Category Archives: Yeast Infection Diagnosis

Using the Coca Pulse Test to Identify Food Intolerances And Allergies

Have you heard about a simple home test you can perform to determine whether you have a reaction to a food or drink you consume? The Coca Pulse Test will not define whether the reaction is an allergy or intolerance, but with a bit of skill it can certainly reveal any underlying and hidden reactions. You may like to try the pulse test, developed by Dr. Arthur F. Coca in the mid 1950’s after working and refining his technique with many patients. Dr. Coca identified many different substances to which his patients were sensitive to, and was surprised how effective his test was at identifying the problems foods in a person’s diet.

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The Coca Pulse Test is based upon the premise that the stress caused by your nervous system in response to a food or drink, which you may be sensitive to, will increase your decrease your resting pulse. Dr. Coca’s pulse test is a technique I have used in my clinic for over twenty years, and it must be performed strictly according to Dr. Coca’s guidelines if excellent results are to be expected. This test is easy to perform, but before you start you will need to establish your baseline, i.e., what your pulse is normally like without being challenged. I use the stopwatch on my iPhone, but a wristwatch with a second hand is OK as well. Now I will explain the whole protocol in detail, and you should be able to perform it at home easily.

1. First, take your pulse fourteen (14) times per day for three con­secutive days as follows: once before rising in the morning (on waking and before getting out of bed), once before each meal, 3 times after each meal (at 30 minute intervals) and again just before going to bed.

2. Take the pulse for one minute (an entire 60 seconds), don’t make the mistake I used to make and count the pulse for 15 sec­onds only, and then multiply by four.

3. All pulse rates should be checked with the person in a seated and relaxed position, except for the first pulse rate of the day that is checked lying down, before you get up and out of bed.

4. Make a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and record all the results, along with what you have consumed with each meal.

5. No snacking between meals, but if you do then you will need to account for the food you consumed and what the pulse rate was before and after.

6. Make a note of the lowest and highest pulse readings over the three-day period. The difference can be between 10 to 16 beats per minute, and a significantly higher or lower pulse rate will indicate that you have consumed something to which you are allergic or sensitive to.

7. Any food that increases or decreases the pulse rate by 12 beats per minute indicates a suspected food and should be eliminated.

8. To figure out which offender is causing the problem, eliminate the suspect food for three days and test around that particular meal again.

9. Take into account that smoking and various pharmaceutical drugs like Beta blockers (blood pressure drugs) may cause false readings, so do take this into account.

10. Any pulse readings should always be performed, and will give the best results while resting quietly.

Another method I have found that works is to simply take your resting pulse each morning and evening throughout all three stages of Candida Crusher Diet. Once you start noticing an increase or decrease in your pulse of 10 to 12 beats per minute over a three-day period, you are on to something. Now you will need to work out what it is that has caused this pulse fluctuation by way of challenging your body with a food or drink you have eliminated. With a bit of trial and error you will find it.

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Foods That Are Suspect Are:

  • Foods you crave or have a strong desire for.
  • Foods that often make you feel lousy or different in any way.
  • Foods that one of your blood relatives is sensitive to.
  • Key trigger foods or foods you have a strong suspicion about.

Candida Patients And Low Blood Sugar Issues

There are several good reasons why candida sufferers would do well to eliminate starches and grains, and in some instances the high carbohydrate vegetables. Most all grains can potentially feed candida because they have a high glycemic (GI) index just like sugar, and like sugar they feed candida and create insulin resistance within the cells.

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I have seen plenty of candida patients over the years with blood sugar problems, especially hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and there are a couple of reasons why they have developed these issues, here are some of the main reasons:

  • Some candida sufferers eat fruit, and plenty of it, because they have started to react to many different sweet foods which they crave but haven’t figured out that many fruits are equally as bad when it comes to food reactions.
  • Some candida sufferers have very restricted diets but continue to snack on dried fruits with the fallacious belief they are eating a “healthy” snack.
  • Some candida sufferers skip meals or haven’t quite figured out yet that small meals or snacks has a more stabilizing effect on their blood sugar levels, as well as mood and energy control.

Other candida patients I have seen – especially those who used to eat plenty of take-out, drink alcohol or Coke every day, love chocolate bars, etc. – have made an abrupt and sudden change in their diet and decided to “go healthy” very suddenly. Some of these patients have ended up in trouble with weakness, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and the many other abnormal signs and symptoms associated with abnormal blood sugar control. For these patients I recommend a good dietary supplement (containing chromium, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium) to help them overcome these issues. Their bodies will adapt to the new diet in about a two to three weeks period.

This is another reason why I often recommend my patients take things slowly but surely. Going “cold turkey” is not always healthy, especially in the case of food addictions. Sometimes going “warm turkey,” or reducing unhealthy foods slowly over time, can be more effective in the long run.

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Difference Between Conventional Medicine and Natural Solution for Candida Yeast Infections

Less than one hundred years ago all health complaints were treated with natural methods, which is today seen as an alternative to science based healthcare.

What was once normal and even practiced by conventional doctors of the day is now frowned upon as fringe medicine.

Modern science and the expensive marketing of powerful and profitable pharmaceutical drugs have ensured that the modern approach is in favor of the drug-based approach. This trend has been slowly but surely reversing the past two decades, as many people are now demanding a more natural and side effect free approach towards their healthcare. While I firmly believe that the conventional science based approach to medicine has its place, conventional treatment relies on powerful chemical based medicines that only suppress symptoms. Natural treatments work more indirectly by strengthening the body’s innate healing responses and in finding the actual causes rather than just relying on treating the symptoms. Many patients come to us seeking assistance with their yeast infections because they have not only become disillusioned with a lack of permanent results, they have become concerned about the risks and potentially serious side effects of the drug-based approach and want to finally get to the root cause of their health problems.

Your health can be improved profoundly with the help of an experienced practitioner of natural medicine or medical doctor who has a good working knowledge of natural medicine. If you want to stay remain under the care of a conventional medical doctor, it is preferable that your doctor has had formal training in natural medicine, and doctors who have had this kind of training have become medical practitioners initially, and then furthered their studies to include nutritional medicine and maybe even herbal medicine and homeopathy. Further they should know how to recognize a candida yeast infection.

You should be able to find an alternative doctor online in your country through a professional association. I have worked in medical clinics for fifteen years and come to know many alternative medicine doctors during that period of time. I can highly recommend any naturopath to spend a few years working alongside doctors to understand the medical system and to learn valuable skills they would otherwise never gain. In addition, it is also preferable that your natural health-care professional has a good understanding and respect for the conventional medical system and will know when to refer you on when necessary.

Today in the 21st century, many people are interested in the best of both worlds, i.e. the benefits that medical sciences as well as natural medicine have to offer combined.

People have become a lot more informed through the Internet these days, and more gentle forms of treatment are generally preferred with the least amount of intervention before powerful drugs or invasive procedures are employed. In this sense it is good to work in conjunction with an experienced naturopath who has undertaken high-level health science based training, or a medical doctor who has undertaken post-graduate natural medicine training. The ultimate is for you to form a relationship with both of these health-care professionals so that you can get a more balanced viewpoint when it comes to the treatment of your yeast infection and associated health problems.

Whichever way your candida yeast infection is treated, it is important for your practitioner to individualize your treatment, because bio-individuality is one of the major factors in achieving a successful course of yeast infection treatment with long lasting benefits to you, the patient.

Although people may share similar signs and symptoms of a yeast infection, some practitioners may try to give all patients with a candida diagnosis virtually an identical form of treatment. I have learned that yeast infection is similar to adrenal fatigue, there is often no single way that even two persons can have exactly the same signs and symptom patterns and therefore be treated identically.

Even identical twins have been found to have a different expression of the same illness. That is why they call a yeast infection a “syndrome”, which is a collection of signs and symptoms that can vary from person to person. And this may create more problems for the medical practitioner than it can for the natural medicine practitioner, because the doctor will treat the disease and its symptoms as individual illnesses, whereas the naturopath will treat the person as an individual and his or her symptoms as a whole.

Vaginal Suppository Treatments with Boric Acid

Some people get concerned when I talk about an acid when it comes to vaginal treatment, thinking that it will burn and cause a lot of pain, but this is untrue. It is important to remember that vinegar and lemon juice are kinds acid too and are equally safe to use.

Boric acid is a safe and non-toxic white crystalline powder that has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities and is available without a prescription. It is has many different applications and is a very effective insecticide as well, mix it with oil and it will attract ants and roaches that will die after eating it. A good remedy for oral thrush in infants is the homeopathic remedy Borax 6 c.

Boric Acid Vaginal Suppository Treatment is particularly effective for stubborn and resistant cases of vaginal yeast infection when used in conjunction with the two phase Build and Kill stages you just read before.

How to Make Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories

It is definitely simple to have your own boric acid suppositories, basically buy some 00 gelatin capsules and fill them with boric acid, around 500 to 600 mg. You can buy boric acid along with the gelatin or cellulose two-piece capsules through your pharmacy (drug store) or a decent health-food shop.

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Make a lot of them up at once because they will keep for a very long time if stored dry and cool for at least a year. When you store them, place them in a container (use an old vitamin container) and drop in a sachet or two of those little packets of silicon which will help to keep your caps free of moisture and potentially harden up over time. Don’t keep in the refrigerator.

Treatment Method

Insert one capsule at bedtime for a seven to ten day period. Alternate with lactobacillus acidophilus treatment in the day and boric acid at night. For recurring and stubborn cases treat for 30 days straight and after the month treat two days out of seven for even up to one year. Best results in the impossible cases are when you alternate this treatment with the GSE treatment, AND use the two-phase protocol outlined above. Treat even during your period, but stop on the few days when your flow is the heaviest.

Caution: Stay away from such treatments (as given) if you are pregnant, please consult with your physician. Make sure to keep boric acid away from kids.

Understanding and Crushing Male Yeast Infections

When men want rapid treatment for a yeast infection, they are generally referring to a yeast infection involving the penis, prostate or the skin around the inner thigh or scrotum. But it may also include a yeast infection of the toenail, digestive system or occasionally the mouth or throat, and these are all things I’ll cover elsewhere.

Men and boys who experience a chronic yeast infection of the genital region most often experience digestive problems, toenail yeast infection or athlete’s foot as other related symptoms.

Some practitioners may see yeast infections in both men and women primarily as sexually transmitted diseases, when in fact a yeast infection will have the tendency to much more commonly occupy the digestive tract and cause major issues there. Nevertheless, yeast infections do commonly affect males and females in their genital region and are amongst the most common reasons both why sexes seek help for their yeast infection.

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It is unfortunate that yeast infections commonly seems to be thought of as primarily as a “women’s” complaint. A male patient who came to our clinic for treatment some time ago for yeast infection treatment of the penis had consulted a medical doctor only to be told that “only women get yeast infections because they have a vagina”.

Male yeast infections are in fact quite widespread and commonly misunderstood. There is an effective and rapid natural treatment option available for men who experience yeast infections, and this solution exists without having to resort to pharmaceutical drugs such as antibiotics that only produce unwanted side effects.

The Causes of Male Yeast Infections

From personal experience in dealing with many men who have a yeast infection, the causes can range from alcohol, chronic ongoing stress, antibiotics or a diet high in the foods that yeasts thrive on like sweet foods.

Most guys with yeast infections tend to snack more indiscriminately and have diets high in refined carbohydrates (sugars, alcohols, breads). They may have larger portion sizes and are less fussy about the quality and quantity of what they eat. These factors can easily account for an overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract.

A male’s yeast problem may have started because a partner who had an existing candida problem infected him. A lesser-known cause of penile skin yeast infections, especially in uncircumcised males, is poor hygiene after sex.

Medical Treatment of Male Yeast Infections

Like women, men who go to their doctor with a yeast infection will often be prescribed Diflucan (Fluconazole) in either a tablet, capsule or in a cream form to apply to the affected areas. I’ve yet to meet a guy who was told by their doctor to stop alcohol or any sweet foods if he wants to recover fully from his yeast infection, with a drug being prescribed instead. Some men may even treat themselves with an over the counter preparation like Monistat which women commonly purchase from their drug store to treat their vaginal yeast infection. The problem with self-prescribing is that the results are usually only temporary, because in most instances the yeast infection comes back as the cause is not addressed.

Preventing Recurrences and Permanently Curing Your Male Yeast Infection

Always treat a yeast infection promptly and never let it get to a point that it becomes chronic recurring problem requiring continuous treatment. If you begin to rely on the Azole type of prescribed drugs or creams you may develop resistance to these drugs and you will then find it considerably more difficult to get rid of your yeast infection. The smartest thing you can do in preventing a yeast infection in the first place is by observing proper hygiene, diet and lifestyle practices.

Some believe that using a topical fungal preparation (treating the skin locally) is sufficient while others insist that for a faster and more complete treatment, a more systemic approach may be necessary for complete eradication of a yeast infection. I tend to agree with the latter, local treatment gives temporary result whilst local and systemic treatment gives a permanent result.

Yeast Infection Hygiene

Are you an uncircumcised male? If you have a penis yeast infection you will generally find that if you roll back your foreskin that the infection is most likely to be present here, because this is the most common place for the yeast infection of the penis to be. Circumcised males do not usually get an infection here, because the glans penis in these men is exposed to the air and represents a considerably less favorable environment for the yeast infection to thrive. It is important to remember that a yeast infection requires a warm, moist and dark environment to thrive, and now you can understand why a woman’s vagina is the perfect place for yeast to thrive. Hygiene is very important because a man can get a penis yeast infection from having sex with a partner that has a yeast infection; or from having oral sex from a person with genital thrush, and even from anal sex with an infected partner. It is very important to use a condom if you are unsure and to observe a high level of personal hygiene at all times to prevent the spread of a personal yeast infection.

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Prostate Involvement

More rarely, a male may experience a yeast infection internally. This is much less likely to occur in a male due to the length of his urethra, in comparison to a female’s urethra. Men who have an internal genital-urinary tract yeast infection may experience symptoms similar to that of a female who has a vaginal yeast infection which may include a burning or stinging pain on urination or a feeling of an intense itch inside the penis which can be most uncomfortable, irritating and persistent. On a rare occasion the prostate gland can even be affected by a yeast infection and there may even be a discharge from the penis.