Have You Ever Considered Colonic Irrigation?

Have you ever had a colonic? Many people swear by them, and I regularly refer patients to a colon therapist. I’d like you to keep an open mind when it comes to this form of therapy and try to understand the benefits you can get from this amazing treatment. Colonic therapy is something a lot of people would never consider as a treatment and it is certainly not a therapy supported by mainstream medicine. But it is important to remember that mainstream medical doctors regularly prescribe antibiotics and do not believe in the concept of a candida yeast infection either. Colonic therapy is a very valid form of therapy and if you go to a professional person you need not be embarrassed either. I know of several colonic clinics in both Australia and New Zealand that have been treating patients for many years with excellent results, especially those who have had chronic digestive issues for many years.

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Why Colonic Irrigation With Candida?

Having a colonic makes sense if you have been suffering with a yeast infection, especially a chronic one. Colonic irrigation is a great way to get the most out of your Big Clean-Up; it will assist in loosening and removing any unwanted and hardened fecal matter from your large intestine. This treatment will ensure that there are virtually no places for the yeast to hide in your large bowel, and give your digestive system a clean foundation. If you are considering colonic irrigation, then a colonic cleanse is best attempted now before you start on the Candida Crusher Diet. I have seen less noticeably less aggravations during the candida treatment phase in those who have a colonic at the start compared to those who didn’t.

What Am I Likely To Expect With Colonic Treatment?

Your colonic therapist is a person who is experienced in this area. Be sure to enquire how much experience he or she has had, and it is important to enquire which professional colon therapist association your therapist belongs to.

A treatment session lasts anywhere from 30 – 45 minutes, and the patient initially will have a nice relaxing abdominal massage in the lower stomach area. This helps to loosen any bowel plaques or accumulated matter that the colonic irrigation treatment will help to expel from the body. After the massage, your therapist will insert a small disposable tube into the rectum through which warm water is passed into the colon. You may find the first treatment a little strange, but you soon get used to it. The water is expelled after, along with any loosened matter. The best way to find a therapist is to ask your local health food shop, or go online or look in the yellow pages. I recommend anywhere from one, two or even three treatments during your cleansing week, but your therapist will best be able to guide you on the frequency of treatment.

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