Louise is a lady in her late 50’s who came in complaining of chronic digestive complaints as well as “unsightly toe nails”. Louise works as a bank manager and is always wearing stocking and shoes, and when she is not in her office enjoys running and cycling which involves wearing shoes and socks again.
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This lady has had a digestive problem for “as long as she can remember”, which originally began over 30 years ago when she was routinely prescribed antibiotics for recurrent urinary tract infections. Her doctor diagnosed her with ulcerative colitis, for which she has been treated with for the past several years, and I suspect that the long-term (unresolved) irritable bowel syndrome has contributed considerably towards the colitis diagnosis. Louise is a high-stress and high-anxiety person who is an absolute perfectionist. I have spent the past several years on and off working with her to help her improve her health, and we are slowly turning the corner with her digestive system but her toe nails will take longer due to her inability to want to make too many changes to her working and sporting interests. It took me a long time to work out that you can only help people to the point where they need to understand that they need to help themselves make those changes necessary to get the permanent results they so much desire!
We have already seen some major improvements in Louise’s health more recently, especially once she stopped drinking wine and started to use pure tea tree oil on her nails every evening. I’ll keep you posted on this case and hopefully add some more pictures of her toenails which cause her embarrassment. Do you toenails look like this? Do YOU have a chronic digestive problem as well? You are foolish to believe that the two are not connected, like many doctors believe. Some folks believe that there is “no” connection, when in fact this is pure ignorance, because chronic complaints in the body are nearly always connected. In order to get rid of chronic symptoms like ongoing toenail fungus, you will need to make several changes in your diet and lifestyle, and these will not only create a shift and eventual resolution of the toenail problem, they will create a shift in the one or several other chronic complaints you have as well. Common sense.
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