Category Archives: Yeast Infection Case Studies

Candida Case Studies: Meet Kevin

Kevin, age 47, is a laid-back guy who likes a bourbon and coke with his friends. He enjoys football and going out hunting for pigs and deer whenever he can. He drives a big logging truck and is involved in felling huge trees as well. This guy is big. He weighs over 300 pounds and stands over six feet six inches tall. I really enjoyed our consultations, because Kevin had such a great sense of humor and was keen to get rid of the jock itch that he had for “as long as he could remember.”

The itch was affecting his sex life because his wife was not very happy in getting close to him in case she got infected as well. His primary motivating factor was that he wanted his sex life back and was very keen to do whatever it takes. I always find that the best results come to those who have a strong PMF, or primary motivating factor, behind wanting to clear up their health complaints.

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Kevin was not changing his underclothing daily, and he was perspiring a lot in the cab of his truck. I discovered that a lot of his sweating was coming from a bad case of fermentation dysbiosis, and his take-out diet and the copious amounts of Coca Cola he was consuming daily weren’t helping either. My instructions were for him to stop drinking all soda drinks and to just drink water in which he had dropped 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract per liter of water. We changed his diet and he was to eat a kebab or a salad and chicken for lunch instead of a McDonald’s drive-through meal each day.

Kevin was also to take a candida killing formula (nine to twelve a day because he was a big boy), a significant amount of probiotic capsules, a multivitamin and a digestive enzyme tablet with each meal. He was to buy two to three dozen pair of new cotton briefs and to change twice daily – after each shower. He also started to take a shower twice daily (instead of once every two days) and applied a tea tree oil cream to the affected areas twice daily, after his shower routine.

The hardest thing for Kevin was to give up his bourbon and coke drinks with his friends several times a week, but he was more interested in getting his relationship with his wife back on track and fully complied. Kevin’s jock itch only took five months to clear, and the difference it has made has been truly amazing, he is a transformed man who has lost over fifty founds and has vowed to never go back to the lifestyle he once led. And his sex life is fantastic, because not only is his yeast infection cleared up, his body odor has vanished and his wife is more than happy to get close to him once more.

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Candida Case Studies: Meet Paul

Paul, age 27, is a drummer in a leading New Zealand rock band. He came to see me a few years ago complaining about his nighttime urination issues. He was getting up at least three to four times most nights to urinate. His other complaints included night sweats and stabbing pains in the groin, down the inner thigh, insomnia, gas and bloating as well as depression.

With no previous history of bladder or urinary symptoms, I was rather intrigued and referred him to a urologist friend who found no abnormalities. I suspected prostatitis, an inflammation of his prostate. I also requested a complete blood count that was normal. In fact, all of Paul’s results and tests were normal, yet he continued to complain of stabbing pains and night sweats. I started to question him about his relationships and discovered that the problems only started after he began a new relationship with a girlfriend about six months prior.

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I suspected that Paul had an STD (sexually transmitted disease) but this was ruled out after extensive testing of urine and blood and a thorough physical examination by the urologist. This led me to conclude that he had an undetected yeast infection, which was affecting his prostate gland, and this is where the stabbing pains down the inner thighs and groin were coming from. After a return visit, I convinced Paul to have his girlfriend visit a female doctor friend of mine, and it was discovered that she had a severe case of vaginal thrush.

My suspicions were correct. Paul had contracted a yeast infection from his girlfriend and it had traveled up his urethra and infected his prostate gland. These infections are more common than you think, and if you are a male with unexplained pains in the groin and running down the inner thighs, along with bloating, gas or any other digestive complaints, then you may well have a yeast infection of the prostate as well. Does your girlfriend or wife have vaginal thrush? You may want to encourage her to get it sorted or it may affect your prostate gland.

Paul was placed on a strong candida killing formula in high doses for nearly six months, along with consuming three cloves of raw garlic each day. I had him take a powerful probiotic every three hours (up to eight to ten capsules daily) and we also used the Candida Crusher Diet principles. I was very tough on him in terms of his alcohol consumption, as he was a big beer drinker, but he really wanted to beat this thing and complied one hundred percent with my tough recommendations. It took over six months, but Paul did overcome his problems and now enjoys normal health once more.

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Candida Case Studies: Meet Sharon

Sharon, age 43, contacted me almost two years ago seeking help with vaginal thrush which had been bothering her for over fifteen years. She had consulted several practitioners over the many years and received all types of advice. She had read one of my online articles and was desperate for a solution. One of the first things I ask patients like Sharon is this – “Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get well, or are you going to leave my room with the idea that you will just ‘give it a go’”.

I knew that Sharon had what it takes to get the permanent solution she was seeking. You can see it in somebody’s eyes – that they have been through enough suffering. They know that there IS a solution, and by the time they visit me they are truly committed and are focused enough to stay on track. Sharon’s vaginal thrush was chronic and unremitting. She had a terrible itch that was embarrassing and just wouldn’t go away. Although the drug she was taking controlled the symptoms, it was just holding and she was at the stage of wanting to go onto something stronger or finally committing to getting rid of this thing once and for all.

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The problem was the recommendations given to her by other health-care professionals would only work for a few weeks at most and then the yeast infection would come back with a vengeance. Sharon is a coronary care nurse who works at a large hospital. Her husband is an experienced pilot who is frequently away overseas, flying big jets long haul between Asia and New Zealand. Sharon works several different shifts and frequently works long hours at unusual times, leading to sleep and energy issues. This in turn has resulted in her often skipping at least one meal per day and relying instead on foods from vending machines at the hospital. My concern here was the amount of processed food, including sugar, Sharon was consuming.

By the time she came to my office looking for a permanent yeast solution, she had been taking Fluconazole (Diflucan) an unbelievable once per week for the past five years, which apparently was keeping the condition under control. My second concern was that when her husband was home, for short periods of time, they would engage in intimate relations quite frequently, which was a major cause of discomfort and aggravation for her. My third concern was that her diet and lifestyle were at fault and were in dire need of an overhaul if a permanent change in her yeast infection was to be affected.

What Sharon and her doctor were blissfully unaware of was that she still had the primary complaint of vaginal thrush, but had in addition developed side effects from taking Diflucan for over a five year period each week. These side effects included low-grade nausea; pale colored stools and an annoying red skin rash around the tops of her thighs and upper back. She was prescribed a hydrocortisone cream for the skin rash and took an occasional laxative for the bouts of constipation she was getting regularly.

Incredibly, she had learned to live with the nausea, just accepting it as a part of her life and was entirely unaware that it was a Fluconazole side effect. What a miserable life this lady had been living for the past few years, and her case is not that unusual. The primary complaint present but suppressed with a drug or cream applied regularly, inducing several side effects.

So how did Sharon fare? What recommendations did I make? Our first consultation was for almost one and a half hours and we got a few things straight, particularly the point that something had to change if she wanted her vaginal yeast infection to eventually disappear forever. Remember that “definition of insanity” quote? Doing something over and over and expecting a different result? Have you memorized it yet? Sharon was ready to commit to change; and we agreed that she would only take day shifts for the next six to nine months while she worked on her recovery. She also promised herself that alcohol and regular snacking of chocolate, potato chips and junk would stop entirely until her discharge and itch were gone completely. Sharon started to use the Vaginal Implant Protocol and stayed with the Candida Crusher program recommendations for over six months.

Tough Going at First

It was tough going the first month because I wanted her to go cold turkey on the Diflucan (Fluconazole). To her amazement, the nausea soon stopped and she became more committed than ever, especially once her skin and bowel cleared up after about six weeks into the treatment. I had monthly phone-call consultations with Sharon and noticed, as with many patients who are serious about getting well, her emotional state was improving with her physical health. Sharon was a delight to work with because she was ready to fully commit to change, and not only has she no more vaginal yeast infection, she has lost over forty pounds in weight and looks fantastic today!

I wouldn’t trade my occupation for anything else, even after tens of thousands of patients and almost twenty-five years in the clinic. There is something special about the enjoyment you get from helping somebody go literally from a physical wreck on the scrapheap to somebody who is happy, healthy and ready to begin a new life. Are you ready to commit to permanently curing your infection? When you are ready, it will be worth it because like Sharon, your results can be as good as what she has experienced. Getting rid of a chronic health problem will give you a whole new lease of life.

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Case Study – Louise

IMG_0349Louise is a lady in her late 50’s who came in complaining of chronic digestive complaints as well as “unsightly toe nails”. Louise works as a bank manager and is always wearing stocking and shoes, and when she is not in her office enjoys running and cycling which involves wearing shoes and socks again.

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This lady has had a digestive problem for “as long as she can remember”, which originally began over 30 years ago when she was routinely prescribed antibiotics for recurrent urinary tract infections. Her doctor diagnosed her with ulcerative colitis, for which she has been treated with for the past several years, and I suspect that the long-term (unresolved) irritable bowel syndrome has contributed considerably towards the colitis diagnosis. Louise is a high-stress and high-anxiety person who is an absolute perfectionist. I have spent the past several years on and off working with her to help her improve her health, and we are slowly turning the corner with her digestive system but her toe nails will take longer due to her inability to want to make too many changes to her working and sporting interests. It took me a long time to work out that you can only help people to the point where they need to understand that they need to help themselves make those changes necessary to get the permanent results they so much desire!

We have already seen some major improvements in Louise’s health more recently, especially once she stopped drinking wine and started to use pure tea tree oil on her nails every evening. I’ll keep you posted on this case and hopefully add some more pictures of her toenails which cause her embarrassment. Do you toenails look like this? Do YOU have a chronic digestive problem as well? You are foolish to believe that the two are not connected, like many doctors believe. Some folks believe that there is “no” connection, when in fact this is pure ignorance, because chronic complaints in the body are nearly always connected. In order to get rid of chronic symptoms like ongoing toenail fungus, you will need to make several changes in your diet and lifestyle, and these will not only create a shift and eventual resolution of the toenail problem, they will create a shift in the one or several other chronic complaints you have as well. Common sense.

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Candida Case Studies: Meet Jean

Jean’s case is specific to my use of the CDSA x3 test, and I think you’ll find it rather interesting.

Jean, aged 63, saw me several years ago after she had moved from England to settle down in New Zealand. When this patient first came in, what struck me was how thick her file of hospital notes was from London. It was over three inches thick. This patient had been suffering with multiple digestive complaints for over forty years, including cramping pains, bloating, nausea, and continual diarrhea (up to ten motions a day). Her main problem was her increasing intolerance to food. Jean’s diet had become so restrictive that she could only eat a handful of foods, including chicken, fish, spinach and beans. Most foods would set off the terrible stomach pains she was experiencing, and this caused the patient to eat less and less.

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Jean was one of those patients who ticked every condition box on my case-taking form as positive, she had headaches, insomnia, migraines, arthritis, anxiety, depression, urinary tract infections – she had the whole lot. This patient had been to over two dozen doctors and several specialists, not including herbalists, naturopaths, physiotherapists, osteopaths and more.

The main concern was Jean’s weight. It had dropped to 39 kilograms (less than 80 pounds) and at five foot six in height this concerned her bowel specialist greatly so he recommended that she eat more “potato chips (called crisps in England) and chocolate” to gain more weight. What tests were performed on Jean? Apart from the usual blood tests, this poor woman had over one dozen colonoscopies performed and each time “all was normal”. The last visit this patient had to her gastroenterologist stated: “Our findings indicate that Mrs. X has no significant disease”. No other tests were ever performed – no stool culture tests, no food allergy tests – just the bowel examinations and the odd endoscopy (the camera down the throat test).

Whenever I see a case such as this, the very first thing I recommend is the CDSA x 3 test with parasitology. And guess what we found? We found multiple issues, as can be expected, but in particular we found a 3+ level for candida in all three stool samples. This was a significant finding for this patient, for the first time we had answers and the patient and her husband were absolutely delighted. They were also both equally annoyed at the fact that it took so long to find an answer.

How did Jean end up like this you may ask? Well, that is quite simple to answer – through the medical system. When Jean was 18 she suffered from a terrible sore throat, so her doctor prescribed penicillin. After three weeks, the throat was still painful so more antibiotics were prescribed, and then more and then more. Jean developed a bowel problem and back then, in the late 1950’s, nobody really understood the significance of re-populating the bowel with friendly bacteria. And so the patient suffered. Jean’s recovery took approximately nine months, which is a lot quicker than I thought it would take, This was mainly due to her following all the suggestions, including the necessary lifestyle changes like relaxation, deep breathing, Tai Chi, daily supplementation and adhering strictly to the Candida Crusher Diet principles in general. Jean now weighs a healthy 61 kilograms and has one normal bowel motion a day.

We used a particular probiotic product, a candida eradication formula, a special multivitamin, a digestive enzyme, and a omega 3 supplement. Some months we made significant progress, other months it was more difficult, but we got there in the end. The best thing about our business is seeing patients turn the corner, and Jean certainly did.

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Perhaps you can relate to Jean’s case? If you can, then ask your health-care provider for a CDSA x 3 with parasitology. If you don’t get satisfaction or answers, then please contact me. There is no need to suffer for forty years before you can expect optimal health. You just need the right information, and a few hundred dollars for this test. Is your optimal health worth this kind of money? I hope so.