There aren’t many people who should jump right into the Candida Crusher diet without doing a little bit of body cleansing first. Here are my top 4 reasons for doing the big clean-up first.
Poor Diet
By neglecting to sufficiently feed our lawns, shrubs, trees and flowers, we end up with a poor garden, not unlike somebody suffering with malnutrition. Many who are about to undertake the Candida Crusher Program rely on a diet that contains nutrient depleted vegetables, grains, fruits as well as meats containing antibiotics and hormones.
This type of diet provides an inadequate amount of essential nutrients for the body’s countless metabolic processes, including internal cleansing.
These dietary habits, and the fact that many of us eat a limited variety of foods, consume alcohol and caffeine-containing beverages, can result in the internal congestion of our organs of elimination, in particular the small and large bowel. Even you have been adopting a “perfect” diet for some time but have a yeast infection which you have had for a long time, you will benefit from the Big Clean-Up.
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Poor Absorption Rates
By sweeping the paths, mowing the lawns and weeding the garden you will find that the fertilizer you apply will be that much more effective. (An under-active stomach) We can get better crops, bigger flowers and truly enjoy the fruits of our labor. The other major advantage of this initial big cleanse is that the probiotics, anti-fungal foods, supplements and herbs which I recommend during the Candida Crusher Program will work that much better. The more efficiently your digestive system works, the more efficient will be your body’s ability to digest foods, herbs and supplements, absorb nutrients into cells and excrete wastes.
Poor Bowel Functioning
By neglecting to prune the shrubs and trees, neglecting to weed the garden beds and letting the garbage pile up we end up with a garden that becomes a real eyesore. It also becomes a haven for pests and vermin, just like a person’s bowel that has been neglected for many years. Some gardens have become so neglected that they may even have oil poured onto the soil, and that can mean that the garden is so seriously affected that nothing will grow there for years. This to me is like one of those gardens where you will find a dumped car body, some beer bottles thrown over the fence as well as ice cream wrappers and cigarette butts around the place.
Not unlike bowel cancer, it takes years for bowel cancer to develop and the signs and symptoms have been there for many years and either ignored or accepted as a normal part of that person’s life, symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation and many other digestive issues. Just because there is no pain it doesn’t mean there is nothing wrong, and that’s why so many people are quite surprised when the diagnosis finally comes: “But doctor, I didn’t feel a thing”. Some people live with a dysfunctional bowel for many years and never expect it to eventually turn into cancer. About 80 percent of people I see in my candida clinic have issues with their bowel functioning, and if you skip the occasional bowel motion or have difficulties passing daily motions easily, then you would be foolish to skip this Big Clean-Up.
During the big cleanse your bowel is cleansed and purged to eliminate undesirable bowel matter and bowel plaques and helps to make your whole intestinal tract clean. This process eliminates places where yeasts, bacteria and parasites like to hide and thrive. You will not only eliminate sludge and plaques but also accumulated toxins, helping you to prevent the re-absorption of toxins when we do a proper detoxification program well down the track by allowing a clear and unhindered passage of toxic wastes to be excreted. The benefits of this initial cleanse go way beyond treating your yeast infection, and you will discover that regular bowel clean ups can help increase your energy levels, improve your mood and concentration, and help significantly with weight loss.
Poor Immune System Functioning
A neglected garden over time becomes a sick garden and each year the weeds become more vigorous than the year previous. The lawn, once beautiful, has now become a large tract of weeds that will take a lot of hard work to restore to its former beauty.
Some gardens in fact are all weeds and the birds and other pests just keep on spreading weed seeds until it becomes a difficult task to remedy (ulcerative colitis, leukemia, Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma, etc.) This is not unlike your immune system, and if neglected can take quite a few years to bring it back to its original and powerful state. Healthy gardens are not only beautiful and a joy to behold, they require only a few hours of work each week to maintain them.
Another concern I have with people launching straight into the MEVY Diet or stage 1 diet without cleansing their digestive tract is that they may have developed potential intolerances or allergies to some of the most commonly eaten foods like cow’s milk, wheat and gluten containing products, eggs, soy, oranges, peanuts, and even banana. And how often do you hear of somebody with a yeast infection suffering from allergies, hay fever, asthma, or sinusitis? Most people I see with a chronic yeast infection have a compromised immune system, and a bowel cleanse makes digestive restoration down the track that much easier, particularly if the person has leaky gut syndrome.
I have outlined below a straightforward and very effective cleansing option below, which is a bowel purge followed by a simple cleansing diet with the option of a juice fast, and followed by a more powerful colon cleanse we call a colonic. Before you begin however, there are a few things that you need to consider.
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Please Read This before You Start Your Big Clean-Up
Before you start on the Big Clean-Up, it makes sense to eliminate any potential causes of your yeast infection. What is the point in cleaning up your digestive system if you don’t address any likely causes of your yeast infection? If you tackle the cause and clean up the problem you have right now then you solve any future recurrence, simple as that, it can be permanently resolved.
For how long/many times should I use Colozone during the Big Clean-Up?
Your website is frustratingly hard to get to any real info. I guess you just want us to buy the book first?
Dear Sophie,
Are you saying that you are not willing to invest some time and effort to go through 900+ educational videos on this youtube channel to get your health back
How else can Eric help?
He has educational material on the website and over 900+ videos on youtube and you are still saying that he has no information and want people to buy his book?
Invest some time checking the youtube channel there is 5 years of worth of work. If it were your videos I am positive you would have not appreciated if I had come and said there is nothing and all you want is people to buy your book.
Hey I’m an 18 year old male from Guyana suffering from yeast infection and h-pylori in my country they are like only two Naturopath’s which is sad /: I’m working with one but she isn’t much of a help I’ve bought the book but I don’t have enough money to buy the colon powder I bought an herbal cleanse called dr,Tobias colon cleanse because I wasn’t even aware of the colon cleanse doctor Erik has in his book my symptoms are getting worse parents aren’t much of a supporrt I really need some help and advice on my wits end
Also can i use the herbal cleanse and get the same results as the powder recommmened I’ve been saving for a consultation but to no avail because in my country the amount if money for 18 year old is a lot ,I am still saving so I would appreaciate a reply I am still a potential client thank you