Rash And Candida Cleansing: Is There A Link?

I had a viewer ask me how to manage the rash that had broken out after being on the Candida diet for three months. Although she felt energized and healthy and had lost 14 pounds, she had what she thought was ringworm all over her body. The rash was itchy and affecting her very badly.

My response to this woman is to point out that 14 pounds is a fair amount of weight to lose. Fat contains a lot of toxins, and sometimes when fat is lost, the toxins get released into the system.

The way I look at it, it’s not had to get skin rashes when you lose weight. Just like it’s not hard to cough or get sick when you’re cleaning out a filthy, dusty room.

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I have no doubt that the itchy rash was related to the toxin release that occurs during a Candida cleanse. I wouldn’t be surprised if it has nothing to do with ringworm. My recommendation was to stay on the Candida diet but slow it down a bit. She could consider incorporating back into her diet some of the foods she had cut out. The idea is to minimize the side effects of the cleanse.

Prevention is always the best approach. The rash may have been avoided by taking the cleanse a bit slower. Dramatic diet changes lead to more problems than more gradual transitions to the Candida diet.

It probably would have been even more helpful to do a gentle cleanse, what I call a big cleanup, before going on to the Candida diet.

If someone has a troubling rash while on the Candida diet, I recommend backing off a little. If the skin clears up a somewhat do a detoxification. A colonic may help take some pressure off of the skin. Drink plenty of water to activate the kidneys. Use tea tree oil for the skin and scalp. I expect it will take about three or four weeks of detoxification for the skin symptoms to die down.
