How Long Do I Have To Wait Before The Candida Cleanse Will Work

“How long do you have to wait before the candida cleanse will work?” What a great question. That’s almost like the same question as, how long will it take, and what am I going to get out of it, and all this kind of stuff? I love it when people ask these questions, because it tells me they’re not interested in the process, they’re just interested really, in the end result. It’s a bit like we get a guy in that weighs 300 pounds with a big belly, and then he’s showing me a photo of like a Superman and he’s saying, “I want to be like this in two weeks.” It’s pretty dumb. It’s pretty unrealistic. It’s not going to happen, is it?

So how long will it take? Okay. How long do you think it will take? Was that the question? Yeah. Or how long before it will work? Well, that depends on how long it will take before you work, before you really do what’s required, okay? But being a great example to yourself and to others is one big step along the way, and one of my favorite sayings I’ve had recently is, “If you can’t be a great example, then please be a terrible warning to other people in what not to do.” All right? So that’s a similar thing by saying to me, “How long will it take before I make 100k in a year?” or “How long will it take before I get married and find the right kind of partner?” It all depends on your ability to get there and make it happen for yourself, all right?

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Life’s all about attitude. It’s all about having the right attitude to finding a way to do something that you really want to do it. You don’t look at your partner, or your mum or dad, or anyone else, you just look at yourself and you say, “I’m going to go for this. This is what I’m going to do.” So I mean, some people can do stuff in a quarter of the time that other people can do it. You know them, you’ve probably got friends like that. You put two people to a task, one will complete it in a jiffy, and the other one will be sitting there on his or her cell phone, looking at Facebook or something, and not really interested at all.

So it depends on your ability to pull your finger out and make it happen, okay? Candida cleanses can work really quick, especially if you’ve learned a little bit of self-discipline. Disciplining your discipline’s quite a good thing to do, that will put you on top and make things happen for you a lot faster than it will for most other people, because you know what? A lot of people aren’t disciplined, they procrastinate, and they [inaudible 00:02:19] doing that, and that’s why they don’t really get much achieved in life, but don’t you be like that.