Ten Symptoms Of Poor Digestive Health

A healthy digestive system should be silent. There should be minimal noise. There should be no bloating. There should be minimal gas. There should be hardly any fermentation going on.

Many problems in our digestive system come through imbalances. The imbalance can be related to overeating, eating the wrong kind of food, taking medications, drinking alcohol, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Ten symptoms that can indicate you have a gut problem are:

1. Upset stomach: If you start noticing heartburn or reflux or burping, these all could be signs of an upper GI problem. You really want to get the upper GI fixed if you’ve got any hope of getting the lower GI fixed.

2. Upset pancreas: This condition is more common than you might think. The symptoms to look for are bloating, loose bowel movements, fatigue, and changes in appetite. When the pancreas isn’t working well digestion wise, it often isn’t working well insulin wise. As a result, blood sugar problems can occur.

Further readings:

3. Upset intestines: When the lower GI tract isn’t working properly, you may experience bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and pain. Right-sided pain might mean parasites and left-sided pain can mean diverticulitis. Parasites and biofilms from harmful bacteria can cause pain around the ileocecal valve.

4. A high sugar diet: Constantly craving sugar is a sign that your GI tract isn’t balanced. It could be harmful bacteria or yeast that is driving the craving.

5. Unintentional weight changes: Gaining weight for no reason and losing weight for no reason can indicate significant GI problems. If you had a massive weight loss along with a change in your bowel habits, get checked out by your doctor as soon as possible.

6. Sleeping disturbance: Sleep deprivation can result in significant drops in our beneficial bacteria levels. If you have sleep problems, fatigue, and GI symptoms, you need to sort out what’s happening in your digestive tract.

7. Skin irritations: Your skin is an outward manifestation of what’s going on inside your body. If you’ve got acne, if you’ve got eczema, if you’ve got psoriasis, you need to get the gut sorted. The small intestine, in my opinion, is the seed of the health of the skin. If you get that right, your skin could look quite amazing.

8. Food intolerances and food allergies: Both of these conditions are very common in people who have gut problems. Leaky gut can be related to food intolerance and allergies.

9. Autoimmune disease: We now know that autoimmune disease is related to a dysfunctional gut. When the GI tract isn’t working correctly, it’s going to become increasingly leaky and permeable. Next, the body reacts more and more to antigens. The immune system becomes upregulated and autoimmune conditions can develop.

10. You’re taking pills for digestive problems: Are you using medication to treat reflux and bloating. Are charcoal and probiotics part of your routine. Do you take antimicrobials and antibiotics? Are you taking any medication regularly for a digestive problem? If you are, you need to get it sorted.
