Category Archives: Yeast Infection Case Studies

Candida Case Studies: Meet Anne

Anne, age 56, is an accountant who came to me complaining of having had vaginal thrush “forever.” She mentioned that she first noticed this most annoying problem when she was in her mid-twenties after she came back from England to New Zealand to live and work. About ten years ago she started to develop constipation and this later turned into irritable bowel syndrome about six years ago. She has had two marriages, and her second marriage was about to come to an end.

Anne has led quite a stressful life, her first husband committed suicide when she was in her mid-thirties, leaving her with two young children. Her son found if difficult going and didn’t really adapt to a stepfather coming into his life, which caused additional stress. Anne went through a period of several years of financial hardship with her second partner who turned out to be less than supportive. Anne is a particularly sensitive woman, and has had to rely on sleeping tablets and regular headache medications as well. I soon realized that she was adrenally fatigued and in fact was severely affected; as she has had to juggle two jobs, raise her children literally by herself and cope with the pressures of dysfunctional relationship. She took it very hard when her mother died two years ago and still has not resolved her grief.

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Anne’s diet has become very restricted since her doctor diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome, and she has noticed that many of even the most common foods were now causing digestive upsets, making it very challenging for her to enjoy eating out or even socializing with friends. That’s when she decided to visit my rooms. The condition she most wants to conquer however is that annoying thrush, but feels that nothing can be done because her case is hopeless and her doctor has long given up.

I worked with Anne for several months and initially treated her adrenal fatigue and at the same time placed her on the Candida Crusher Program. I asked Anne to do a salivary cortisol test that revealed a very low morning cortisol level, indicative of severe adrenal fatigue. Likewise, a stool test revealed that she had yeast in all three stool samples, from samples taken on three concurrent days.

After following my two-stage thrush eliminating protocol (in this book) it took almost four months to get rid of her thrush, but it has now gone entirely. As her adrenal energy improved I noticed some remarkable changes in Anne, she finally plucked up the courage to leave her second husband and now happily living alone with daughter and her two cats. Slowly but surely, Anne began to tolerate an increasing amount of foods that she had been unable to eat for many years. She also started to gain weight and looks much healthier today than she did a few years ago (her weight hit rock-bottom at 84 pounds but is now a healthy 120 pounds at 5’ 7”).

These are the chronic cases that are often discarded by many practitioners or simply placed in the too hard basket. It is much easier to spend five or ten minutes with the patient and to shuffle their drugs or supplements around when they return for a follow-up visit than it is to deal with causes of their chronic health problems. Such chronic patients end up more and more unwell as their yeast infection and adrenal fatigue slowly but surely become increasingly chronic as the years roll by. What started out as a feeling of occasionally being unwell eventually gets to the stage where the person’s occupation and livelihood are threatened and their lifestyle becomes more and more compromised, by the time they come to me they sometimes have been on a government sickness hand-out and are stone broke from years of paying out for these ineffective and generally useless treatments.

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In my experience, if the patient does not improve, the whole case needs to be re-taken and the root causes finally addressed, and if you dig deep enough you will often find yeast or bacterial overgrowth in their digestive tract along with a pattern of adrenal fatigue from many years of dysfunction.

Candida Case Studies: Meet My Father

Erics-DadMy dad bought several candida books in the 1980’s after suffering from digestive problems for so many years. He had so many different examinations by bowel specialists (gastroenterologist) that I lost count. A family friend suggested he might have a bowel problem after watching him eat a whole packet of sweet biscuits one afternoon. But then again, dad did like his biscuits, ice cream and many cups of coffee with several sugars.

And he continued to like sweet foods right up until he died in 2004. His freezer was full of ice cream and I found several dozen cans of sweetened condensed milk in his pantry, right alongside of dozens of packets of cookies. His weight had ballooned up to over 250 pounds (about 125 kilograms) yet his height was about five feet eleven inches. His blood pressure was sky high at 190/110 and he would on the odd occasion take his blood pressure medications.

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Dad died of a stroke at the age of 72. Like any son, I loved my dad, but I found that he had a total lack of regard to his diet. He simply ate whatever “tastes good” as he used to put it. When a person tells me that they like food that “tastes good,” I have found from experience that this generally means it is something sweet and you can count on the fact that it will be loaded with refined sugar. Dad continually had flatulence, bloating and complained of all manner of bowel problems like constipation and diarrhea. The foods he craved were always calling his name. And he responded by consuming them, in vast quantities. Dad was an emotional person who solved many problems by eating, and generally the foods he would consume were sweet by nature. I couldn’t help my own dad. After all, he was my dad and I learned over the years not to give health advice to friends or relations that was unsolicited. It most always falls on deaf ears. I only help those who come to me and ask for advice and actually pay me for it, There will usually be a commitment then.

Do you have unresolved emotional issues? Are you eating for comfort? Think about it, is there a particular food or drink right now that is calling your name? If so, we need to address those issues.

Candida Case Studies: Meet Kaye

Kaye, age 39, is a single mother with three children. She came to see me a few years ago with chronic recurrent vaginal thrush. She had been having problems for several years, since her late twenties, and had been to her doctor seeking help a number of times. Her doctor had at first prescribed her a product that was applied locally with an applicator, but this gave only occasional and temporary relief. Kaye was then prescribed a powerful antibiotic and had been taking this on/off for two years. The vaginal thrush would disappear at times, only to re-appear at other times.

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Her bowel had become problematic and her main presenting complaint was actually occasional “bowel leakage” which made it difficult for her to operate as a telesales marketing person. Kaye’s problem was that she was so busy trying to earn a living and support her family that she had become totally burned out emotionally, mentally and physically. When she complained of fatigue to her doctor, the reply was, naturally: “I think you have depression,” and recommended a prescription for the anti-depressant Prozac, which Kaye refused. At this point Kaye came to see me.

Kaye was drinking red wine most nights and having several cups of coffee throughout the day. She would often skip breakfast because she was busy getting the kids off to school. Kaye’s addictions were to alcohol, caffeine and chocolate. Her sleep was erratic and she was very unhappy with her life. I found out that she was great with computers and encouraged her to start her own online business. I also treated Kaye with the Candida Crusher Program over a six-month period.

The results have been fantastic, we have not only cleared up the thrush, but the brain fog is gone and Kaye now has a successful online business that is starting to earn her good money. Kaye has stopped all caffeine and alcohol and her “depression” and fatigue are all a thing of the past. This is a typical case I tend to see, a pattern of overwork, fatigue and a spiral down the slope of chronic health problems. Is this you, do you have a stressful lifestyle underpinning bad dietary habits? Maybe it is time you made some BIG changes in that case.

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Candida Case Studies: Meet Ann

Ann, age 62, is a retired accountant who had been suffering for as long as she could remember with headaches, nasal congestion, irritable bowel syndrome and several other complaints including a persistent fungal complaint involving several toenails. Six years ago Ann was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. During the consultation, we uncovered two root canalled teeth that had been sensitive for several years. I referred Ann to a dentist friend who examined her mouth and mentioned that her two teeth required extraction because a low-grade infection was present. After careful extraction, the sockets were carefully cleaned and we waited until her mouth was sufficiently healed before we undertook a detoxification program that lasted about six weeks.

It took approximately four months of treatment, but her painful fingers and wrists were getting less painful by the week, and after six months the pain had gone from a scale of eight out of ten down to two out of ten. Ann had improved so much, here headaches were long gone and so was the nasal congestion. The bowel was now almost back to normal. We had Ann on the Hypo-Allergenic Diet that she had followed religiously for almost six months until one day she decided, “enough was enough.” She started to drink a glass of wine with dinner each evening and then the chocolates crept back in. She was in my room two weeks later complaining that the pain had crept back up to six out of ten and was steadily getting worse by the day.

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I asked Ann what had happened, and her reply: “Well, I was feeling so good I thought that a glass of wine here or there wouldn’t hurt me.” She said that she was “disappointed” with the treatment and felt that she was “going backwards”. This is when I showed her the diagram above and said that it common for somebody who had been unwell to experience what she was going through. You improve and then think all is well, that you can go back to your “normal” lifestyle.

I asked her this: “Did you improve initially?” and she said emphatically “YES, I haven’t felt that well for as long as I can remember.” That’s when I said “Well, we must have been on the right track, the problem is that we didn’t keep on the path long enough, somehow you became lost and took a side-track.” Ann’s husband said that his wife thought that she was “cured,” and this is what I commonly find with many folk. They start out with the right intentions and want to get well bad enough to be good for several weeks to several months. But then the boredom sets in; the patient becomes frustrated and wants to resume the same diet and lifestyle they had prior to developing the complaints. What they may not be aware of is that it was probably several of these lifestyle and dietary factors that contributed to the demise of their health initially.

If they only held out just that bit longer and then re-introduced the offending foods and drinks much more slowly over a prolonged period of time, starting with those items least likely to cause problems, which are most probably not their favorite foods and drinks. People often have the tendency to re-introduce their favorite treat foods and drinks – and it is these that cause spiking of their complaints, and then the disappointment sets in. That is when I get the phone call or email requesting a follow-up visit to see “what else we can do” to improve their complaints. I mentioned to Ann that I had a very quick solution that would almost guarantee to eliminate all her symptoms entirely within three months from now. She laughed when I said: “It’s simple. We will just place you on a deserted island and feed you on fish, rice, and coconuts”
Ann left my clinic understanding that it was all up to her. It is going to take time. There will be plenty of ups and downs. No smooth sailing. No quick fixes, no BS. Is she is going to get 100% well she has to work for it and be persistent and logical in her approach. I said that I wanted her in my room in three months with a pain level of one out of ten and showing much-improved signs of fungal toenails. I have found that as the gut improves, the fungal nails slowly disappear.

You will see a clear demarcation between a healthy toenail growing out and the fungal nail above it. This is a sign to me of digestive improvement in most cases. I know Ann; she wants improvement bad enough and is that sort of person who needed to learn the relationship between cause and effect which she did. After a good talk Ann decided that this was it, she’d had enough and would return in twelve weeks with no pain.

Are you like Ann? Are you going to be patient as a patient, or do you put a time limit on your recovery? Forget it, I leave that to the medical doctor who will give drugs and expect to turn symptoms off. I want to see my patient well enough in time to never have to resort to toxic pharmaceutical drugs ever again. Taking drugs to “cure” candida is very short sighted and will never give you the result you are looking for permanently. And, you will never feel well overall in your mind, body and emotions either. The bottom line is to expect ups and downs but they will smooth out in time and you will feel better in time, better than you most probably have felt in years.

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Candida Case Studies: Meet Jill

I first saw Jill, age 22, when she was about three years of age; her mother brought her in with eczema, an itchy skin condition. Jill was breast fed for only about one week, her mother was simply too tired and stressed with her two other younger children to breastfeed and placed Jill on a cow’s milk based formula.

Jill had already been prescribed a few rounds of a broad-spectrum antibiotic by the time she was three. She presented with dark circles under her eyes, was lethargic and had multiple skin lesions up her arms and on her torso and legs were scratched raw. We successfully treated her skin complaints with a diet change and special pro-biotics.

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I saw Jill back when she was 15yrs old, but this time for post-viral fatigue. Jill was very tired and complained of headaches and falling asleep at school. Her mother had taken her to the doctors, where she received more antibiotics, all to no avail. She had menstrual cramps and occasional outbreaks of vaginal yeast infections.
I then saw Jill last year when she was 21, this time she presented with endometriosis, which her doctor had diagnosed the year before. Jill came to me concerned about her fertility as she had just become engaged and was regularly getting urinary tract infections. She had undergone surgery to remove several cysts and had experienced a low-grade pain since. This time we placed Jill on the Candida Crusher program, and the results have been fantastic – no more headaches, no more bowel or urinary problems and plenty of energy.