a hangover. It does so by creating its own alcohol in the body by using sugar and carbs as its food. If you are unable to find an underlying cause to your migraines, look into getting tested for candida overgrowth. Candida is responsible for also excreting mycotoxins in our body, which is the culprit behind many of our discomforts. Furthermore, candida can create ethanol which streams through our blood. Ethanol is one of the toxins that cause migraines, along with brain fog and dizziness in a person.

If you are tested positive with candida overgrowth, it might be worth a shot to go on a candida cleanse. Patients who have conducted the cleanse swear by it. You may see results just a few days after the cleanse. Headaches, dizziness, confusion, inability to concentrate are some of the symptoms that start disappearing on the cleanse. Not sure where to begin with the cleanse? Watch Eric Bakker’s video on how to do a proper cleanse and get rid of candida overgrowth:

5. I keep getting skin rashes. The dermatologist has ruled out any allergies.

Candida Albicans, commonly known as yeast infection, are caused by a yeast-like fungi in 90% of the population. Candida is extremely opportunistic. In most cases, they are kept in check by friendly bacteria. However, in some cases, they can be of concern when the friendly bacteria are no longer present. In some people, it shows up as a vaginal infection, oral thrush and in some, it appears as a skin infection.

If you keep getting skin rashes often and have no explanation for it, it could be that the cause of these skin rashes is candida. On the skin, candida can grow as jock itch. It is found on genitals, the thigh region, buttocks, etc. If your doctor has ruled out all allergies, they can take sample of the rash by skin scraping, nail clippings from the affected site for a thorough examination.

Treatment to help with the skin rashes are available over the counter. If that fails, your doctor may prescribe antifungal creams, or ointments which can be used topically on the skin. A great at home remedy is coconut oil, made popular for its antifungal properties. Many people swear by it. Grapefruit seed extract is another common treatment option for candida overgrowth. Wear your clothes exposed to the rash once. Thoroughly wash any fabric that comes into contact with the infection. Always dry the affected area properly as candida loves moist and damp areas to live on.