Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections: Finding the Right Diagnosis

Vaginal thrush is quite annoying for most women to experience; it is a milky looking discharge that can have curd like threads. This problem can really wreck a woman’s sex life and cause a tremendous amount of discomfort as well as anxiety.

Some women I have spoken to are ashamed of having vaginal thrush, believing that it is due to uncleanliness, but given the right set of circumstances, just about any woman can develop thrush. It doesn’t matter what your income level is, how clean you are, what level of education you have, your social standing or whether you have an active intimate relationship or not, yeast infection thrush has absolutely no respect with regard to any element of a woman’s lifestyle. Some women may only have yeast vulvovaginitis once or twice in their life, yet others may experience this women’s complaint over and over, with some having it monthly and others having it almost continually. An itch that drives you crazy and an annoying discharge are two of the key signs that you have joined the vaginal yeast infection ranks.

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Getting the Right Diagnosis

“If you trust Google more than your doctor, then maybe it’s time to switch doctors.” ~Christina Cordova

Before commencing this or any treatment aimed at a vaginal infection, it is important that you have a diagnosis by a qualified health-care professional in order to establish whether your symptoms are in fact being caused by a yeast infection. As you will read further ahead in this chapter, there are several reasons why you may have an infection and you need to know what you are dealing with before you can effectively treat it. If you are certain you have a vaginal yeast infection, then treat it but do seek expert help if there is no change in a short period of time.

Furthermore, there is a possibility of re-infection by transmission from one sexual partner to another, so do take precautions and get yourself checked out if in doubt.