In this post I would like to cover the topic of “Chronic Yeast Infection”, I will reveal the symptoms, what actually causes chronic yeast, and some natural treatment options available for YOU.
Yeast infection is typically caused by Candida albicans. Candida is a normal resident of human body in small numbers, living in and on the warm, moist areas of the body. A yeast infection is the result of an overgrowth of Candida which may occur due to variety of reasons. Candidiasis is the medical term used to describe the infection due to yeast. A Candida yeast infection is generally not life-threatening (although it can and does occur) but it definitely can cause serious discomfort and very much affect the quality of a person’s life. The most commonly occurring infections due to an overgrowth of candida tend to be vaginal yeast infection, skin yeast infections, nail yeast infections as well as throat and oral thrush. A chronic yeast infection is a yeast infection which can potentially persist for a very long time which may be weeks or months or sometimes even many years.
What causes chronic yeast infection?
Generally, a yeast infection is not necessarily accompanied by a serious health problem. But, a chronic yeast infection may reflect a more serious underlying disease. There are certain diseases which can weaken the immune system of body and may result in a chronic yeast infection. It may be a symptom of diabetes mellitus or cancers like leukemia. It may also be a symptom of HIV infection or early stages of AIDS. Some other factors such as use of birth control pills or menopausal hormone replacement therapy may also be a factor in candida infection. Regular use of estrogen pills can cause a shift in the hormonal balance of your body, and this shift in hormonal balance causes a change in the pH of vagina. This change can provide a favorable environment for growth of yeasts. One of the most common of the drug-related yeast infection causes however, is the liberal use of antibiotic drugs, and a lesser-know cause is the use of antibiotics in our food chain, for example commercial poultry.
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Some cases of chronic yeast infection may result from poor hygiene, or the use of products like detergents and perfumes containing harmful chemical agents. A woman may also repeatedly get infected from his partner via sexual intercourse, if the partner is suffering from yeast infection.
Does pregnancy increase the risk of a chronic yeast infection?
During pregnancy, the pH of the vagina changes due to hormonal changes in pregnancy. This pH change may cause an imbalance between the beneficial lactobacillus bacteria present in vagina and assist in the proliferation of Candida albicans. Hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills also exert a similar effect. An increase in the level of estrogen can feed the yeast and potentially cause yeast to overgrow resulting, in chronic yeast infection. This also explains why many women also have a tendency to having an increase in yeast infection pre-menstrually, as opposed to after their period.
What are the symptoms of chronic yeast infection?
Women suffering from chronic yeast infection commonly experience itching in genital area, vulva and vagina. Although these symptoms can be caused by other diseases, a chronic yeast infection is the commonest cause. Burning and pain in vulval area and vagina are also common. A whitish vaginal discharge having may also accompany the pain and itching, and it can range from being a thin discharge to even having the appearance of cottage cheese.
Men suffering from chronic candida infection may have a rash over the penis which can be very itchy, especially uncircumcised males. A yeast infection can commonly affect men on the inner thigh close to their scrotum, or even cover the whole scrotal area.
Some patients with a yeast infection may experience a sore throat and a yeast infection of the mouth and/or tongue. On examination, white layer or patches may be seen inside the oral cavity and even covering parts of or the entire tongue.
Some other non-specific symptoms associated with chronic yeast infection are abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion and heartburn.
How chronic yeast infection can be treated?
My first advise would be to see a Naturopath in your city most of them follow my Candida Crusher protocol which can help you greatly. However, if you are someone who likes to save money and go on about treating their chronic yeast on their own then you can also get a copy of my book Candida Crusher.
What about OTC and supplements?
Although chronic yeast infection can be treated with OTC (over-the-counter) medications, there are many highly effective natural treatments available as well. I would advise you however to be careful about any serious health conditions which may underlie chronic yeast infection and for this reason it is important that you have a proper diagnosis. You may like to visit your health-care professional, to see whether you are indeed suffering from a yeast infection or from a more serious medical condition such as diabetes mellitus. You may like to complete my yeast infection survey to see if you have a mild, moderate or severe case of yeast infection.
There are many different anti-fungal drugs available to treat chronic yeast infections. These may be ointments or creams for local application or may be tablets for oral use. For vaginal yeast infection, vaginal suppositories are also available. Some of these drugs are over-the-counter and some are prescription drugs. For chronic yeast infection these drugs need to be used for a long time; which may be weeks, months or even years in cases such a chronic vaginal, skin or nail infection of yeast. I want you to be aware of the futility of using a pharmaceutical drug over and again for a yeast infection, yeast is a clever organism and in time you will only develop drug resistance, and potentially develop even more virulent and stronger strains of candida, which may be potentially extremely difficult to eradicate.
It is better to get advice from your health-care professional, particularity a person who specializes in yeast infections, if you are suffering from a chronic yeast infection. In addition, it is important that your partner should also be treated at the same time as you if you are suffering from chronic or recurrent vaginal yeast infection, or jock itch.
What If I Leave Chronic Yeast Infection Untreated?
WARNING! Watch my video below “What Are The Consequences Of A Chronic Yeast Infection When Left Untreated? Pay close attention! to what I have to say in this video.
What are the natural treatments for chronic yeast infection?
Yoghurt: Yoghurt is a good natural source of Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, which constitutes a major part of our normal bacterial flora. As you have read earlier, the imbalance in the bacterial flora is a cause of chronic yeast infection, and replenishing these beneficial bacteria will help in overcoming a chronic yeast infection. I have written extensively about yogurt in my book Candida Crusher, and you will find plenty of information in section 1 of chapter 7.
Garlic: Garlic has very good anti-fungal properties. For maximum benefit one should take small amounts of raw garlic on a very regular basis. If you can include a few cloves of fresh garlic and swallow with a glass of water once or twice daily, it will give you the maximum benefit. It can also be used in the form of vaginal suppository. You may peel off a garlic clove and tie it to a string and use as suppository. For yeast infection of your skin, garlic paste can be used for local application, particularly with toenail fungus. You can read much more about the virtues of garlic in section 4 on chapter 7 in my book Candida Crusher.
Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has excellent anti-fungal properties and I consider it one of the most effective of all effective natural remedies for yeast infection, particularly when used externally. It can be applied to the affected area after dilution. It can also be applied either directly to the vagina or a tampon dipped in it can be used, but be sure to use the water-soluble variety of Tea Tree Oil. Be careful about irritation which tea tree oil may cause; discontinue the use if that happens and wash the area thoroughly with plain water. You are safer using water-soluble teat Tree Oil vaginally, and straight tea Tree Oil on your toe nail fungus. My book Candida Crusher contains a lot of valuable information on the uses of Tea Tree Oil, because I have over twenty years of experience in recommending it for various kinds of yeast infections. Be sure to buy a copy of Candida Crusher, you will find an incredible amount of hints and tips on using this most amazing natural medicine in my book.
Vinegar: Vinegar being a mildly acidic substance has the property of arresting the growth of yeasts. A good quality organic apple cider vinegar is the best vinegar to use, avoid all commercial (white) vinegars. Vinegar can also be used to take a sitz bath after adding it to the lukewarm water. It acts as an instant reliever. There is plenty of information on the best uses of vinegar with yeast infections in my book Candida Crusher.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is known to have good anti-fungal properties. It can be either applied directly to the affected area of body or taken orally. You will find much useful information about coconut and its anti-fungal properties in my book Candida Crusher.
Oil of oregano: This oil has amazing anti-fungal properties, and it also has immune-boosting properties. Be sure to get a high-grade wild-crafted oregano oil, with a high percentage of the active ingredient called carvacrol. Oregano oil is incredible when it comes to Candida, and I use it to wipe out even the most serious of foot and nail infections. You will need to take particular care in its use, which I outline in great detail in section 4 of chapter 7 of my book Candida Crusher.
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My book candida crusher is based on treating 15000 candida patients over my 25 years of clinical career, if you have had enough with candida and want to get back your life then get a copy of my book Candida Crusher – Permanent Yeast Infection Solution today just for $47, was $67 and I have a limited time offer for next few weeks. More at the end of this page.
What are benefits of taking Lactobacillus acidophilus in the treatment of chronic yeast infections?
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most important of the beneficial bacterium present in your body. Replenishing these bacteria helps in checking the growth of candida. If you have taken antibiotics to treat your bacterial infection, be sure to follow it with course of acidophilus.
Candida Crusher – Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally Forever
My book Candida Crusher which took me five years to write and is based on my 25 years of clinical experience and treating over 15000 candida patients is FINALLY AVAILABLE. You can order your downloadable copy now from
Naturopath Eric Bakker N.D., Candida expert, creator of and author of Candida Crusher, reveals the only truly holistic Candida treatment that has permanently cured Candida yeast infections of more than 15,000 patients, a program that has eliminated Candida and restored countless patient’s energy levels and vitality
If YOU regularly experience symptoms like severe itching and burning, skin rashes, vaginal yeast infection or jock itch, toe nail fungus, sugar cravings, headaches, brain fog, drowsiness or weight gain, click here to read more about the Candida Crusher Program.
hi I was a victim of yeast infection about two years ago but my discharge has never stopped since then, i don’t know where the problem is
I have read online that taking garlic as a form of medicine might affect the effectiveness of birth control pills. Could using garlic as a vaginal suppository for treating thrush also affect the pills’ effectiveness?
Please try canxida cream!
Hey I have been living with a yeast infection for over a month been using anti fungal cream and everything nothing works what would be my best option
Have you tried our canxida supplements?
Hi. I have been treating year infection for two years. The last time I saw a doctor was in September and he gave me vaginal tablet to insert for 7days but I was only able to use it for 5days. The discharge clearer for a while but it’s back now. Please what can I use ?
Hello i have had cadida treatment for along time now but it keeps coming back then am worryed about taking too many of the medication am given cos of the side effects,pls help me my whole wrist line n back pain alot I can’t even sit straight
Check our video on recurring candida overgrowth.
Hi I very being battling with candidate for years now. Tried a lot of antibiotics but still persistent. Can easily natural remedies help? Please help me cost it’s frustrating.
Help! I’ve been dealing with chronic yeast infections for many YEARS. I am a 27 year old male, 5’8″ in hight, weighing less than 110lbs constantly, my yeast infections are located on my arms, chest, neck, armpits, and lower abdomen. I deal with a lot of skin irritation/pain(mainly on my neck and chest). Please help, I’m tired of taking stupid pills that only work for a couple weeks at best.
I have been suffering from yeast infection for years now. Tried a lot of antibiotics but is still the same no changes. Can natural remedies help ?please help me because is disturbing me alot