Have you ever burped? I’m sure you have burped, some people burp a lot, some people burp a little, some people are really embarrassing and some people not so. But we all do it, we all burp and we all, the other end too. Let’s talk about some ways to get rid of sulfur burps. Now, sulfur can have that really rotten egg smell. I remember when I was a kid at school and one of the kids, I think we were in the chemistry class and the teacher locked us in the room for ages, because this kid was playing around with, I think it was a sulfur compound. And man, that room stunk, it was so bad the teacher just quietly went out, locked the door, and then came back in about 10 minutes. I don’t think that kid played with that sulfur anymore after that.
But if you’ve been to New Zealand, or to Hawaii, or a place where there is volcanic activity, you’ll know all about the smell of sulfur. We’ve got a small town in New Zealand called Rotorua, it’s pretty well central here in the North Island. And it’s interesting, it’s one of the only places in the world where so many thousands of people live around an incredibly strong geothermal activity. But the whole place smells like fart, every time I drive through there I think someone’s farted really bad, but that’s Rotorua.
Now, how do we get rid of these smelly sulfur burps? Let’s give you a couple of different options here. Well, the first thing I would say, if you regularly have sulfur burps … let me put the microphone here, might be better. So if you regularly smell of sulfur, now we’re not talking farting in this video, we’re talking burping, you need to definitely get your stomach checked out. So first thing I would suggest is get it checked for Helicobacter pylori, or H. Pylori. So get a fecal sample done, or a blood test done for the antibody for Helicobacter pylori. That’s definitely the first thing that you get done if it’s consistent all the time and you’re tired of burping, especially if it’s consistent. So that’s a stomach infection, it’s a bacterial infection of the stomach. It’s actually not that rare, it’s quite popular in many countries now, many people have got a Helicobacter infection, many people.
Second one is, make sure you’ve got no other GI issues like irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease. You could have food intolerances, food allergies, there could be other issues going on there with your stomach. You could be eating a food that’s giving you a lot of grief, you may not tolerate that food. So that’s point number two, get checked for food intolerances and maybe also get checked for further GI issues if you’ve got no stomach problem directly. It could something lower down, it could be the [jejunum 00:00:03:01], the duodenum, the small intestine, it could to be a problem down there. So you may need to go to the GI doc, or get a comprehensive stool analysis completed by your naturopathic physician to find out what the hell’s going on with your gut. So that’s point number two.
Let’s talk about some common sense stuff. Number three, eat slower, don’t eat so fast all the time. Some people are amazing, I go out to dinner with my wife and I just sit there and I take my time eating food, and there’ll be a guy sitting over at the table there and he’ll be eating his meal like a German Shepherd, gone, everything gone in five minutes. And I’m thinking, “Man, this guy’s quick off the mark.” So don’t eat so fast, eat more slowly, take your time.
A really good thing to do is, next time you have your lunch or your dinner, this is what you do. You look at the clock, and then you just eat your meal like you normally would eat it. And then I want you to check how long it took you to eat that meal as you would normally eat your meal. So the following time you eat that lunch or that dinner, what you do is you take twice as long to do that. That’s right, twice as long. Take your time chewing the food, swallowing it, don’t rush, take your time. It’s incredible the difference it will make to your life if you slow down when you eat, you’ll eat a lot less food, you’ll have better digestive processes and I guarantee you that your bowel work better as well. So eat more slowly, that’s point number three.
Further readings:
- Feeling Fatigue, Low Immune System And Mood Instability
- Preventing Vitamin and Mineral Loss when Cooking Vegetables
- Can Pineapple Help Against Yeast Infection?
- Do I Have A Vaginal Yeast Infection Or Is It Something Else?
- Have You Ever Considered Colonic Irrigation?
Point number four, no chewing gum. Lots of people chew gum, gum is crap, it’s not good for the stomach to constantly chew, chew, chew, produce saliva and then swallow with nothing to come. Dentists seem to like it, and they reckon it’s all good for their teeth and all this sort of business. I don’t know, I just don’t see much benefit in gum chewing. And if you have got a smelly burp, or burp a lot, stop chewing gum to see if that potentially is a problem. That’s point number four.
Point number five, alcohol consumption. One of the biggest no-nos for stomach function is alcohol consumption. If you’ve got any kind of stomach problem, you stop alcohol for several weeks to see if it’s linked. Common sense.
Number six, let’s talk about point number six now. Smaller meals, smaller portion sizes. I wrote extensively about the stomach and portion sizes in my book, Candida Crusher, I mentioned that the stomach is like a cement mixer, it doesn’t work well when it’s over-full. I don’t know if any of you folks out there have made cement? I’ve played around with concrete quite a few times, I enjoy that sort of stuff. I learned a long time ago that if you put just the right amount in the cement mixer, just the amount of concrete, the water, and then you turn it over, and then you pour it out, you’ve got a perfect mix.
But, if you overfill that bowl, if you put too much in there, too much concrete in there, or too much gravel, or too much water, it’s going [inaudible 00:06:04], it starts regurgitating stuff out the front of it, it spits it out, and it makes it a hell of a mess. When you’re trying tip it, the whole lot can fall over, and it can be all sloppy and mess. And so it’s the same with your stomach, don’t put too much in. I can tell you now, whatever you guys are eating out there, it’s probably too much already, you’re probably already eating too much food. So eat smaller portion sizes, get smaller plates. You’ll be surprised how much more comfortable you feel and how the weight will come off because I can guarantee you’re probably eating too much food.
Right, let’s look at the next one. Reduce the amount of drugs that you take for stomach. Are you taking acid blockers? Are you taking a PPI drug? Are you taking any kind of medications for your gastrointestinal function? That could also be a part of the cause for burping. I’ve seen antibiotics linked up with constant, chronic burping too for a while with people. So just be careful, if you’re in doubt, go and see your physician and ask if these drugs are messing up your stomach. You may need to take an alternative.
Next one, you may need some digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes really suit people well who burp quite a lot. So you could have an under-functioning stomach, which is very common, especially in Western countries. And some of the symptoms are, heartburn, would you believe? And a hollow feeling in the stomach. So have a look at some videos on this channel regarding your stomach, you’ll learn a lot.
Next point, reduce the amount of sulfur-rich foods that you’re consuming currently. These are typical foods like onions, broccoli, garlic, cauliflower, they’re high in sulfur. Fish, protein foods, often quite high in sulfur, nuts, high in sulfur. So just go to Google, type in foods high in sulfur, look at the top 10 list, and just to reduce those top 10 foods somewhat. But you’ll probably have to cut your protein foods back because a lot of protein foods are rich in sulfur.
Last point, increase the consumption of foods had help to reduce burping and clean up the stomach. Oregano, one of my favorites, marjoram, thyme, herbs like this, these are really good to use, rosemary. So these herbs are actually anti-microbial. So if you do have any bacterial issues there with the stomach, this will clean it up. They also contain different chemicals in them that really improve and facilitate digestion overall. So try and add some fresh herbs into your diet.
Remember, smaller portions, fresher food, eat more slowly, relax when you eat, take your time. Eat the right kind of foods. Think carefully about the stresses in your life, how that could be affecting how you’re eating. All these things, when you take them into account, can make a significant difference in cutting back on the smelly burps.