I see so many people who have intolerances and allergies towards food. Remember that food intolerance and food allergy are two different things. Food allergies are an immune-mediated response. Food intolerance is not immune-related and often has to do with enzyme levels. Food intolerance can also be related to insufficient beneficial bacteria in the gut.
As the gut heals through a Candida cleanse, there can be improvements in both food allergies and food intolerances. When the number of good bacteria increases, when the levels of harmful bacteria subside, and when yeast are eradicated, there will be a dramatic improvement in the brush border/intestinal lining. The result is that food allergies and intolerances die right down.
Many people who have completed a Candida diet have discovered that they can finally start enjoying the foods that they had avoided for so many years due to adverse reactions. Whether those reactions were immune-mediated or not, they were able to reintroduce those foods on an increasing basis.
Related articles:
- Is Bath Good or Bad for Yeast Infection?
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- Vaginal Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It’s crucial that you improve the health of your gut before addressing food allergies and intolerances. I’m a huge fan of stool testing because it tells you exactly what needs to be done to make the GI tract healthier. Get rid of the pathogens, clear out the yeast, and the scope of foods you can tolerate will likely get bigger.
In many cases, a Candida cleanse can help resolve food allergies. However, in some cases, the allergies are more severe, and it can be challenging to manage them using a Candida cleanse. Still, in many cases, food allergies and intolerances disappear. That’s what can happen with the Candida Crusher cleanse. If it is done correctly, the results are quite astounding.