The lymphatic system is a collection of channels in the body that carries lymph, a straw-colored liquid containing white blood cells. This system is a critical part of your body’s immune system. In different areas of the body there are lymph nodes, which help filter out toxins. Dry skin brushing helps move toxins out of your body rather than allowing them to build up.
Dry skin brushing has much to offer, but as always, you should start gently. You don’t want to move toxins around too quickly. That means you need to be careful with dry skin brushing if you’re in a toxic state, carry a lot of body fat, or have been eating poorly for a long time.
If you want to start a dry skin brushing regime, I recommend that you buy a natural sea sponge or loofah. These types of sponges are often available at health food shops.
Further Reading:
One of the key principles of dry skin brushing is that you should use strokes that move away from the heart. It is essential to take a gentle approach for the first few weeks as your lymphatic system adjusts to this new level of stimulation. If you brush too vigorously at the start, you can end up getting side effects like headache, bad breath, joint pain, and muscle pain. I recommend daily dry skin brushing that is part of a larger detoxification program. Skin brushing is particularly powerful when done in conjunction with a colonic cleanse and sauna therapy.
Dry skin brushing is also very good to use in combination with candida removal and restoration of the good bacteria in your body. By using the CanXida products as part of a detoxification process, you can rejuvenate your gut and lymphatic system. At the same time, your liver and kidney will be cleansed. Ultimately, this routine helps build an excellent platform for optimal health.