An Introduction to the Candida Crusher Program

The Candida Crusher Program will help guide you through your recovery and you will find that a complete recovery program is outlined in Chapter 7 of the book in five sections. By reading and implementing all of the information contained in that chapter, you could well achieve the same great outcomes that my patients achieve when they visit me in my clinic or have consultations with me on Skype. Once you get a good understanding of the Candida Crusher concept, feel free to modify your program including the diet, lifestyle recommendations as well as the Candida Crusher supplementation dosages to suit your own individual needs.

The Candida Crusher Program has been successfully trialed and tested over many years involving several thousand patients. I know this program works because of the most positive feedback I have received not only from patients, but from naturopaths and other health care professionals I have shared several of these secrets with as well over the years. These are not “secrets” really; but like achieving most things in life that are really worthwhile, it is a matter of applying clearly defined principles and sticking with a proven plan and never giving in until you get the desired results.

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And what if you don’t get a good outcome? Then you will need to tweak the program until you do, or discover the hidden obstacles preventing you from healing yourself and that’s exactly what I have tried to do with patients over the years. I have learned from the many mistakes I made in the early years and don’t think you should have to repeat these mistakes. Your success is virtually assured as long as you stay on track. Pay particular attention to the information contained in the boxes, many are great tips which can help you fast track your results.

As you will learn later on, if improvements don’t occur long-term, or if improvements hold only temporarily and then your health quickly regresses, then you will need to look for what I call the “obstacles to cure”, and you will learn all about these at the end of section 5 in the program section of the book. One or more of these obstacles may be in your way and could be preventing that breakthrough from occurring that you have been so desperately looking for, especially if you are one of those patients who has been to countless practitioners, read all the candida books, tried all the fancy diets as well as candida supplements and still doesn’t get well and stay well.

My main motto has always been to never give in in life with anything, and this is what will make the difference, sheer persistence. Persistence eventually pays off. After all, it has taken me several years to write this very book because it was written in a time of my life with four teenagers, in the middle of adding a 120 square meter extension to my home while simultaneously operating two businesses, including my busy international naturopathic consultancy.

Almost anything is possible in your life with sheer persistence and determination, I want you to remember this down the track when the clouds roll in and cover your sun, and it looks like you will never get well in spite of your best made plans.

I have experimented with countless different candida diets over the years and found many are just too rigid for the average candida patient to follow, while others were just too plain liberal. Some books I studied did not clearly define when to re-introduce certain foods and drinks which were eliminated, and others would elaborate on a “paint by numbers” approach to the candida diet, for example – for the first two weeks you avoid this food, and then for the next two weeks you avoid another food, etc. Many candida diets were just too confusing and some were plain impossible to follow for too long. And, if a program is too rigid then the compliance will be quite poor and consequently the results will simply not be forthcoming. Is it any wonder the typical chronic candida patient is confused, bewildered and completely disappointed in the end?

In addition, some companies who strongly promote dietary supplements maintain that supplements alone will cure candida and not to worry too much about diets, because they are just too plain difficult to follow. Some supplement resellers even call the candida diet the impossible diet; yet actively promote products, paying a small amount of attention to diet while mentioning zilch about those all-too-important lifestyle changes required.

While some high quality candida dietary supplements are required, especially in chronic cases, you will get the best possible results you are looking for by a utilizing a combination of the right diet for you, lifestyle habits and high-quality dietary supplementation. All three are required if you are to beat that yeast infection, and my emphasis is on 80 percent focus on diet and lifestyle and 20 percent focus on special anti-candida foods and specialized supplements. A well-coordinated approach works beautifully, and I have proven this to be the case time and again with many candida patients. The right diet “for you” implies that no one size fits all, and that you will need to be especially tough the first few weeks but then loosen up and modify my recommendations to suit your own needs. Don’t worry if this all sounds a bit confusing, I’ll explain as we go along.

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Each of the 5 sections within chapter 7 of the book are important, and if you want to get the best out of the Candida Crusher then I would recommend that you read chapter 7 in particular a few times over. It will be almost as good as coming to see me in private in my consultation room or having a catch-up on Skype for a yeast infection consultation.



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