Stress is Often Caused by Relationships with People

Some of the biggest stresses we face involve other people, and most people can relate to the fact that there is one person they know in general, like a son, ex-partner, employer, husband, employee, mother-in-law or daughter-in-law, etc.; that is causing them stress right now, ranging from very mild and occasionally to severe and extreme.

The emotional stresses are the ones you will notice which are on top and close to the line I have drawn near the pyramid.

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Most people consider the physical stresses to be the most toxic (like chemicals, heavy metals, etc.) whereas in fact it is the constant low-grade emotional stresses that cause us the most harm in my opinion. They continue on and sit in the background of our mind, sometimes for years or even decades and slowly wear down the ability of our body to help us recover from stressful events. These kinds of stresses are hidden from view, virtually un-diagnosable and accepted as being a normal part of our lives, unlike parasites, mercury, mold or microwaves, etc.

As our HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis becomes increasingly compromised, our immune system becomes incrementally compromised as well, and this is often how we become increasingly allergic or hypersensitive to foods and substances in our environment, we develop less resistance to many different types of infectious diseases like urinary tract infections, skin infections, respiratory infections, etc., we have an increased tendency to developing any one of the eighty auto-immune diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Grave’s disease, etc.; and finally we can even be prone to developing one of the many different types of cancer.

It the accumulation of the many and varied different types of stresses which tips the balance, however. And if we can recognize stress for what it is and deal with these different stresses in our lives, whether they are emotional, mental or physical, than we will be in a much better position to avoiding falling victim to a yeast infection because our resistance will be high and our susceptibility will remain low. As you will soon discover, continual low-grade stress causes a strain particularly on our adrenal glands, and once these powerful little glands become compromised our susceptibility to virtually any immune problem increases significantly.

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Be sure to read section 5 of chapter 7, Understanding the Health Lifestyle, because in this part of the Candida Crusher book I will explain much more about stress and what you can do about it.