Tag Archives: GI tract

Don’t Be Fooled By These 5 Gut Health Myths

Even smart people can be duped into believing myths about gut health. Here are seven of the most common misunderstandings about the GI tract that I’ve encountered during my years of practice.

1. Many people believe that gut problems are primarily caused by food. Nothing can be further from the truth. I’ve seen many clients who have terrible diets and excellent gut health. I’ve also seen people with amazingly healthy diets who have terrible gut problems.

For many clients, a high-stress lifestyle overrides a healthy diet. If you’re unhappy in life, I don’t care what kind of food you eat; you need to get things sorted.

2. Eating clean doesn’t guarantee good gut health. I’ve seen people eat incredibly clean and yet continue to have gut problems. Eating clean sometimes involve being extremely rigid about food choices. My point is that limiting yourself to four types of quinoa, three types of legumes, and two types of green drinks is often not the answer. A diverse diet that isn’t sterile helps generate a diverse gut flora.

You don’t need to eat super clean to have super good gut health. In fact, ou need bacteria to keep your gut in good shape,

3. Carbohydrates are not the demons they are made out to be. With the ketogenic diet being the rage right now, many people are eating more protein and fat at the expense of healthy carbs. The common symptom I’ve seen in my ketogenic clients is fatigue. Once you take bananas, most fruits, many vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and whole grains out of your diet, your fiber intake plummets.

Of course, there is no harm in avoiding carbs like white bread, candy, and French fries. But sweet potatoes are a darn good food.

Further readings:

4. Many people claim that the ketogenic diet is the best way to lose weight. I strongly beg to differ. You don’t need a ketogenic diet to lose weight; you need common sense. Eat the right kind of food and avoid the wrong kind.

I had many clients over the year who lost weight and kept it off by changing their diet and their lifestyle. With time, their gut improved so much, it finally starting to give them the right signals. The donut in the office kitchen no longer tempted them.

5. Writing off supplements as a waste of time is a mistake. I hear people say “food cures all,” and “food is medicine, medicine is food.’ Yet, when your gut is in a terrible place, sometimes supplements make all the difference in the world. I’ve had many clients who tried to get better by following a healthy diet. They weren’t able to achieve gut health until they incorporated an antimicrobial like CanXida Remove into their supplement regime.

Once they cleaned up the bad bacteria, they added some probiotics and enzymes into the mix, and that kick-started their gut back to health. CanXida Restore is a very effective mix of probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Following a healthy diet is essential for the long-term. But sometimes you need some short-term help from supplements.
