This is a great question and it’s one I receive often in my clinic. Truth be told, many women don’t even want to have intercourse when they have thrush as even with a lubricant it can be quite uncomfortable.
It is probably best that you avoid sex for some time if you have severe vaginal thrush, or at least during the bad flare or acute stages, because you will only irritate the skin and prolong the healing.
Be most diligent about hygiene and re-infection. You may like to try coconut oil as a lubricant if you want to have sex but don’t want the pain; it works well for many people. Coconut oil is an antifungal as well as a good lubricant. Even better than coconut oil is jojoba oil, a kind of a liquid wax almost, it is probably the best sex lubricant you can get and is anti-fungal too.
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If you want to have intercourse when you have vaginal thrush, then I would recommend you do a yogurt douche immediately after. In addition, if your partner is not careful, you may pass the infection to your partner and then back to yourself. Later in this book you will read a case history about a 27-year-old male who contracted a yeast infection from his girlfriend who had a severe case of vaginal yeast infection. This man developed a chronic case of prostatitis that eventually cleared up after several months of treatment.
Especially avoid sex in the week leading up to your period if you have chronic candida, this is the time when most women who have a yeast infection have discovered that their yeast infection is at its most severe. I can highly recommend you study chapter 5, a chapter devoted entirely to chronic women’s yeast infections.
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