Common Male Yeast Infection Symptoms
This article will explore the various ways in which a yeast infection will manifest in a male. Men are obviously different in many ways, both in the way that they are shaped anatomically and in their personality and emotions. This article will explore the different signs and symptoms of a candida yeast infection a man is more likely to experience.
Related articles:
- Perseverance is Key: 12 Tips for Sticking with Your Candida Program – Part 2
- Does Candida Cause Sinus Infections, Headaches, and Fatigue?
- Always Disconnected & Dizzy: Is It Candida?
- Everything You Need To Know About Candida Glabrata
- Uncovering the Main Causes of a Yeast Infection – Part 2
- Recurring Ringworm: Can It Be Candida?
Common signs and symptoms males experience with a yeast infection include male-associated urinary and sexual problems as well as various digestive complaints:
- Jock itch
- Itchy scrotum or groin
- Itchy feet or toes
- Itchy ears or scalp
- Loss of sex drive
- Impotence
- Prostatitis
- Cravings for sweet foods or drinks
- Desire for beer
- Desire for confectionery or candy
- Penis infections
- Difficulty urinating
- Urinary frequency or urgency
- Painful intercourse
- Sexual dysfunction
- Swollen scrotum
Is the male a beer or regular drinker of alcohol? Suspect candida if he drinks beers or other forms of alcohol like rum, bourbon, whiskey or other forms of alcohol regularly and complains of prostatitis, itchy skin, burping, bloating, and other symptoms listed here. Many practitioners miss this, but if beer (or alcohol, but commonly a beer) is consumed regularly and there are prostate issues it certainly makes sense to suspect the candida yeast infection which is being happily maintained by a steady supply or beer.
Other signs and symptoms of male yeast infection are:
- Constipation
- Bad breath
- Bloating
- Indigestion
- Frequent intestinal gas
- Frequent diarrhea, very loose stools
- Irritability or mood swings
- Fatigue or lack of energy
- Memory loss
- Dry itchy flaky skin.
- Itchy feet or athlete’s feet
Many men will have several of these signs and symptoms as mentioned above, but may also probably develop a craving for sweets, pasta, potato chips or French fries, hot dogs, take-out, candy, chocolate, coffee (with lots of sugar), soda drinks and similar sweet foods and drinks. In addition, check out my complete listing of the major and minor signs and symptoms of a candida yeast infection.
Related articles:
- Geotrichum and Yeast Infection: Are They Connected?
- Understanding and Crushing Male Yeast Infections
- 3 Step Plan for Male Yeast Infections: Stage 1 – Antibacterial and Antifungal Treatments
- Everything You Need To Know About Abnormal Fatigue & Tiredness
- Everything You Need To Know About Candida Auris
- 3 Step Plan for Male Yeast Infections: Stage 3 – The Soothing Treatment
I have been experiencing all of the above symptoms for sometime now, along with an itchy anus, and mucus strings (sometimes with blood spots) in my stool. I originally thought I may have candida overgrowth in my gut. Maybe I spread it to other areas by itching, etc? Do my other symptoms relate to yeast infections at all? Thanks
I had developed a yeast infection due to an intestional parasite. It is a slow healing process but my symptoms include itchy scrotum when I’ve had alcohol, dandruff, flaked rash on my forehead, fatigue, brain fog and I tend to get sick during flu season.
As hard as this is to get under control, make sure you get tested for parasites or take a parasite cleanse just in case.
As a relatively healthy man now 29, I delt with candida and parasites for the last four years. I went to four doctors looking for answers the first couple of years only to be given creams and allergy pills and told I was completely healthy. Even aftee telling doctors I had traveled southeast Asia for 6 months, they never tested me. Once I started noticing worms in my stool I decided to take my health into my own hands.
I had a massive change in diet, started doing Coffee enemas, taking raw garlic with coconut oil, taking anti parasite herbs and teas and taking diatenacous earth.
As I expelled the parasites (quasi large worms) I felt even worse as the yeast infection kicked in and my body started breaking out in rashes. I assume this was due to the release of toxins/ holes left in my intestions.
However, the parasites have left permanent damage I am still trying to manage. Including receded gums line from teeth clenching (from parasites), an ambulance bill from having what seemed to be a stroke but was reoccurring anxiety attacks, slight anal protrusion from the parasites and attempting to heal my digestive system after the worms (I assume this is where the yeast infection came from.)
It was tough to not feel youthful in a time I should have been, concentrating on my career and love life. But this has lead me to be more conscious of my health then I otherwise had not been.