Parasite Cleansing: What Should I Expect?

When you start a parasite cleanse, you need to be careful that you don’t embark upon an overly aggressive treatment regime. There is no need to go hardcore and be a parasite superhero. I’ve seen grown men cry who have gone too hard, too fast when treating their parasite infections. These men ended up experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, and severe headache.

If your investigations show that you have a major problem with parasites, you need to tread very lightly. If you have only a minor problem with parasites, your treatment regime can be more vigorous.

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The side effects of an overly aggressive parasite treatment protocol include headaches, weakness, fatigue, bad body odor, bad breath, sleep problems, vivid dreams, and nightmares. These side effects are the result of pushing your body too hard.

When parasite treatment is too quick, the immune system must manage a big load of parasites. The immune system creates chemicals to mop up the parasites, but these chemicals can also cause the side effects listed above.

My recommendation is to take the “nice and easy” approach to parasite cleansing. Don’t jump right into the deep end. You have plenty of time to get healthy. By starting slow, you will save yourself a lot of distress down the road.
