Now, here’s an interesting question. Is there a link between leaky gut and postnasal drip? When you’ve got postnasal drip, it’s a pain in the butt. I don’t know if you guys have ever had it, but I had it for probably a couple of years when I had a candida problem. I was always sniffing and there was stuff coming into the back of the throat and occasionally, I get facial pain. It would swell up and I think I’ve written articles on this and I talk about the AFS, the allergic fungal sinusitis and different types of reasons why you can get postnasal drip. Something interesting I’ve found that some people have, but I’ve not really sort of found this online is, some people can get sort of dysfunctional pancreatic problem. Meaning they could be maybe chowing down on too many carbs or soda drinks or I don’t know what people eat, but it tends to produce just too much mucus in the throat, in the back of the throat, but also in the nose.
So I found that with many people have told me that after bingeing on pizzas or too much bread or lots of donuts or things like that, they wake up in the morning and they’re all blocked up and they’re all clogged up. And because there’s too much mucus production because people aren’t breaking those carbs down sufficiently. This is quite common and this can stimulate the postnasal drip because infection can set in. Wherever you’ve got too much mucus, it’s a breeding ground for bacteria. And also yeasts. Yeasts can thrive in that mucon-rich environment, as well. And that can cause massive facial pain, postnasal drip and all kinds of problems. Digestive enzymes help people a lot with postnasal drip, so that could be something you could be looking at. CanXida Restore, which I make, containing enzymes and probiotics is a really nice product for postnasal drip. This one here.
So remember, if there’s gunge and problems up here, of course it’s going to affect stuff down there. Okay. Whatever happens high up affects stuff lower down, it’s called, I think it’s called gravity. I don’t know what you call it in the body, but it just makes sense for me. So many people who’ve got issues with too much mucus, especially ear, nose, or throat problems, can eventually start really affecting that gut because they’re swallowing and they’re coughing and they’re not chewing properly and so you’re going to get all sorts of dysfunctions occurring there. I really would see there being a link between those two things.
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So, but how do you break that link? What do you do about it? Well, you need to find the cause for this if you’ve got postnasal drip, okay. There’s a chance that you could have a fungal problem in there, in the maxillary sinus, in the ethmoid sinus or… Because the face is quite hollow. And it’s a really good breeding ground for all kinds of bugs in those sinus cavities. I’ve spoken also, many times, about the need for excellent dental health. I spent a lot of time at the dentist the last 18 months. Lots of pain, expense, inconvenience, because I wanted really get my teeth fixed up, because I’m a baby boomer and growing up, teeth were just ripped out. Mercury fillings were placed all over the place. There was no real concern about the link between gum disease and health. It’s one of the best kept secrets, is having outstanding dental health because it really, really will make sure that it’s much harder for viruses, bacteria and fungi to penetrate inside that sinus cavity creating this postnasal drip. You really don’t want a post-nasal problem. You want to be able to smell and breathe and have that clear passage of air coming through, uninterrupted. So the link is definitely there. In my opinion, there will be a link. If you keep messing up the sinuses, eventually you’ll mess up the gum.
So, yeah, I’ve just noticed here that many people write about this in our quiz too, that they get a postnasal drip problem. One of the biggest problems. So if you’ve got this problem, first thing you do with postnasal drip is you stop all dairy products. No cow’s milk, no cheese, butter’s fine. Okay? Second thing is you got to take out all of the sugar out of the diet as much as you can. I would take honey out, I would take Stevia out or take molasses out. I would take everything that’s sweet out of the diet with postnasal drip, really important. And would recommend you go more into fresh vegetables and salads and lean meats and tons of this stuff, lots of that. And you’ll find slowly over time, you’ll get on top. Especially intelligent if you did a stool assessment or a gut assessment working through a functional practitioner, to see what’s going on in here, how leaky the gut is, what the bacteria levels like, the imbalances. Get that fixed or at least get it assessed while you’re working on this. And if you do both of those things, boom, your problem will go away. And it worked for me and it works for a lot of my patients. Think about it.