Is It Systemic Candida Or Something Else?

Systemic Candida presents with a whole host of symptoms, including muscle twitching, body odor, forgetfulness, fatigue, muscle weakness, and adrenal fatigue, to name just a few. However, there are a several other conditions that can cause similar symptoms. For example, the parasite Blastocystis, yeasts other than Candida, and bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Citrobacter can cause symptoms that mimic systemic Candida.

If you think you might have systemic Candida, the first step is to get some testing done. Do enough testing to ensure you have a good idea of what is causing your problem. Once the culprit behind your symptoms has been identified, you can embark upon the appropriate treatment. Remember, it’s always intelligent to first scope things out before you act.

Further reading:

As for the symptoms listed above, if systemic candida has been ruled out, there are several other possible causes. Muscle twitching is often the result of a mineral deficiency (e.g., magnesium or calcium) poor diet, gut dysfunction, or a combination of the three. Body odour often reflects an intestinal problem best treated with a bowel purge and probiotics. Forgetfulness and other types of cognitive dysfunction are also often related to a malfunctioning intestine. Fatigue can stem from a myriad of problems. Adrenal fatigue is a massive problem that I often see in my clinic. The condition can be a significant barrier to full recovery from a Candida infection.

As you can see, several conditions can cause similar symptoms. Remember this before assuming that systemic Candida is causing your health problems. Test, then treat, is my mantra.
