Make It Better, Not Worse: Habits To Avoid If You Have A Leaky Gut

There are ways to make a leaky gut better, and ways to make a leaky gut worse. The following is a list of 10 habits that you should avoid if you want to repair your digestive system.

1. Drinking alcohol: Even drinking alcohol very infrequently is going to be a barrier to healing your leaky gut. Even if you only drink once a month, you’re still making your leaky gut worse. You should entirely avoid alcohol if you are trying to recover from any kind of digestive problem. If you want to get well, stop drinking alcohol. You need to be abstinent as long as you can but for a minimum of three to six months for leaky gut.

2. Not eating the correct way: Eating correctly for leaky gut is more than having a bowl of bone broth every day. In my book, I write about “eating on instinct.” If a food makes you feel sick or bad, avoid that kind of food. Eat with your gut feeling – remember that. If you are chewing properly and choosing the right foods for you, you are going a long way towards eating correctly. Remember to avoid the junky crap out there. Simple foods are the best foods. A basic protein and some vegetables or a salad is a great meal.

3. Thinking that only food and nutrition will fix the problem: Some people are so hyper-focused on their diet, that they miss other important issues. There are a lot more things that make up the sum of healing the gut than the food you eat. I think food only makes up five to ten percent of healing a leaky gut. I see many people recover from terrible gut function despite not having great diets.

4. Thinking about the minutiae: Thinking that all problems are related to a specific detail – GMO, heavy metals, gluten. People like this reduce all their problems down to one thing. They seek out experts in the field, but they are getting bogged down by one tiny issue. In other words, they are missing the forest for the trees.

5. Expecting a bunch of pills to solve the problem: Supplements alone won’t heal leaky gut. Leaky gut has to be addressed with the correct way of living, thinking, eating, sleeping, and being. Supplements cannot get you better on their own.

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6. Failure to address the underlying causes: Some of the important contributors to leaky gut are antibiotics, antibiotics in food, high stress, not chewing properly, not eating well, too much screen time, not enough high quality of sleep, and a stressful lifestyle.

7. Your Way of Thinking: This links up to the impact of stress on the gut. The gut is called the “second brain.” If you are spending a lot of time thinking about being sick, you could make yourself feel worse. Try and take a break from obsessively thinking about your health. Stop thinking about how bad you feel all the time.

8. Forgetting that lifestyle plays a huge role in leaky gut: Lifestyle may play a bigger role in your gut health that what you are eating. Lifestyle and thinking together may make up 80 to 90% of what you need to do to recover from leaky gut. It’s possible to have an amazing diet, but if you’re not thinking right, your digestive system will still be dysfunctional.

9. The expectation that you will only need thirty days to get well: You may need 60, 90, or 365 days to get well. Time should not be the focus of your efforts. You need to forget about looking at your watch or calendar. That way of thinking will negatively influence your gut. Things always take longer than you expect. You should at least double the amount of time you think it will take to get better from leaky gut.

10. Stress: Stress is one of the biggest problems when it comes to leaky gut. High levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, causes the gut permeability to increase significantly. The sympathetic mode (stress mode) will change the blood flow to your gut. It decreases your ability to make digestive enzymes and reduces your immune function.

You can heal your leaky gut by following these ten tips. Also, check out CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore – both of which can contribute significantly to gut recovery.
