Vaginal Suppository Treatments with Boric Acid

Some people get concerned when I talk about an acid when it comes to vaginal treatment, thinking that it will burn and cause a lot of pain, but this is untrue. It is important to remember that vinegar and lemon juice are kinds acid too and are equally safe to use.

Boric acid is a safe and non-toxic white crystalline powder that has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities and is available without a prescription. It is has many different applications and is a very effective insecticide as well, mix it with oil and it will attract ants and roaches that will die after eating it. A good remedy for oral thrush in infants is the homeopathic remedy Borax 6 c.

Boric Acid Vaginal Suppository Treatment is particularly effective for stubborn and resistant cases of vaginal yeast infection when used in conjunction with the two phase Build and Kill stages you just read before.

How to Make Boric Acid Vaginal Suppositories

It is definitely simple to have your own boric acid suppositories, basically buy some 00 gelatin capsules and fill them with boric acid, around 500 to 600 mg. You can buy boric acid along with the gelatin or cellulose two-piece capsules through your pharmacy (drug store) or a decent health-food shop.

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Make a lot of them up at once because they will keep for a very long time if stored dry and cool for at least a year. When you store them, place them in a container (use an old vitamin container) and drop in a sachet or two of those little packets of silicon which will help to keep your caps free of moisture and potentially harden up over time. Don’t keep in the refrigerator.

Treatment Method

Insert one capsule at bedtime for a seven to ten day period. Alternate with lactobacillus acidophilus treatment in the day and boric acid at night. For recurring and stubborn cases treat for 30 days straight and after the month treat two days out of seven for even up to one year. Best results in the impossible cases are when you alternate this treatment with the GSE treatment, AND use the two-phase protocol outlined above. Treat even during your period, but stop on the few days when your flow is the heaviest.

Caution: Stay away from such treatments (as given) if you are pregnant, please consult with your physician. Make sure to keep boric acid away from kids.

25 thoughts on “Vaginal Suppository Treatments with Boric Acid”

  1. I have used boric acid suppositories to get rid of bv. It works, but after a few days it causes vaginal bleeding, which is worrisome. So I stop. And then the bv comes back! I wish I knew what to do. (Keep using it for two weeks straight, or stop when I see the bleeding)

    1. Hi Aislyn,
      I have used boric acid for two weeks at a time, no bleeding though. So if you’re sure it’s not spotting I would discontinue use. Try gentian violet tampons. Good luck.


  2. Hello,
    Would it be a good idea to try this method 3 months before trying to conceive? And can I have sex with condoms during the treatment?

    1. My nurse told me that women who are prone to getting infections use these suppositories after sex in order to avoid infections.

        1. Because semen is alkaline (the opposite of acidic) and thrush and BV organisms thrive in alkaline conditions. Mild acids such as diluted vinegar or boric acid counter this.

            1. Seamen has about a 7-7.5 ph level and the vagina is only supposed to be 4-4.5 PH.
              Therefore it can create infections easy as it throws off our ph

  3. Has anyone had bleeding after only 2 suppository doses? I am worried as it looks like fresh blood and I am not on my period.

    1. If you get bleeding then stop using boric acid suppositories. Change to another thing that will make your vagina mildly acidic. Diluted apple cider vinegar on a tampon or as a douche might work. Some plain unsweetened yoghurt might work – or for the same good bacteria and less mess a suppository containing lactobacillus.

      1. I think she means if her partner performs oral sex on her. The answer is no. Since there could be discharge

  4. I just got a prescription for boric acid. I’ve been suffering with recurring yeast and bacterial infections for 2yrs. Hopefully this will take care of my issue. I’m tired of the awful odor and embarrassment.

  5. I missed a day of my 21 day treatment can I just take one tonight and so on? Or will I need to start over?

  6. I only experience yeast infections after sex. How soon after should I take the Boric acid? Right before bed even if we had sex in the afternoon or always right away? Also, how do you insert them? Just with your fingers or can I find sterile applicators anywhere?

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