6 Steps to Eliminate Candida Yeast Infection FOREVER! – Based on 15000 Treated Candida Patients

Warning! For optimal results with candida crusher program I recommend you incorporate good candida supplements, I have a done a video on youtube on how to choose the right candida supplement for optimal results. You can watch it here. Start with canxida remove antifungal take one tablet a day with food, contact me if you have questions about the diet.

Let me show you how it is possible to not only overcome a chronic yeast infection, and also how and more importantly why a candida yeast infection can literally ruin your chances of having a happy life, or the life of your partner or child and why you need to do something about it TODAY!

I’ll also explain why yeast infections are so difficult to eradicate, and the secrets to getting well and help you find a permanent solution to your yeast infection.

If you find yourself reading this page, then you may well be trying to self-diagnose if you have a yeast infection, or are suffering with a candida overgrowth right now, suffering from a condition that can be fully resolved. There are some easy and highly effective ways for you to get well completely and recover entirely from a Candida yeast infection, and chances are that you have come to this page to find that solution. You have come to the right page in that case!

Perhaps you are a person who has only recently figured out that he or she has a yeast infection? You will be able to click on many different links on this page and then be able to read the information you were looking for. Candida yeast infections are NOT like simple bacterial infections, it is not just a matter of taking a few pills like an antibiotic for a couple of days to knock-out this infection!

On the other hand, you could be a person who has been dealing with a yeast infection for some time and have taken probiotics or an antifungal supplement like garlic, oregano oil,  grapefruit seed extract, SF 722, Syntol, Candeze, etc; only to discover you get partial relief, and become unwell time again down the track? It looks like you are looking for an effective and quick solution! There are plenty of options on this page too.

Maybe you one of those people who has been suffering with a chronic yeast infection for many years and have tried every trick in the book to get rid of it. You may have spent tens of thousands of dollars like so many patients I have seen over the years. But what is even worse than wasting all this money, it the fact that you are wasting your life and ruining any chances of a happy life by not curing your yeast infection.

This is one of the main reasons why I wrote my book Candida Crusher, to give people the right information to enable them to cure their own chronic yeast infection in the comfort of their own home.

This page outlines the Candida Crusher Program, the permanent yeast solution.

The Candida Crusher Program

Signs and Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

Do you have a candida yeast infection? For women who want to know if they have vaginal thrush, they may want to read the page Thrush – Vaginal Candidiasis Diagnosis. If you are not sure whether you have a Candida problem or not, you may like to read the page the Signs and Symptoms of Candida Yest Infection. Did you know that there are many ways to discover if you have candida? You may like to read the page the 5 Simple Home Tests for Candida. Ladies may like to read the 10 causes of vaginal yeast infections  and the 3 causes of vaginal inflammation. After you have read these pages, don’t forget to hit that back button to come back to this page, the Candida Crusher Program page.

Conventional Medicine Tends To Ignore Yeast Infections Altogether

Most conventional doctors I have known think that yeast can overgrow only in an immune system that is severely suppressed. For example, if a patient has AIDS or cancer than they may prescribe powerful anti fungal drugs (depending generally on the results of a test), and with negative test results will most probably send you home with a diagnosis of “irritable bowel syndrome”. What doctors are looking for here is known as systemic candidiasis and this is a most serious condition that occurs in persons with suppressed immune systems (for example those who have undergone chemotherapy or AIDS patients who have experienced a total collapse of their immune system). This form of candidiasis can affect the lungs, liver, kidneys and brain. The candida I am referring to in this series is a much more common phenomenon, and is a functional overgrowth which involves the excessive proliferation of candida yeast species in the gastrointestinal system. This overgrowth can take on a more insidious form, as mentioned in an earlier article. Candida yeast skin infections can affect you systemically, however.

I can tell you with 100% absolute certainty that candida does occur in people who do not have AIDS or cancer, or those with normal well functioning immune systems. Candida overgrowth, like many chronic complaints which remain unresolved with conventional methods, is best treated with several stages in mind. I will elaborate on these methods in this article but will for the sake of brevity will focus on the treatment, including some aspects of the candida diet.

Do You Have Athlete’s Foot Or Jock Itch?

The two common complaints I see in many patients are Athlete’s Foot as well as Jock Itch. Both of these annoying complaints can be remedied and completely eradicated by following my principles. Maybe you have Ringworm or Tinea versicolor. Are you using drugs to “cure” these complaints? You will find that you will be using them a long time, and when you stop using them the condition will come back with vengeance. There is only ONE way to cure candida permanently, and that is to stamp out the cause. Why not complete my Yeast Infection Self-Evaluation Test  right now? It only takes a few minutes and you will know pretty soon if you have a mild, moderate or severe case of yeast infection.

Do You Have A Male Yeast Infection Problem?

Yeast infections seems to be thought of as primarily as a “women’s complaint”. A male patient who came into our clinic for treatment with his yeast infection had consulted a medical doctor, only to be told that “only women get yeast infections”. Men may like to read the following articles. Or, perhaps you have a man who may have a yeast problem that requires treatment, but he is oblivious to the fact. This is likely to be the case, as three quarters of patients we see with yeast infections are females, but men suffer equally as bad. I’ve got guys covered in my book Candida Crusher, and have some great hints and tips including a three-stage program how they can eradicate their yeast infection.

Medical treatment: Topical and Oral Anti-Fungal Medications

In extreme cases, you doctor may prescribe oral anti fungal medications for a bad case of thrush or internal gut related candida infection if it is extensive or severe and / or a condition resists topical anti fungal therapy. Some doctors I know routinely treat women with thrush with a powerful anti fungal drug called Fluconazole, which in some cases sorts the problem but for most women it is far from over. Many women I have seen take Fluconazole once per week – ongoing. How silly is that, to stay on a drug indefinitely without trying to remedy the underlying causes.

Their sugar, chocolate or alcohol rich diet was never addressed and their thrush returned within vengeance weeks to months later, prompting the doctor to prescribe another round or even stronger “top shelf” antibiotics. So many patients I have seen have been prescribed a pharmaceutical anti fungal for either a skin, vaginal or intestinal yeast problem, and often recurrently. Some of the BEST topical products are outlined in great detail in chapter 5 of Candida Crusher, get your copy today. The 5th chapter is worth the price of this most comprehensive book alone. Stay away from Canasten, or those pharmaceutical drugs used in applicators. The Tea Tree oil products are superior and no chance of side-effects or candida suppression.


Isn’t it interesting to note the big interest in probiotics lately, when natural health-care professionals have been recommending that people eat foods which enhance their bowel flora naturally for almost one hundred years. Natural health practitioners were recommending patients to eat cultured foods containing lactic acid such as sauerkraut and yogurt long before any probiotic supplement was ever developed, even as far back as the 1920’s and 30’s. Lactic acid today is widely used for reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria like E.coli, salmonella, campylobacter, and listeria on beef, pork, and poultry during the slaughtering process. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt are both foods which are rich in lactic acid, and you only need a small amount daily to make the difference if you have chronic candida. I’ve written extensively on fermented and cultured foods as well as probiotics in my book Candida Crusher.

It is known that lactic acid in yogurt has a most beneficial effect on improving not only the bowel flora by inhibiting pathogenic bacteria, but favorably affecting several aspects of immunity. Are you eating yogurt? Try to avoid yogurt in the little plastic tubs with artificial sugars, instead  chose naturally soured yogurt which has no fruit nor added sugar. Ask your organic shop, they will surely guide you in the right direction.

Commonly Prescribed Anti-Fungal Drugs

  • Itraconazole (Sporanox)
  • Fluconazole (Diflucan)
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral)

Itraconazole and fluconazole are claimed to be relatively “safe drugs”. Side effects can range from nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, abnormal liver function tests, allergic skin rashes such as dermatitis, enlarged breasts (in males) and adrenal suppression. Here is a picture of a patient who developed a skin reaction after an antibiotic. I think I’d rather stick with the candida infection thanks…Besides, some species of candida are resistant to “azoles”, and azole resistance is increasing, especially in immuno-suppressed patients who are prescribed long courses of drugs. I have written an entire chapter in Candida Crusher on medical treatments, and explain in detail about the “zole” drugs your doctor is likely to use, and what your natural alternatives are.


Like many other anti-fungal and antibiotics, Nystatin is of bacterial origin. It was discovered in the 1940’s by two clever female scientists who were looking for an agent in the soil which may be useful in controlling fungal diseases. It was called “Nystatin” after New York, the state it was first discovered. Nystatin is a generally well tolerated drug because very little is absorbed from your intestinal tract. I have found that it is well tolerated and have recommended it after first reading about it in Dr. William Crook’s book “The Yeast Connection” in the 1980’s.  The usual starting dose is 500,000 to 1 million units, four times daily. (Each tablet is 500,000 units or 1/8 teaspoon of the powder) I have recommended patients to talk to their doctors about Nystatin; it is the safest of all drugs your doctor could prescribe for a yeast or fungal condition in your body.William Vayda, a notable Sydney naturopath from the 1970’s and 1980’s stated in his article: “Systemic Yeast infection – part two”. Nature & Health. (1986). “Nystatin is one of only a few drugs that can destroy and eliminate Candida albicans from the gut and can kill the toxins generated by Candida albicans throughout the body.

Dr. Orion Truss, who inspired Dr. Crook to write his landmark book about candida used Nystatin extensively in the 1970’s to discourage yeast growth in his patients, and was one of the first medical doctors to notice the connection between an antibiotic and candida infections. Naturopath William Vayda advised readers to discard their usual aversion to pharmaceutical drugs in the case of Nystatin, in view of its superiority over natural treatments for the systemic elimination Candida albicans. My experience with Nystatin however is that it still is a pharmaceutical drug, it works in only some cases and has some residual side-effects in some patients. but I now prefer to recommend natural medicines. You may not prefer to use Nystatin and these days there are many more natural ways to clear candida, so let’s explore natural ways to treat this annoying complaint. I have certainly been no huge fan of Nystatin the past several years, and have seen the massive “die-off” it has caused with all too many patients in my clinic. And Fluconazole? – just avoid it, you will find that when you break the cycle of using pharmaceutical drugs and use natural medicines you will get a much better result with yeast infections in the long run. Those who recurrently use drugs will develop a dependence on them, not so with natural medicines.

Step 1 – Starve That Beast Called Yeast

Change Your Diet

Don’t feed candida on the foods they love. This means avoid like the plague any refined carbohydrate foods like white flour, and especially any refined sugars such as high fructose corn syrup, glucose, fruit juices and even honey. There are so many books and articles I have read relating to candida eradication, I have tried countless diets with patients but have achieved much success with the following diet which I have found actually works for the majority of yeast infection sufferers.Not how I said the “majority”? And that’s because not every single person with a chronic yeast infection will find this diet to be perfect for them, some will need to tweak it a little to suit their needs.

The thing is to use common sense, and not to rely exclusively on diet books! Mark Twain once said: “be careful reading books on health, you may die of a misprint”. If you crave it – then stop eating it. If is very sweet in your mouth and you know it is wrong – stop eating it. Just like the beer bellied couch potato sports enthusiast, or the sugar plum fairy who likes her late afternoon wine and nibbles, candida prefers refined snack type foods, alcohol like beer and wine as well as chocolate, ice cream, donuts, take-out and candy. Yeast hates a healthy diet full of fresh vegetables, fruits and high quality proteins devoid of refined carbohydrates. Read: Yeast Infection And Carbohydrates. I have never been convinced that patients need to strictly avoid all fruits with candida issues, but do request that those with major problems be quite strict for the first three weeks and then ease up a little. If you suspect a yeast infection, it is useful to take note of my dietary advice since it does not contradict the general guidelines for good healthy eating and has made an enormous difference in the lives of so many patients I have seen who, unbeknown to them, were being made miserable by this condition. Just do the diet strictly for three weeks, then include more fresh fruits. Stay on this diet for as long as it takes which could be 3 – 6 months. You will feel great and will have probably made some long term changes as your health has improved in many different ways. Want to learn a lot more about diet, nutrition and Candida? Then you will need to get the book Candida Crusher, because it contains more than 200 pages of what to eat and how to eat it, more information than any book currently available on this topic.

Step 2 – Suppress And Eradicate That Yeast Overgrowth

But Be Careful Of “Die-Off”

Some people who talk about suppressing and eradicating a Candida yeast infection like to use the word “kill” when it comes to candida treatment, but killing is not necessary. Wars never solve problems, they just create more wars. Today I rather suppress yeast and build good bowel flora and have found it much more satisfactory and an even more effective approach without needlessly aggravating the patient. Some tend to think the “die-off” is unavoidable, but it is not necessary.

Some therapies that successfully treat candida by causing the rapid death of large numbers of yeasts can cause a “die-off” reaction (known as the Herxheimer reaction) during which great amounts of toxins are released from the dead candida microorganisms. These toxins can cause allergies and rather severe reactions in many people. Some patients (prematurely) abandon their candida treatment under the mistaken belief that this “die-off” reaction and its associated allergic reactions are an indication that their candida over-proliferation is worsening rather than diminishing. Read: Yeast Infection Die-Off  and Candida Yeast Infections And Drunk Disease.

Here is a list of some of the most effective things to take, in no particular order. I have not mentioned dosages because I tend to customize dosage levels for each individual patient, and what works for one may aggravate another quite badly.  If in doubt, use the “go low and go slow” method when it comes to supplementation. Get help, if these things do not make a significant difference then seek out a good naturopath or nutritionally orientated doctor who is genuinely knowledgeable about the treatment of candida. While you can self-prescribe, I think it is best if you work in with a Candida experienced health-care professional rather than follow the advice from some magazine or a friend. Candida treatment has its ups and downs, and a program tailored to suit your specific needs will be much more effective than just adopting a yeast free diet and taking a bunch of supplements and hoping for the best. I’ve devoted a significant section (70 pages) of my book Candida Crusher to explaining in great detail the best dietary supplements and special foods which will help you eradicate a yeast infection.

  • Caprylic acid: Caprylic acid is a very effective, broad-spectrum anti-fungal monounsaturated fatty acid in a capsule. It works well and I have used it for years. It is more potent against detrimental fungi than many commonly used anti-fungal supplements. I give it three times daily for about 6 weeks then reduce to twice daily. It works better if you have a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil daily as well. Be sure to include some coconut oil and coconut milk regularly in your diet – they contain capric and caprylic acid as well, though not as concentrated (nor sustained release) like a supplement would contain.
  • Digestive enzymes: These are essential to break down the foods you eat into usable nutrients, especially where there is a candida overgrowth which depletes hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in your stomach. Supplemental pancreatic enzymes and supplemental proteolytic enzymes (such as pancreatic amylase, Bromelain, chymotrypsin, lipases, papain and trypsin) will all help to significantly reduce the discomfort caused by any Herxheimer (“die-off”) reactions.
  • Good probiotic supplement.  I generally recommend that you take a combined enzyme/probiotic supplement, they don’t affect each other and it saves you having to take a handful of pills. A most effective candida probiotic should contain Saccharomyces and Lactobacillus rhamnosus species. I recommend taking probiotics twice daily before foods.
  • Colloidal silver. This product works in suppressing and even wiping out candida. Here is a small section out of a study completed by the School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, “Preliminary studies on your colloidal silver preparation (1500 ppm) show it to be effective in inhibiting and killing strains of Candida albicans. Three strains of Candida were tested and they were all killed by the preparation at between 46 and 93 ppm. Growth was inhibited at between 0.7 and 1.4 ppm”.
  • Pau d’arco Tea. This tea from the South American tree has a long folk use in the treatment of infections. Several compounds from Pau d’arco have demonstrated anti-Candida effects. Drink a cup of Pau d’arco tea twice daily, and take in supplemental form as part of an anti-fungal supplement.
  • Garlic. This is one of my favorite and most effective anti-candida measures. Garlic suppresses and kills most forms of detrimental fungi, bacteria, protozoan and viruses. I have for many years had a large bowl of garlic cloves on my kitchen bench and use fresh cloves in most of my cooking along with plenty of fresh herbs such as oregano, sage, basil, thyme, and parsley. These herbs were introduced into cooking many thousands of years ago to inhibit bacteria and eliminate parasites, not to flavor foods! Do you eat garlic daily? It will help your digestive, circulatory and immune system in many ways. While you can supplement with capsules of aged or odorless garlic, fresh is again the best. Can’t tolerate garlic? Then get the odourless capsules or tablets.
  • Oregano oil. Another good yeast eradicator is oregano, it is the best leafy herb to counter candida, so be sure to eat fresh oregano; use it in salads, egg dishes, etc. Make sure your anti-fungal supplement contains oregano oil.
  • Grapefruit seed extract (GSE). This is possibly the most potent of all yeast eradicators, and studies have shown that it can help to rid your body of many different kinds of bad bacteria, yeasts, and parasites. Make sure your anti-fungal product contains it.
  • A top quality vitamin and mineral as well as Omega 3 supplement. These are important since candida taxes the body’s own reserves of vitamins and minerals. Take a quality multi-vitamin every day, along with a quality Omega3 supplement.

Step 3 – Drop The Drugs And Yeast-Promoting Foods

Antibiotics Are THE Biggest Cause

Avoid broad spectrum antibiotics and immuno-suppressant drugs like cortisone, prednisone and inhaled steroids, birth control or hormone replacement therapy pills whenever possible. Today’s powerful antibiotics are able to suppress good micro flora and cause candida overgrowth in just a few days.  Read: Yeast Infections And Antibiotics

But wait, there’s more, in New Zealand for example we are feeding around 70 million chickens per year low doses of antibiotic every single day of their lives. You may be surprised to hear that there are several strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria found in conventionally (caged) raised poultry, buy free range chicken for this reason. What country do you live in, and how are the chickens raised and processed where you live? Do you eat supermarket chicken? Chances are that you will also be consuming antibiotics in a very low dose, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that very long-term low dose antibiotics is the same as short term high dose. The solution? Look for clean, preferably free-range chicken and eggs and avoid the well known commercial brands which almost always contain traces of antibiotics. Some of these companies are clever, and while they promote themselves as “our chicken contains no growth hormones”,  but they do contain traces of antibiotic residues. How else can you keep thousands of birds healthy when you stuff them in cages, keep them in the dark and give them a totally unnatural lifestyle?

It is preferable to eat organic meats whenever possible, and this includes beef, lamb and pork. Free-range or organic deer meat (venison) or buffalo (if you live in USA) and ocean fish are probably your best protein choices because they haven’t been “fiddled with”. Your grandparents probably had a few chickens and grew some vegetables. The book Candida Crusher contains plenty of information about antibiotics, and outlines the medical treatment of candida. Your doctor will most likely only see a vaginal yeast infection as being the main yeast infection in their patients, whereas I see them manifest to a large degree in the digestive system, and antibiotics are one of the biggest culprits. I’ll show you how to not only recover fully from a yeast infection in Candida Crusher, and how you can avoid this condition for life.

You don’t need to take antibiotics routinely for trivial infections as a “precautionary measure” as some doctors put it. We have become a germ-obsessed society, and you will have no doubt seen those advertisements for cleaning products on your television which focus on the importance of keeping your home surroundings literally sterile. The cleaner we want to be and the more drugs like antibiotics and germ-killing chemical cleansing agents we use to achieve this objective, the more we increase our risk stronger and increasingly drug-resistant strains of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Step 4 –  Rest Your Immune System

Stop Allergenic Foods For Now

Food allergies are most common with candida. The things you crave are frequently what the yeast itself craves. Try to identify any possible sensitivities or allergies and weed them out. This can be of enormous benefit to you, as you will be side-stepping those foods and drinks that are challenging your immune system the most. Steer clear of milk products, baked foods made with wheat flour, and all foods to which you suspect you might be allergic or sensitive to. Reducing the workload on your immune system enables it to have sufficient energy and powers it up to allow your body to finally eradicate that candida yeast infection. I have found this to be a key but often overlooked factor to a complete recovery. The immune system is the one that finishes off the job, but only if it has the energy to do so. Eating foods that have a high allergy potential or typical yeast promoting foods like conventionally baked and risen breads and alcohol tires out your immune system since it is forced to shadow box any antibodies it has built up that mimic candida.

Avoiding the foods most commonly associated with allergies and sensitivities allows your immune system to rest up well, giving you the best chance of fighting a yeast infection.The foods I would like to see you avoid for several months (and if you do you may want to avoid them for a long time because you will feel great) include: all “risen” breads (using conventional baker’s yeast), all soft cheeses (in those foil wrappers), wine, beer and spirits and plain white vinegar, chocolate, peanuts, grapes and sweets. In this category I would also place bananas and oranges and mandarins (lemon and lime is OK) as well as ALL dried fruits. Ask yourself how sweet your treats are, if you simply must have something sweet then have a fresh pear for example.

Food Re-Introduction. In Candida Crusher I explain in great detail all about how you can best re-introduce different foods into your diet after you have cleared that yeast infection. I even give you charts on different food groups on which foods your should first introduce, and which ones last.

My book candida Crusher contains an extensive amount of information on food allergies and food intolerances as well as food-reintroduction methods. I explain in great detail all about the immune system and candida, as well as how stress affects your immune system and ultimately increases your susceptibility by lowering your resistance. Have you got your copy yet? It is available on candidacrusher.com

Step 5 – Identify And Avoid Chemicals And Toxins

Detoxification – Clean Up Your Body

To further reduce load on your immune system, avoid as much as possible car fumes; chemical pollutants; insecticides, sprays, artificial colors; preservatives; emulsifiers and as mentioned food allergens as well as any inhaled allergens. Do you have amalgam (mercury) fillings and can’t seem to shake recurrent yeast infections? Take a look at what mercury does to your gut; every time you swallow you ingest a tiny amount of methylated mercury in your bowel on which candida can potentially thrive. Why not do a cleansing program yourself? It is a quick way to clean up the body. My book Candida Crusher devotes an entire chapter to cleansing and detoxification, and you will be able to learn the best approach to a short cleanse, a more in-depth detoxification protocol as well as heavy-metal cleansing.

Step 6 – Lifestyle Changes

Eradicate Candida For Life

Your lifestyle should be your main concern as far as yeast infection recovery is concerned, and that is why I have left some of what I consider to be some of the best information until last in my book Candida Crusher. As far back as 1983, Dr. William Crook (The Yeast Connection) pointed out that the influence of lifestyle was paramount in both the creation and the ultimate recovery from a yeast infection. Unless those with chronic yeast infections change their lifestyle to reduce and then eliminate these causative factors, complete healing is seldom accomplished. I have certainly discovered this to be the case in my practice after many thousands of patients, and have noticed that those who are the most committed to recognizing the causes of their yeast infection and make the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes long-term are the ones who get the best results. You’ll find over a hundred pages in Candida Crusher that relate to lifestyle changes.


Candida Crusher – Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally Forever

Candida Crusher took me three years to write and is based on my 25 years of clinical experience and treating over 15000 candida patients, it is FINALLY AVAILABLE. You can get your copy today at special discount price $47 by clicking the link below.


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2 thoughts on “6 Steps to Eliminate Candida Yeast Infection FOREVER! – Based on 15000 Treated Candida Patients”

  1. I would like to order your candida crusher paper book not an ebook . How can I order a hard copy book?

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