
Ringworm (Tinea corpora)

This is probably one of the most misdiagnosed yeast skin infections I have seen, commonly viewed as eczema in children. Ringworm is caused by a microscopic fungus, not an actual worm. Many people worry a great deal about the term “ringworm”, and actually believe they have a worm problem. This is not the case, you simply have a fungal type of skin problem that causes these peculiar round red lesions, they are quite characteristic of ringworm – look at the picture, do you recognize it if you look at your itchy skin lesion?

The infected area spreads out slowly from its central starting point and creates a slightly raised, circular and intensely red ring surrounding a less red, flaky, itchy area. It is impossible to miss, once you have seen this condition you won’t forget it. Over weeks, the ring slowly enlarges and spreads. It can occur anywhere on the body and in multiple sites at once, so it’s often confused with other kinds of skin problems like eczema, dermatitis and even psoriasis.

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Solution – use straight Australian Tea Tree Oil. Works well for my patients. I tend to use other products as well, depending on the case and like the person to have a diet change for 6 – 12 weeks. We can most always have a quick resolution with ringworm. This condition is easy to spot and diagnose, so don’t be fooled anymore. Make sure you observe hygiene and cleanliness, naturally.