It makes sense to clean up your digestive system even before you start on the Candida Crusher Diet, even if you believe that you have a perfect diet or appear to have no digestive problems. Before you landscape your garden to perfection, doesn’t it make sense to first clean up all that garbage around the garden? The first thing you do is to pick up all the rubbish, especially all that rubbish hidden in the corners and out of sight places of your garden and take it all away. Similarly, before you set about restoring your body and eradicating all that unwanted yeast overgrowth and its toxic by-products, it pays to clean up your digestive tract.
The surface area of your digestive system is huge, and not unlike a large garden. There are many places where potential yeasts, bacteria, parasites and protozoan can hide and thrive, and by sweeping out the small and large bowel in particular with a bowel purge and then a seven day cleansing diet, you will find it that much easier to tackle your Candida Crusher Program. This stage is important because it sets the foundation and will help to ease you into the Program with a lot less potential discomfort and candida die off that many people talk about.
For chronic yeast infection sufferers especially, the Big Clean-Up offers the opportunity of moving out the accumulated debris from your intestines, thereby flushing out not only the candida yeast overgrowth, but many other accumulated bugs so that Candida Crusher Program can finally deal with that ongoing infection once and for all.
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When it comes to cleansing reactions of your body after commencing natural medicine treatment, I like to use the metaphor of cleaning a room. When you clean a dirty and dusty room in your house and sweep the ceiling for cobwebs, wipe down the walls and then proceed with cleaning the windows, curtains and floor you will notice that there will be dust floating in the air, you may even cough and sneeze if there is a lot of dust. You don’t feel clean when you clean a dirty room, and cleaning a house properly can leave you rather dirty, have you noticed? You feel dirty and want to have a bath, because all this house cleaning has made you feel literally toxic, especially if you have left it for many years.
Cleansing your body can have you feeling rather terrible at times as well, you may sneeze and cough, develop a skin rash or fatigue, have a dull headache and potentially plenty more. Sometimes patients tell me that they are worried about “side-effects” of natural treatments, but this reaction is generally nothing more than all that dirt and grime coming to the surface of the body and causing problems.
Don’t worry, these reactions are only temporary and soon clear up, and like a room you have cleaned from top to bottom, you will be delighted with the end result. Do you like a clean house? Of course you do, then tell me why are you living in a body that rarely ever gets cleaned on the inside? You take a bath daily, but what about all those organs inside, do you think that rubbish and toxins never accumulate?
Bodies, just like houses, can harbor many different and varied kinds of hidden toxins, like molds, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, xenoestrogens, man-made estrogen mimickers found in every day products like thin plastic cling film and countless other kinds of poisons. Sometimes these poisons can remain hidden and undetected for many years, but when you finally do detect them and remove them your health will often elevate to a whole new level, once all that dust has settled so to speak. These undetected toxins can often be the hidden source of a mystery illness, like a candida yeast infection. Yeasts like to grow in environments that are conducive to their survival, and once you change your inner environment for the better, candida will find it very difficult to gain a foothold.
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I have purchased the book but I am confused about the sequence. I am almost ready to start “The Bowel Purge” but I don’t see any information about what to eat during this period or how long to stay on the purge. There is a lot of information in the e-book but it is sometimes very difficult to find basic instructions on what, when, how long etc.
He has done a video on his youtube channel.
I have a similar question and cannot seem to find the video on his YouTube channel. Is there any way you can post a link to the video here? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
All the videos related to your question are listed here
I clicked on this link & it doesn’t go to a video. I’ve searched on You Tube & can’t find it either. I’m starting the purge this week & don’t know what I should be eating. Can you please help as there is no info in the ebook.
The video works you can also search “Candida Cleanse Eric Bakker” on youtube.