I believe that oral health is critical for overall health. It’s amazing how many people I see with very poor physical health, who also have very poor oral health. Unfortunately, dental care costs a lot. As a result, people with very little money often have very poor oral health, resulting in poor overall health.
Cavities are often linked to a bacterium called Streptococcus mutans. If you want to stop getting cavities, the first thing to do is to eat a different kind of diet.
It’s essential to have a regular check-up with your dentist every six to twelve months. Preventative dentistry will save you a lot of money, pain, and problems down the track.
Keep away from refined foods like bread, sodas, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, and chocolate. Take all these types of foods out of your diet.
The famous dentist, Dr. Weston Price, traveled the globe to look at the oral health of a variety of people. He found that indigenous people had far fewer cavities. For example, the Maori people of New Zealand had 1-2 cavities per thousand skulls that he examined. That is no longer true. A lot of Indigenous people have very poor oral health due to the introduction of foods like soda drinks and white bread into their diet.
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If you make a point of eating a diet high in fish, vegetables, while avoiding all processed, Westernized foods, you’re not going to get cavities. You are going to have much better oral and digestive health. You’re going to get more energy, more nutrients, and more overall well-being by eating unprocessed, healthy foods.
Many people who have gut problems have too many harmful bacteria and fungi in their digestive systems. That same can happen in the mouth. Having cavities indicates that you have the wrong kind of bacteria in your mouth, which can have an impact on your immune system. Getting rid of the harmful oral bacteria will mean that you’re going to have more beneficial bacteria in your mouth. You want to have a balanced bacterial ecosystem in your mouth.
Re-balancing the bacteria in your mouth occurs primarily through changing your diet. You need to eat the right kinds of foods like spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, collards, green leafy vegetables, and Brussel sprouts. You should also eat healthy fruits like berries and papaya.
Focusing on meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt is a good start for improving your oral health.
In my opinion, people with poor oral health also don’t chew their food properly and don’t brush their teeth properly. They don’t rinse their mouth properly. They don’t get rid of the food residues between their teeth, so it becomes a breeding ground for bad bacteria. Swallowing allows bad bacteria to travel into the digestive system and cause small intestine problems.
Antibiotic therapy can cause problems with the bacteria in the mouth and the gut. For example, tetracycline can destroy the enamel on teeth and many of the bacteria in the mouth. By killing off good oral bacteria, harmful bacteria and fungi have an opportunity to colonize the mouth.
My book, Candida Crusher, has a section on detoxification that will help you understand the steps to take to improve your bacterial balance.