Candida Case Studies: Meet Jean

Jean’s case is specific to my use of the CDSA x3 test, and I think you’ll find it rather interesting.

Jean, aged 63, saw me several years ago after she had moved from England to settle down in New Zealand. When this patient first came in, what struck me was how thick her file of hospital notes was from London. It was over three inches thick. This patient had been suffering with multiple digestive complaints for over forty years, including cramping pains, bloating, nausea, and continual diarrhea (up to ten motions a day). Her main problem was her increasing intolerance to food. Jean’s diet had become so restrictive that she could only eat a handful of foods, including chicken, fish, spinach and beans. Most foods would set off the terrible stomach pains she was experiencing, and this caused the patient to eat less and less.

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Jean was one of those patients who ticked every condition box on my case-taking form as positive, she had headaches, insomnia, migraines, arthritis, anxiety, depression, urinary tract infections – she had the whole lot. This patient had been to over two dozen doctors and several specialists, not including herbalists, naturopaths, physiotherapists, osteopaths and more.

The main concern was Jean’s weight. It had dropped to 39 kilograms (less than 80 pounds) and at five foot six in height this concerned her bowel specialist greatly so he recommended that she eat more “potato chips (called crisps in England) and chocolate” to gain more weight. What tests were performed on Jean? Apart from the usual blood tests, this poor woman had over one dozen colonoscopies performed and each time “all was normal”. The last visit this patient had to her gastroenterologist stated: “Our findings indicate that Mrs. X has no significant disease”. No other tests were ever performed – no stool culture tests, no food allergy tests – just the bowel examinations and the odd endoscopy (the camera down the throat test).

Whenever I see a case such as this, the very first thing I recommend is the CDSA x 3 test with parasitology. And guess what we found? We found multiple issues, as can be expected, but in particular we found a 3+ level for candida in all three stool samples. This was a significant finding for this patient, for the first time we had answers and the patient and her husband were absolutely delighted. They were also both equally annoyed at the fact that it took so long to find an answer.

How did Jean end up like this you may ask? Well, that is quite simple to answer – through the medical system. When Jean was 18 she suffered from a terrible sore throat, so her doctor prescribed penicillin. After three weeks, the throat was still painful so more antibiotics were prescribed, and then more and then more. Jean developed a bowel problem and back then, in the late 1950’s, nobody really understood the significance of re-populating the bowel with friendly bacteria. And so the patient suffered. Jean’s recovery took approximately nine months, which is a lot quicker than I thought it would take, This was mainly due to her following all the suggestions, including the necessary lifestyle changes like relaxation, deep breathing, Tai Chi, daily supplementation and adhering strictly to the Candida Crusher Diet principles in general. Jean now weighs a healthy 61 kilograms and has one normal bowel motion a day.

We used a particular probiotic product, a candida eradication formula, a special multivitamin, a digestive enzyme, and a omega 3 supplement. Some months we made significant progress, other months it was more difficult, but we got there in the end. The best thing about our business is seeing patients turn the corner, and Jean certainly did.

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Perhaps you can relate to Jean’s case? If you can, then ask your health-care provider for a CDSA x 3 with parasitology. If you don’t get satisfaction or answers, then please contact me. There is no need to suffer for forty years before you can expect optimal health. You just need the right information, and a few hundred dollars for this test. Is your optimal health worth this kind of money? I hope so.