SIBO Diet Mistakes to Avoid

There are specific dietary approaches you want to avoid if you have SIBO. Be careful about following the advice you find on the internet. Some of it is very useful, but there’s no shortage of bad information on the web.

One of the mistakes I see is staying too long on a FODMAPs diet. This type of diet takes out a considerable chunk of carbohydrates from your diet. This is not a good idea as your bowel flora needs fiber for healthy levels of fermentation. I think two to six weeks is the maximum length you should stick with a FODMAP diet.

If you stay on the FODMAP diet for much longer than that, your gut flora can become less balanced. The more restrictive your eating, the less diverse your microbiome.

Further readings:

One of my patients was on the FODMAP diet for over two years. She ended up looking like skin and bones. The menu was just too restrictive for her. There is no prize for following the most restrictive diet, and in fact, it brings with it the risk of developing disordered eating.

Another error I see is relying on a diet or specific foods to solve your gut problem. I think the first step should always be having a comprehensive stool analysis. Identify the dysfunction in your gut and treat it accordingly. Once you’ve addressed the dysbiosis, yeast, or parasites in your gut, it may be that you don’t need to follow any kind of special diet.

Relying on dietary supplements to keep your bowels regular is another mistake I see repeatedly. Eat enough vegetables and fruit to keep your bowels in working order rather than relying on supplements.
